Land of the Electro-Monkeys: Part Three

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, February 17th 2022. All Rights Reserved.

In First World Countries, the 21st Century human has become inextricably enslaved to electricity. So great is this dependence, that previous combustible energy sources now face corporate contrived and government enforced “obsolescence.” Fire, the long held basis for humankind’s rise above the beasts, has been demonized by our controlled media as producers of planet-killing carbon effluvium. Combustion engines for lawn and yard care, wood harvesting and snow removal are first to go. Fireplaces and wood-burning stoves for home heating will go next; and by 2030 cars and trucks will be banned also. Every watt of electricity will face ever increasing prices and “carbon taxes.” Human independence and liberty itself will vanish along with legal access to fire and combustible fuels. The modern Electro-monkey has evolved beyond the linear sine-wave electrical flow of the 1930s to 21st Century digital. Computers and the internet have opened a Pandora’s box of options.

Language, mathematics, and history are now considered malleable; to be changed at the whim of the prevailing political breeze. Our species itself is considered fair game for genetic engineering and trans-human cyborg “enhancement.”

How did our species become so dependent upon electricity; a phenomenon existing in Nature only in the ionosphere, lightning bolts, lodestones, and a handful of fish species? We must look back to our earlier dependence upon fire to find the answer.

Fire, among its other purposes, gave our species light, warmth and safety. Though early humans spent a majority of their time hunting and gathering, the warmth and light of day was quickly extended into the darkness. Fire’s light provided extra hours to make tools and clothing. The stars, an early form of TV, were augmented by additional hours of campfire pondering and invention.

Predatory animals had fear of fire and smoke. Humans avoided becoming a nocturnal predator’s meal due to fire, and that was sufficient benefit alone. Unbroken sleep hours, free of fear, provided deep “REM” (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, and subsequently less harmful physical effects of sleep deprivation. As an added bonus, we had more time to commune with our dreams. Many inventions in written history were attributed by their creators to visions experienced in their dreams.

Humankind began to progress due to the increased safety, warmth and light of fire. Words, as a way to convey meaning, led to language as a more complex form of communication. Stories emerged, for both education and entertainment, mostly focused on the celestial “Stars” of early TV in the nightly sky. These Stars subsequently took on mythical god-like stature with human qualities.

Campfire stories also emerged based on experiences shared by those around the campfire. Topics of these stories involved natural disasters, hunts, wars, heroes and villains, love and vengeance. Campfire stories preserved the group memory, or “History,” of the group, tribe, clan or kingdom. In the absence of writing, the capacity for memory expanded, and those “Oral Traditions” would form the basis for early religions and histories.

Counting of fingers and toes, berries and bison, trees and stars, led to simple mathematics. Two arrows are far better than one, and three are even more valuable. Numbers and values became increasingly significant as excess resources grew, along with skills of barter and trade.

Bright lads throughout the world started to count “Time” between periodic events in the Celestial Show above. Time itself, took great effort to calibrate and harness. The “Day,” for early humans, consisted of the time required for the Sun to make a complete transit of the sky. This daily movement of the Sun first marked the birth and death of each individual day; and later was attributed to the Sun’s journey “around the Earth.” Daylight segments of this transit were determined by Sun-Dials.

These early astronomers evolved into a class of priests and shaman. Regularly occurring events, such as the beginning and end of seasons, were correlated with moons and phases of moons. Stars were even linked to cataclysmic events; comets became harbingers of disaster as “Dis-as-Stars,” or “evil stars.”

Regional cultural methods of Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus emerged with a variety of “Base Systems” and “Measures.” Binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal base systems emerged; some counting “one through ten,” while others counted “one through twelve.” Some had a concept of Zero, while others didn’t. Measurements of distance might be based on the average length of human feet (one foot), the forearm (one cubit) and outstretched hands (one fathom); or even cocoa plant pods, as was the case in Mesoamerica. Measurements were determined for distance, weighs, volume, force, their combinations, and newly emerging discoveries like magnetism, chemistry and electricity.

Celestial Priests developed an early Astronomy called Astrology; based on the twelve full moon’s of the year. The position of stars in the sky at a particular time were instrumental for determining periodic wet-seasons and floods. This knowledge was as important as the plow in forming the bedrock of Agriculture.

Closely guarded knowledge of Astronomy-Astrology led to a reverence among commoners for the Celestial Priests and the “gods” that they claimed to represent. Among the superstitious masses, that which was beyond their understanding took on the appearance of supernatural magic. Knowledge of Lunar and Solar eclipses, prior of the event, provided potent tools to manipulate these gullible masses.

“The Great Fooboo, god of the Universe, has become angry with his people because they do not provide an opulent palace, the best food, and the hottest women for his beloved High Priests. Therefore, the Great Fooboo will make the Sun vanish from the sky tomorrow as a warning to the wretched people that they must treat his High Priests as the Great Fooboo’s representatives on Earth!”

Due to their “influence” with the gods, the Priestly Classes rose to power as equals, and often above the “Warrior Kings.”

Though the capacity of human memory had advanced to phenomenal levels through constant exercise; the Celestial Priests needed a more lasting form of record. The invention of “Writing,” an extremely complex task, would provide records both reliable and enduring to match the needs of celestial observation.

Along with Celestial records, written histories and religious texts emerged. In most civilizations, these histories and religious texts were the result of the old oral-tradition stories.

Many written religious texts, like the Torah, Talmud and later Bible, became instruction manuals for cultural behavior and the individual experience of life. The natural consequences of good and bad behavior were told first as stories, with pleasant or horrific outcomes. Later these behavioral breaches were codified with written laws and subsequent penalties.

For an Anthropologist, the presence of writing within an archaeological site indicates a “civilized” culture that has evolved beyond the oral traditions.

Throughout history, the majority of our species have been functionally illiterate. In the earliest civilizations of the “god-kings,” literacy was a distinction of class; a closely guarded secret denied to serfs and slaves because of its power to unlock the bedrock sciences considered holy or magic.

Each regional culture and civilization had its own chronology of public literacy. In Western Civilization, reading and writing, and the treasures of mathematics and science, history and languages, were reserved for those who could afford private instruction, or were taught specific intellectual disciplines required for them to serve their financial sponsors. A specific class of “Scribes” were dedicated to writing original works, translating manuscripts from other languages, or transcribing existing worn-out tablets of parchments in order to preserve knowledge.

Civilizations ebbed and flowed with the fortunes of climate; which, in turn, had a direct relation to solar cycles. This would not escape the notice of our early and present day Celestial Priests. Our special and often clandestine class of High Priests have harvested misplaced wealth from mass-misfortune and misery throughout the millennia. After all, as in the laws of physics, nothing is ever lost; but either transforms in Nature (solid, liquid, gas, energy or plasma), or is redistributed.

Civilizations regularly collapsed during “Grand Solar Minimums;” when the Earth’s electromagnetic field was weakest, tectonic activity increased, the flotsam of Space breached our weakened ionosphere, and climate radically changed. Extreme natural disasters led to droughts, floods, ice, pestilence, crop diseases and failures, livestock deaths, famines, human pandemics, social unrest, civil wars, invasions, ethnic-cleansing or genocide, and ultimately ended with the collapse of empires.

Many empires of antiquity were so thoroughly obliterated that they existed only in legend til recently. All material trace of their greatest temples and literature were broken to rubble by enemies and vandals, and buried beneath the sands of time. Some, like Ancient Troy, were not unearthed til the 20th Century. Others still await discovery.

In most cases, with each successive cultural collapse, their accumulated knowledge is destroyed by conqueror or vandal. The intellectual slate was thus wiped clean during the next dark age; where new legends and superstitions are woven from the past.

Such was the case with the Roman Empire. The Western Roman Empire fell during a Grand Solar Minimum in 476 AD, and the Eastern Byzantine Empire fell in 1453 AD nearly 1,000 years later during another Grand Solar Minimum Cycle.

Today, our “modern” civilization has entered yet another Grand Solar Minimum. Not surprisingly, our “Celestial Priests” are using this cyclical event to fleece the masses and enrich themselves. “We need ‘Carbon Taxes’ to fight ‘climate change’ in order to save the planet.” As though the old con-artists actually have control of Solar cycles!

After the fall of the remnants of the Eastern Roman Empire in Christian Byzantium, Augustine organized theologians in remote and fortified “Abbeys” to preserve many Roman library documents through the inevitable “Dark Ages.” Hundreds of years earlier, Julius Caesar mourned his accidental destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria. This Egyptian Library was considered most complete archive of accumulated knowledge from the known Western World. The preserved Roman knowledge from Byzantine Libraries would form the basis for later emerging schools.

Schools were a luxury enjoyed by scholars and scribes, and the sprinkling of Religious Patriarchs and Political Nobility that employed and funded them. The peasant classes were isolated in remote villages; illiterate, superstitious, and once-again reliant on the “Oral Tradition” of story-telling.

Kings would send minstrels and bards throughout their realm in order to teach their subjects “songs” relevant to patriotism and news. Music of the Minstrel lent a convenient foundation to easily memorize the poetic words of the Bard. These traveling shows were much anticipated as a break in monotonous routine, and were often accompanied by festivals. They were the government controlled “Mainstream Media” of the past; distributing official patriotic propaganda; while collecting and spreading gossip from adjacent villages.

Most remote villages had at least one highly prized citizen possessed of foreign languages, literacy, or both. Books remained a very rare and expensive resource because each one would be copied or transcribed from one language to the next, by hand, with skill and hard labor.

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In Abbeys, Monks were “Cloistered” in cells where they would study and write for days on end. In Cities, Church schools established the first universities. Religious schools also continued among non-Christians, where tolerated, and they preserved their own spoken and written languages and cultural teachings.

The Printing Press, with its movable type, was invented in 1436. An entire class of “Scribes” and their skills of calligraphy were quickly displaced. Books were no longer rare, and became affordable for growing numbers in the population. Yet, only the literate few could use these Books, while the rest were dependent upon readers to translate the text. This would quickly change because the printed Bible, being first mass-produced and distributed popular book, became a tool for spreading literacy. The words were first spoken during sermons, then set to memory; and later translated within the mind by exposure to the corresponding printed pages of words.

For the motivated few in the common classes, a hard day of work was followed by hours reading by candle-light. Religious and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities expanded the existing scientific, historical, religious and philosophical disciplines; adding even more to the published literature of books, often published by their own Institutional Press. By the “Age of Enlightenment” in the late 17th and early 18th Centuries, advanced literacy had made its way to the peasant class in small towns and on farms. Educators were employed by towns that could afford them in order to teach children in one-room schoolhouses. Such “public” schools provided education to children when they were not otherwise employed farming in the field or working in factories, and were neither mandatory nor enjoyed by all. Hand written “Letters” proliferated among the mercantile and peasant classes, and “Postal Systems” were developed to carry and deliver them.

Kingdoms and Monarchies were subsequently displaced by ideas from earlier “Democracies” and “Republics.” Ancient Greece evolved Democracy into a “Tyranny of the Masses;” who, in turn, were swayed by those who shouted the loudest, or paid the handsomest bribes. Rome’s Republic concentrated wealth and privilege amongst the Aristocracy, and created a welfare state that ultimately contributed to its own downfall. The early Age of Chivalry, which led to the spread of Monarchy, was itself a “bold experiment” in political rule. Yet, they fell to political systems dating back to antiquity.

Thanks to the long line of Monks and Scribes who preserved the works of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophers, along with historical texts and classical literature, a class of “Renaissance Scholars” emerged. Philosophers of the Enlightenment explored these varied works and added more depth. The Sciences of Astronomy, Chemistry, and Physics were greatly expanded by interdisciplinary mathematicians such as Laplace and Fourier. Surgeons expanded knowledge of anatomy and physiology. New research evolved into Geology, Archeology, Anthropology and Biological Taxonomy leading to the establishment of genetic “Orders.” Though the earliest experiments into the phenomenon of “Electricity” were conducted with magnets in the late 16th Century, experiments progressed in earnest during the late 1700s.

The most profound and consequential electrical invention would emerge in the 1800s. Between the Pony Express and Transcontinental Railroad, electricity would facilitate the early “Telegraph.” Though it was unable to transmit vocal messages, the telegraph could relay dots and dashes. These “Digital” signals were developed into “Morse Code” and provided the first instantaneous relay of “News.” Like the illiterate masses during the emerging age of books, the common fellow required interpreters to decipher the Morse Code into its respective language.

The advent of the Transcontinental Railroad impacted the human use of “Time.” The Time at each Train Depot was different, because time at each location was traditionally determined by the position of the Sun in the sky. All of this changed due to the precise scheduling needs of long distance rail transport. In 1883, the world was introduced to Sir Sanford Fleming’s new invention called “Time Zones.” The United States was broken down into four of these “Time Zones;” Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.

Also in 1883, the wealthy American Steel-Magnate Industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, started to spread public libraries throughout America and eventually the entire World. Access to basic and advanced texts became available to anybody with a library card and the ability to read. Science and technology subsequently exploded due to creativity and invention among the common fellow.

Early schools had been established to teach enough reading, writing, and arithmetic for a child or adult to function in society and perhaps, if motivated to do so, gain advanced study through independent study of books. A Fifth Grade McGuffey’s Reader, common at the dawn of the 20th Century, expanded upon the basics of earlier Grades to include Classical Literature, exposure to Greek and Latin, Algebra, and advanced Geometry.

My generation of the 1950s and 1960s attended schools that had a mission. Elementary Schools provided the basic skills of reading, writing, classical literature, mathematics, science, geography, cultural history, and civics; along with extra-curricular sports, music and scouting. Scouts, for both boys and girls were considered important when the memory of war was fresh. Kids would learn basic bushcraft, orienteering, first aid, archery, marksmanship, and a variety of practical hobbies like HAM radio. Middle Schools advanced the basic studies provided in the Elementary Schools with increased emphasis on advanced mathematics, the sciences, logic, physical training and sports. By High School, the students were either focusing on courses to prepare them for College; or were attending classes in specific vocations and trades. Those bound for college would have scholarships if their achievements merited. Those who attended vocational or trade classes often had apprenticeships and paying jobs waiting upon graduation. Others, who lacked the ability or motivation to merit advanced education, or skilled employment, were bound for grunt service in the military, mindless manual farm or factory labor, or careers in crime.

Books still exist today, but are quickly being displaced by the convenience of the computers and tablets, internet and e-books. Physical Bookstores have given-way to “Online Bookstores.” Secondhand books are being destroyed because nobody wants to have old moldy books taking up space.

Our human species has become dependent on electronic media to store the archives of science, history and literature once held by Carnegie’s Libraries. This development has delivered immense power into the hands of a few Megalomaniacal Internet Monopolists who control “Search Engines” along with a growing number of “Reference Archives” and “Online Encyclopedias.”

We are seeing a trend toward “Online Book-burning.” Our mega-rich monopolists are intent on re-writing history to support their own agendas. They have introduced an Orwellian politically-correct “New Speak” into language, and are actively censoring free thought; even altering religious texts. By redefining word meanings, stigmatizing or eliminating their use altogether, “Social Engineering” is accomplished at its most fundamental level of “words and meanings.”

Radio and Television had started a significant decline in public literacy well-before the home computer ever came into existence. “Normal” behavior and speech became the only passport necessary for acceptance and success. Prosperity was quickly grasped by pretenders as they obtained monkey-see monkey-do skills and attitudes from movies and TV. The gullible public were no longer able to distinguish actors from the real-deal. Even worse, the average Joe would be unable to differentiate reasonable, rational, logical “Sanity” from programmed “Normality.” This has given rise to the proliferation of new generations of psychopaths, charlatans, con-artists, and crooks inhabiting our ruling-class.

Much like the Celestial Priests before them, our Rulers must maintain the all important “Illusion” of superiority and power. In order to rise above the masses, the commoners must be denied important intellectual tools for maintaining their freedom. This is being accomplished by dumbing-down our educational systems and a war against critical thinking.

The Fabian Society was formed in 1884, and consisted of a collection of famous writers, artists and politicians dedicated to spreading the philosophy of “Universal Equality,” and what has been the rightly defined as the “Religion of Envy.” This new atheist Religion had earlier taken form under the pen of Karl Marx in his 1848 pamphlet “The Communist Manifesto.” Marxist Dictatorships have required strict intellectual repression ever-since.

In order to support “Equality,” reading and writing have been de-emphasized in modern schools because of “Multiculturalism.” We are not to have “English” as a common language; instead ALL Languages should be held “Equal.” Read about the “Tower of Babel” to see where that bright idea will lead.

To support the values of Equality, we are not to hold a common history either, as history is written by the victor; and there cannot be victory without oppression. Therefore, to assuage the envious desires of “The Oppressed,” our schools found ways to “level the field.” This first started through repression of academic achievement, and rewarding lazy duncels to the same degree as disciplined earners.

Now, to support “color-revolution,” our “Educators” have adopted a Marxist philosophy developed in the 1920s, known as “Critical Race Theory.” This “New” and “Evolved” thinking appeared on the world-stage in tandem with Eugenics and the foundation of Hitler’s “Nazism.”

Even in the best of schools, dedicated to the hard-sciences, there has been a significant decline in mental acuity due to technological dependence. Mathematics has been displaced by pocket-calculators ever since their cheap and popular spread in the 1970s. Children of today no longer “Factor” Algebraic equations in their heads, much less perform logarithmic functions in trigonometry or calculus without the aid of a calculator or computer. In the absence of their electronic machines, the budding mathematician is helpless.

Even in institutions of higher learning, Logic and Rhetoric have been abandoned entirely, with rules of debate becoming a forgotten discipline. Controversial Lecturers, whose topics often conflict with the Instution’s prescribed doctrines, are not debated; but commonly shouted-down by intolerant, highly-indoctrinated students at Ivy-League Universities. We have “evolved” beyond the “Age of Reason.”

History, Civics and even hard Sciences have been rewritten by Corporate Elites who profit from prescribed agendas. The “state-of-the-art” in all educational disciplines is determined by money. Funding is only received by those Researchers who’s Doctoral Thesis matches their financier’s aims. This was used by John D. Rockefeller to provide a scientific body of research in support of the new emerging industry of “Pharmaceutical Medicine” during the 1920s. Research into these new Pharmaceutical pills and serums, mostly using petroleum byproduct chemicals, were richly funded by Rockefeller and his peers. Research leading to the destruction of Allopathic and Natural Medicines were richly funded at the same time in order to outlaw their practice. Today, big-Pharma controls both the American Medical Association and Food and Drug Administration; some would say they control our entire Medical System.

As for “Cultural-Engineering” and the “Manufacture of Consent,” these same Corporate Leaders control the media companies that publish textbooks, and subsequently control the content of those books. Indeed, the “Leading Research” that provide the most up-to-date science taught in schools, were research that they funded to support their own agendas.

Our wealthy megalomaniacal masters are inventing entire curricula by providing funding to universities where “teachers” are educated; or indoctrinated, in their craft. We have evolved from education aimed toward “Personal Enrichment,” to “Social and Political Indoctrination.”

Public Schools, in just one century, have evolved from the “One-Room Schoolhouse” and McGuffey’s Readers, to the massive bloated School Districts of today. Governments enforce mandatory attendance to public schools in order to control the minds of the youth. Children are considered possessions and resources of the State, with little concern to the desires of the child or parent.

However, physical schools are increasingly forced to compete with superior home-schooling and computer-based “Online Learning.” Yet, our corporate masters are exerting pressure on government to control all speech and thought on the internet in order to imprint their values and agenda upon the minds of impressionable youths.

We started this examination with the exclusive use of electricity for energy. We explored how fire benefited our species and led to the rise of civilizations. We explored the subsequent fall of civilizations; with the Celestial Priests and god-kings who know of disasters and climate change well in advance.

We are once again entering into a Grand Solar Minimum. Not only are volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and climate change common during Grand Solar Minimums; but also Solar Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from Solar Flares. We have been hit by glancing blows of Solar Flares during the past few years. In early February of 2022, we saw over a dozen of Elon Musk’s Space-X Satellites destroyed by a CME.

What would happen if a direct Coronal Mass Ejection hit the Earth? In 1859, a CME known as the Carrington Event caused the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) to display southward to Florida, Cuba, Hawaii and Columbia. Electricity was still in its infancy in the mid 1800s, mostly being used in telegraph systems. The 1859 CME caused telegraph wires to melt and cause forest fires worldwide. If such an event happened today; it would cause a global meltdown of the electrical grids and destroy most microprocessors.

Would the modern Electro-monkey survive a Coronal Mass Ejection or nuclear detonated Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon?

A more important question is whether our species, as we have existed for millennia, can survive what the “High Priests” of electricity, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics and trans-humanism have planned for us.

Not all of us will be invited to participate in the New World Order Utopia. Those who question the official narrative and resist blind obedience will soon be culled; as is the tradition of all tyrannies. The Official Narrative, as told by CNN and the other legacy media Alphabets, is a testimony to the degradation of intelligence and reasoning amongst the masses.

Once-upon-a-time, a library card and literacy could provide a ticket to success; now only blind mindless obedience to the High Priests will bring a passport to the Future. We must relinquish our God-Given Liberty, free-agency for self-determination in order to be molded in the image that the High Priests have chosen for us.

Land of the Electro-Monkeys: Part Two

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, February 4th, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

How far have we, as a species, come during the past couple hundred years? Some would call it “Progress;” but advanced technology does not necessarily equate to superior evolution or the ability to survive the challenges of raw unvarnished nature. Technology has certainly led to the proliferation of the human-race, but quantity does not equate to quality. Humanity has “Evolved;” but what is the result of evolution when “Survival of the fittest” no longer applies? Or worse, when “fitness” equates to a penchant for treachery, deception and betrayal. Are we, as a species, physically, intellectually or morally superior to those who lived before us?

By some accounts, the 7+ Billion people living on our planet today amount to the total number of humans that EVER populated the Earth from the beginning of civilization over five thousand years ago. Yet, humankind has never been more ill-suited for survival in Nature’s environment than today. The average Electro-Monkey lacks all of the basic skills that our ancestors took for granted.

Our “less evolved” animal companions, with few exceptions, conform themselves to their environment. If it is cold, they shiver, seek shelter within caves or beside fallen trees that already exist; or dig a den or burrow with claws evolved for the purpose. Physical evolution of their species provides more hair and fat to insulate them during seasonal environmental changes. We humans have “evolved” to manipulate our surroundings in order to cope with the challenges Nature throws our way. Therefore, our human species is more prone to adapt and change intellectually; rather than physically.

Let’s examine our lineage of “advancements,” and the most recent “Evolution” of technology in order to determine how our modern gizmos of convenience impact the human-race.

First, consider the humble phosphorus “match.” Before the “modern” strike-anywhere friction match was invented and patented in the 1870s, common people used “Flint and Steel” to make fire. Flint and Steel are a rustic art-form lost to the bulk of our generation. Other than human and animal effort and toil, and a sprinkling of water-mills and wind-mills, fire was the ultimate form of energy for the past millennia.

The Ancient Greeks considered fire to be the “most important gift from the gods;” a technology that subsequently lifted mankind above the rest of our animal companions. Fire gave us warmth in frigid cold, allowed us to sanitize food and water by cooking, cauterize wounds, and kept predators away in the night. The gods of the Greek Pantheon had forbidden humankind from the knowledge of fire. Prometheus was credited for taking mercy on our wretched ancestors and bestowing the gift of fire to mankind. The price paid by Prometheus for his transgression, was to be bound to a mountaintop rock to have his intestines eaten each day by vultures, and restored each night, only to be fed upon the next day, over-and-over for eternity.

The first “Machines” were designed for travel and hauling, and they were facilitated by the “Wheel;” considered humankind’s second greatest invention, after fire. “Levers” were invented to multiply power when moving heavy objects. An invention called “Rope” could be used to bind objects together or climb, but also as a tool to create tension and transfer power. Rope, in concert with several wheels, using the principle of leverage, became block & tackle. Soon, wheels with segmented teeth, called “Gears,” were merged with levers to create the “Crank,” and a simple tilted block was added to allow one-way movement; creating the “Ratchet.” Paddles, Oars and Sails had been used by sailors throughout the ages to capture the power of water and wind. Eventually these simple tools were combined to create the first sophisticated machines as grain-mills for processing food, and for military siege-weapons to wage war on enemies. These simple machines evolved in complexity til the 1700s, when the Watchmaker’s skill created the first articulated human and animal robotic “Automatons.” All of these early machines were powered by “pre-winding” stored tension into the gears, springs and pendulums; or by capturing and harnessing the flow of wind or water energy.

When Watt invented the steam-engine in the early 1800s, fire would give rise to “locomotion,” and ultimately facilitate the “industrial revolution.” Throughout the 1800s, wood and coal would be the primary fuels for steam-engines. Yet, the simple spark of flint and steel was the primary catalyst for creating and capturing this essential element known as fire; until the invention of the match.

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Folks in my generation grew up during the “Match Age,” when matchbooks and matchboxes were everywhere. Tobacco was smoked in pipes and cigars were prone to extinguish if not puffed on continuously. The modern “Cigarette,” laced with potassium nitrate, could be left in an ashtray and remain lit til completely consumed to ash. It would also remain lit if in contact with dry grass, paper, cotton cloth, or other combustible materials if discarded irresponsibly. Cigarettes were consumed in copious amounts in the 1900s, and in every public venue imaginable; smoking in markets, restaurants, movie theaters, concert halls, at sporting events and at work, in taxis, buses, and airplanes; and it was considered a “Right” to do so. Indeed, there were those who possessed the venerable flint-and-steel initiated gasoline-fueled WWI Trench lighters, or WWII era Zippo lighters; but matches still ruled the world of fire. Books of matches, printed with advertising, were given away everywhere. Thanks to the convenient ignition and access to matches, there was not a child alive who had not “Played with Fire.”

Then came the butane gas lighter with its piezoelectric ignition. The physical pressure upon a piezo crystal created an electrical spark, in-turn igniting the odorless butane gas.

We live today in the age of the plastic disposable “Bic and Scripto Lighter.” These operate as a hybrid of Zippo and Butane lighter, with flint and steel ignition and butane for fuel.

More important, we have had several generations increasingly dominated by electricity. Although electricity had developed for over a hundred years prior, there was one event that would spread its use worldwide. The 1893 Columbian Exposition, or Chicago World’s Fair, was a showcase for diverse world inventions, cultures, cuisines, market goods, machines, armaments, and even the first public flush toilets; but most important of all, it was a live advertisement for electricity.

Intended to commemorate the four-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the Americas by Columbus, the Expo opened one year late. The Chicago Exposition came during the “Panic of 1893,” as Industrial and Railroad stocks plummeted. The Expo opened four years after Butch Cassidy robbed his first bank, Pancho Villa was fifteen years old, five years prior to Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders’ charge up San Juan Hill, and nineteen years before the sinking of the Titanic. The side-shows adjacent to the World’s Fair included Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show and “Little Egypt’s” scandalous “Hootchy-Cootchy” belly-dances, the first aquarium, public hot-air balloon rides, and most popular of all, the amazing “Ferris Wheel.”

The “White City,” manufactured of a white plaster substance, was powered by Tesla and Westinghouse’s new AC generators, and lit by Edison’s new light-bulbs. There were several municipalities that had replaced their old gas lamps with electric lights; but no place on earth had the degree of electrification as the White City. The nightly light-show consumed several times more electricity than the nearby City of Chicago, and was a marvel that nobody forgot. Considering electricity, at that time, was transmitted via un-jacketed wires, and with inefficient insulators, there were very few fires and mishaps at the Expo.

It took a year and a half to build the Chicago World’s Fair, and after 3 years of use, it was destroyed for salvage in less than a year. Ferris’ Wheel, a revolving Goliath that dwarfed any seen today, with individual enclosures that seated up to 40 patrons each, was dismantled for scrap metal. People in the 1800s were more concerned about making history, than preserving it.

From the time of the Great Chicago Columbian Exposition til today, we have seen the advent of phonographs, fossil-fuel oils, nickelodeons, machine-guns, motor-cars, gasoline, movie theaters, the first airplanes, the very first “World War,” poison gas, the end of most monarchies, the invention of Communism, “modern agriculture,” broadcast radio, psychology, the rise of social engineering, propaganda, pharmaceutical medicines, mass public participation in stock trading, a worldwide economic depression, the electrification of America in the 1930s, the invention of Fascism, a second world war, extermination camps, “better living through chemistry,” chemical fertilizers, pesticides and preservatives, modern “Plastics,” the first intercontinental missiles, jet aircraft, the atomic bomb, television, modern highways, drive-in theaters and fast food, subliminal suggestion, self-winding mechanical watches, man in space, Mutually Assured Destruction, Deep Underground Military Bunkers, nuclear power generators, quartz watches, pocket calculators, shopping malls, skateboards, video arcades, home computers, microwave ovens, mobile phones, the internet, VHS rental shops, home video games, digital cameras, robotics, DVD players, genetic engineering, HAARP, genetically modified foods, rail-guns, CERN, “Smart” appliances and gadgets, Directed Energy Weapons, human-animal chimeras, the surveillance state, autonomous robotic vehicles, drone aircraft, and soldiers, and now 5G “virtual reality.” Each successive generation takes all previous technologies for granted, as though they had always existed throughout time-imemorial.

Why these technological advances were promoted, and how they influenced our species will be a topic in future articles. What is important for now is for the reader to consider the avalanche of technology that occurred in just over a hundred years. One hundred and thirty years ago we were in the age of the horse and buggy; monarchies with kingdoms and empires ruled most of the world. In the late 1800s, steam powered machines ruled both land and ocean; and hot-air balloons were the only aircraft. Newspapers, and books had been augmented in the 19th Century by photographs, phonographs and nickelodeon “moving pictures.”

It is also critical to consider if any of our emerging technologies could be as dangerous as an unattended lit match. Are we yet another generation of children playing with fire?

Land of the Electro-Monkeys: Part One

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, January 31st, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

We exist in an era of magic; that is what our ancestors would have called it. Perhaps sorcery or wizardry would be a better description. Given the financial resources and proper circumstances, we must no longer shackled to the harsh dictates of Nature; but free to pursue the farthest fickle boundaries of our own desires. We have become a culture of haughty little god-people, addicted to convenience, and our seeming control over everything around us.

Behold, we can make light with the flip of a switch; and that light neither burns, flickers nor smokes. If our homes are too hot or cold, we simply turn a dial to reach a perfect state of comfort. Water too is piped directly into our homes, at convenient locations, and often comes hot, cold or even frozen.

If we are hungry, we neither hunt the woods nor toil in the field, and no laborious sweat-drenched hours invested in harvesting and winnowing, slaughtering and butchering, or preserving and packaging; all we need do is open our refrigerator and grab some food, or open a can or break the seal of a plastic package in the cupboard. Those charred choice chicken parts sizzling on the bar-bee require no brutality of slaughter; we hire chicken hit-men to do our dirty-work. We can heat our meal in minutes by putting it into a microwave oven, with no collection of firewood or kindling required; no striking of flint and steel, nor careful nursing and propagation of precious flame.

No food in the fridge? No problem; simply go to the supermarket where food is magically delivered daily, in great variety and abundance, arriving from warehouses where all food miraculously originates.

Open the curtains to look outside, and if reality offends our sensitive expectations, then we close them. No need to be concerned for the starving dog, or the homeless guy pissing on our hydrangeas. Out of sight; out of mind.

A neighbor gets sick or injured, and they are taken away by the 911-people; sometimes they come back, and sometimes they don’t. If we get stopped by a traffic accident on the highway, the 911-people dressed in blue wave us around the accident while others in yellow or orange haul the meat off to a hospital or the morgue. Robbers, burglars, vandals, arsonists, abusers and murderers are likewise removed to be jailed, tried, judged, convicted, fined, imprisoned; or not. It is not our responsibility. Out of sight, out of mind.

If we get sick, we take a pill. There are pills for nearly everything, from bellyaches to headaches, constipation to stuffy sinuses. If, for any reason, our insulated and artificially stimulated world should cause us distress, we ingest poisons by swallowing even more pills, imbibing potions, inhaling smoke, or injecting chemicals.

We take a dump in the toilet, pull the lever, and shazaam, it all goes away. Offensive odors are sucked away by fans, or masked with aerosol foo-foo sprays. All of our trash and garbage need only be placed by the street on a certain day of the week, and the trash disappears too. Should insects or rodents intrude upon our electric-repellant protected sanctuaries, they merit poison treats or the sudden pop from the bug-zapper. Bacteria, fungus, algae, and protozoa are forbidden, and strong chemical toxins abound in stores to facilitate their total extermination. Laundry that once took an entire day of hard labor to wash and dry are done by machine in a jiffy. If sweeping and vacuuming are too laborious and time-consuming, new autonomous robotic devices do the job.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Robotics, from the workplace to the battlefield, have become the order of the day. Walking or pedaling is too much of a chore? We have electric powered escalators and elevators in buildings, and e-skateboards, e-bikes and e-scooters for outside. Want to go faster? There are e-cars that even drive themselves. Autonomous self-driving E-Tractor-Trailer rigs have been approved to haul our goods. Electric autonomous aerial drones are already delivering packages to doorsteps.

Factory-Robots move, mold, machine, and assemble many goods from start to finish. 3D Printers make a variety of plastic items in the comfort of our own homes. Architectural construction robots lay bricks, pour concrete foundations and even digitally “3D Print” entire dwellings.

Robotic Artificial Intelligence aerial drones survey crops, and automated irrigation systems monitor and apply water, while AI tractors digitally till, plant, fertilize and apply pesticides as flawlessly as your printer produces a document. Is it any wonder that Bill Gates owns most of our farmland? Harvesting of everything from grain to grapes is increasingly being done by autonomous robotic Artificial Intelligence driven machinery. Feed lots likewise are now run robotically from birth to slaughter, de-feathering, skinning and evisceration. Processing of foods, be it irradiation, fermenting, dehydration, cooking, canning, bottling, or vacuum packing is increasingly handled by AI Robotic systems. Warehouses too are increasingly augmented, or entirely run by AI Robotics.

Artificial Intelligence driven voice systems, once relegated to pesky robo-calls to solicit sales, are now working as operators for corporate phone systems, and are intruding on banking, insurance, legal advice, and even medical diagnosis and pharmaceutical prescriptions. Robotic surgical devices are used in delicate laser procedures, and control sophisticated prosthetic arms and hands for amputees.

Even the “World’s Oldest Profession” has been intruded upon by AI Robotics. Inflatable love-dolls have evolved into realistic silicon mannequins molded from human models. Now, silicon mannequins are enhanced with AI driven voices, facial expressions, eyes and lips, and enough reptilian body movement to provide the modern frisky electro-monkey with their periodic whoopees. Higher-end units are being developed in Japan to walk and replicate human behaviors in order to serve Wall Street tycoons and Oil-Rich Middle Eastern potentates.

Human labor, as a means of production is becoming obsolete.

In Combat, we are seeing Robotic “exoskeletons” to assist soldiers in carrying heavy loads. On battlefields testing is conducted with “Soldier of the Future” helmets with heads-up displays, night-vision, FLIR heat vision, enhanced earphone and microphone sets, and weapons fitted with cameras and AI enhanced targeting systems; all linked to central computer terminals manned by junior-flip officers who orchestrate their show. AI autonomous “Mules” carry huge loads over rugged terrain where there are no roads, and AI Robots have been developed to dismantle or detonate mines, or carry casualties off dangerous battlefields.

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We first saw AI augmented autonomous aerial drones “Intended for non-combat surveillance purposes only.” It only took a couple of years before the first killer drones equipped with Sidewinder Missiles were conducting attacks on convoys and high-level assassinations. Now we have AI Robotic autonomous armament targeting systems for cruise missiles, fighters, bombers, armored vehicles, ships and submarines “Intended only to be remote-controlled by humans who make the decision to kill.” We will see how long that lasts. China has already deployed the first Autonomous Robotic Soldiers into its Himalayan battlefield with India. How many years before “The Terminator” becomes a reality?

Having insulated our increasingly pathetic useless lives from the harsh circumstances, consequences and inconveniences of nature, our species more-than-ever craves stimulation and “Fun.” If we get bored, we press a button for sounds and images to appear; and if those sounds and images displease us, then we change them to something that meets our ever-diverse and demanding expectations. If stories in the form of movies are too boring, we have games to play. The ultimate game of survival, and the challenges presented by nature have been abandoned for safe and controlled pursuits.

Social Isolation has been a side-effect of TV video games and home computers. Forget competition with other people, our computers provide the challenge of competition, and we even get to select the level of challenge that we will face. No need to exercise, or to learn and practice sports or martial skills; every child or adult is a novice superhero from the very start; with the physique of a young Arnold Schwarzenegger and the moves of Bruce Lee. We can fly airplanes, helicopters, fighter jets, or soar the virtual skies on our own, without wings. We can bike, skate, snowboard, ski, dance, fight, or play any professional sport, and be rewarded at the end with cheers and applause from an ever-admiring crowd. The only consequence of failure in our virtual game world is to start the game over. No aches or pains, sweat or blood; much less maiming or death. Survival of the fittest, and the rule of the jungle no longer applies to us. We are gods, after all!

Soon we will all have our much anticipated 5G Virtual Reality (VR) augmented personal universe to enhance our already inflated sense of godhood. Ordinary appearing glasses will provide heads-up displays with internet interface and information on-the-fly. Everything from calculators to universal language translators will be conveniently accessible. Voice recognition allows instant access to any information desired, on-the-fly. Kids need not learn reading, writing or math in schools because the trans-human life of a cyborg is in their future. Lucky them.

No need to travel; simply put on the goggles and headphones and we are transported to a new-improved 360 degree universe. As more sensory interfaces are developed, the experience of imitation sight and sound will expand to touch, smell and taste. The porn industry, always on the forefront of experimental technologies, has created a variety of made-to-order interchangeable “Virtual Mates” complete with coordinated sensory willy-wackers and dildos.

These new virtual worlds include imaginary possessions and characters purchased with the same medium of exchange as today. Yet, even money and wealth have gone virtual and intangible with crypto-currencies.

We, as a species, have already become so removed from reality that we have “evolved” into something entirely different, Futurists point to the a fast-approaching era of “Trans-humanism,” the merging of computer, machine and human-biology to create “Singularity;” the ultimate “oneness” of all things. Each and everyone of us will be inventoried, marked with our own serial number and owned; totally controlled and flawlessly directed by an all-seeing, all-knowing Artificial Intelligence. Who needs the old invisible God, when humankind can create their own tangible god? Each and everyone of us will be demigods; legends in our own minds. In many ways, this bit of megalomaniacal madness has already taken place.

We have been programming Artificial Intelligence for decades. Do you really think online video games are not learning from us? Flight and driving simulators record successful responses and outcomes for autonomous self-directed autonomous transportation. Our very best responses in combat games have been recorded and sold to the military industrial complex to be programmed into commercial weapon systems! Not only are computer games learning from us, but we too are being programmed by them. Our minds, and that of the computer are merging.

What is the price that we will pay for our emerging computer enhanced all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent, and seemingly invincible godhood?

We have already sacrificed many of the social interactions. The traditional family, challenged for many decades by the “sexual revolution” and “alternative lifestyles,” has further been displaced by “gender diversity.” The nail-in-the-coffin for the traditional family has been the isolation caused by personal computers and mobile phones. “Mates” are no longer socially vetted to fill an established role as parent. Once upon a time, the Workplace, Churches, Clubs and Associations; or even the skating rink, bowling alley, or diverse lands of the Lounge-Lizards provided a foundation for selecting friends, business associates and mates. These social venues provided tangible social challenges where characters were tested and reputations forged. We now have chat rooms, social media and online dating-sites. For the frisky electro-monkey, “hook-up” swipe-sites provide a variety of partners, in every age, race, color or ever-expanding “gender.”

We also sacrifice our independence in order to be inextricably shackled to machine dependence. To gain the benefits of a mobile phone, we must carry it. To benefit from the new Virtual Reality 5G augmentation, we must be tethered by goggles and headphones. These devices and services are not provided free; we pay handsomely for the hardware, and the privilege of connecting to the internet with even more bandwidth. Increasingly, we pay for access to each and every virtual service that we access. Our reliance on calculators weaken our intellectual capacity to compute. Reliance on text to voice, and voice to text technology result in diminished reading and writing capabilities. Will there come a day when our species loses the skills of literacy and mathematics entirely? Can an illiterate and mathematically challenged and logic impaired culture be capable of independent critical thinking?

We also sacrifice our privacy, with our most intimate activities and self-directed thoughts revealed to all who have the money to pay for it in this new universal consciousness. Our nifty Star-Trek “Communicators” record and transmit our exact location constantly, whether we turn off the Global Positioning System location function or not. Our mobile phones have become spying devices, capable of being hacked by either our government or criminals 24/7! Our voice transmissions can be converted to text, and our text transmissions recorded, logged and stored. Facial Recognition Software can access our phone cameras. Our organizers, credit card numbers and financial records can be hacked. Contacts can be accessed and surveilled too. Our home computers, and a wide array of “Smart Devices” are equipped with built-in microphones and video cameras that can be activated by government even when turned off. Our “Smart Meters” are capable of identifying most all home appliances, monitoring their use, and even shutting them down remotely without our will or knowledge. Home video surveillance cameras powered by wifi are already accessible on the internet by ANYBODY!

Our livelihoods and personal wealth are sacrificed, as one-by-one we are displaced by Artificial Intelligence Robotic automation. Industry after industry are being phased-out, and the workers and their families are losing possessions, homes, and even their “sanity.” Soon, we will all learn the lessons of those already displaced, as every form of human production is eliminated. “There but for the Grace of God go I.”

Our liberty to direct the course of our own life will be abandoned for a “Universal Good,” yet to be determined by our new AI directed universal consciousness. Both intrinsic physical and intellectual abilities of the trans-human cyborg will suffer in direct relation to growing dependence on machine.

We are increasingly being conditioned by a Chinese Communist Party style “Social Credit System,” which either rewards us for compliance, or punishes us for non-compliance. How does the “Social Credit System” punish? We need only look to Communist China. All of the following punishments existed BEFORE the Covid Pandemic appeared, and are compounded by contact-tracing and draconian lock-downs. Both Artificial Intelligence algorithms and human monitors scan electronic records to identify offenders. Renegades who do not think or act “Good,” can be denied internet access, or their Smart Meters can deny them of heat or air conditioning, shut down their refrigerators or televisions. Offenders can be denied access to public transportation and events. Their access to bank accounts and credit transactions can be frozen. They can be publicly shamed on smart phones with their photo along with “anti-social crimes” transmitted to phone-screens of those around them. They can be quarantined to their homes. They can be forcibly removed from their homes and judicially tried, with their “private” communications, surveillance video, and associations with other “criminals” used as evidence against them. In the People’s Republic of China (PRC), 90%+ of those who are arrested and tried are subsequently convicted. They can be imprisoned in slave labor camps. They can be executed and their organs forcibly harvested. Just recently, the PRC has adopted Artificial Intelligence Judges, along with mobile court and execution vans.

Will this be the future for us?

We actually do have a choice to participate or not; Convenience or Liberty?

Preparing for War?

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, January 27th, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

January 27th marked Holocaust Memorial Day; a day set aside that we might remember those millions who died during the brutal Nazi genocide in World War II. Unfortunately, humankind quickly forgot the moral lessons of the Holocaust, and our Earth has been plagued time-and-again by genocide and ethnic cleansing ever since. In China, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, and Taliban Afghanistan these atrocities continued and carry-on to this day. As the seeds of this foul affliction upon humanity emerges here in the United States in the form of Critical Race Theory, we must pray that man’s inhumanity against man ceases.

The drumbeats of war grow louder in the Mainstream Media. None too soon; as the Biden Administration’s illegal clandestine night-flights of illegal aliens has finally hit the News. These secret flights, conducted in the cover of darkness have been conducted for nearly a year. No TSA searches or ID checks at the airports for these illegal aliens, no Covid-19 tests or vaccinations, and pilots often do not know their destination til they are in the air. One would think these flights are a matter of National Security!

Former ICE officials and other law enforcement have openly speculated that these flights, and busloads of single adult undocumented males between the ages of 18 and 21, provide criminal reinforcements for foreign gangs and cartels operating throughout the United States. Though their destinations are Top Secret, boots-on-the-ground indicate that these unvetted young men have most often arrived in suburban, small-town and rural America.

The only question that the News dare-not ask is “How much money is the DNC receiving from the criminal Border Cartels in order to facilitate their expansion of drug and human trafficking into the United States?” We don’t expect the Cartels to work for free. Cartels do not smuggle hundreds of millions of fentanyl doses into the United States to give them away; and Cartel Coyotes do not smuggle aliens into this country for free either. The obvious costs to America are deaths in the deserts en-route to “Utopia,” lives lost due to drug overdose, lives lost on our streets due to violent crime, and the sad fate of those ensnared by sex trafficking and human bondage to organized crime. An open border, and taxpayer paid transportation have been valuable benefits enjoyed by Border Cartels for nearly a full year that yield tens of millions of dollars in profits each day; and it is naive to believe that these services are provided free.

We often hear the common explanation “Illegal Immigrants are simply intended to be potential Democrat voters.” This makes as much sense as calling Democrats “Liberal” or “Progressive.” The Democrat Party has been compromised by Communists and outright crooks! In Third World Countries, these border and transportation services would be paid for through bribes as a cost of doing business. How much money is being pocketed by the Biden Administration for this “license to kill” on the Southern Border?

Both Homeland Security Director Mayorkas and Pretender in Chief Biden have bold-faced lied about illegal aliens being transported to “detention facilities;” they are either being ferried to urban Cartel Networks, or dumped on the streets of conservative communities throughout the United States.

These recent Southern Border revelations only compound the many fiascos plaguing this Administration. Biden’s popularity woes already include the systematic destruction of the Middle Class, massive economic inflation, collapsing supply-lines, food and fuel shortages, lack of workers, unpopular and illegal vaccination mandates, gross mishandling of the pandemic, revelations of NIH complicity with the Wuhan lab where Covid originated, no confidence in our medical system, a broken justice system, epidemic crime in the streets, cheating at the ballot boxes and hacked voting machines in 2020, lies about a “January 6th Capitol Insurrection” that are quickly unraveling to expose a false-flag, massive Chinese payoffs to members of the “First Family,” Critical Race Theory indoctrination of children in public schools, federal criminal investigations launched against concerned parents speaking-out at School Board meetings, political purges in the military and of federal government employees, divisive vilification of conservatives, a complete military strategic failure during the Surrender of Afghanistan, attacks against free-speech among the opposing Party, and what has become an unpopular One-Party Dictatorship that rules by fiat.

Mainstream and Social Media have made every effort to cover-up all Biden and DNC misdeeds; using tactics and strategies reminiscent of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda networks. However, their viewing public are abandoning the official narrative and network platforms in droves. CNN, the most outspoken Deep State mouthpiece, has experienced an 80%+ drop in ratings during this past year!

Here in the United States, we have a population that is totally naive about the workings of tyranny. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rules over nearly one and a half billion people in the People’s Republic of China with an iron fist. Yet, the CCP only amounts to 8% of the total population. Under a Tyranny or Dictatorship, the “Will of the People” does not matter. Authoritarian Regimes sell stories in their controlled media and “News” to support their agendas; and most important to reinforce the “Appearance” of legitimacy. Reality matters less than “Appearance” in cultures dominated by propaganda and mass-media psychological programming.

“Oh, it will all change when the Republicans gain control of Congress after the 2022 elections!”

What happens if there are no elections? With public backlash against Marxist policies, Democrats are tanking at the polls. Can the Biden Administration and DNC afford to risk allowing another National Election?

The January 6th false flag at the US Capitol resulted in suspending confirmation objections on the House Floor. January 6th has subsequently been used to vilify and crack-down on the entire Republican Party. Unsuccessful attempts were recently made by Congress to alter our election system and institutionalize large-scale cheating and election fraud. Attempts are being made to totally shut down all media that challenge the authorized official narrative. As the American public grows more congnizant of these dangers by the day, how can this Administration remain in power?

War! In the movie “Wag the Dog,” the “Appearance” of a War was concocted by a media “Spin-Doctor” in order to provide cover for a Presidential scandal. “Wag the Dog” speculated a fake war in order to win a National Election. What would happen if there were a real war providing a pretext to remove voting rights from an entire political party?

Our nation has been under a “State of Emergency” since the attacks on the Twin Towers of New York and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. During the interim, we have seen the “Patriot Act,” and the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. Some would argue that the “Patriot Act” is an oxymoron, having more to do with the negation of Constitutional Rights than “Patriotism.” The building blocks of an Orwellian tyranny have been alive and well ever since the Patriot Act was passed. Indeed, the “January 6th Commission” puts us one step away from complete Martial Law, the suspension of Habeas Corpus, and the imprisonment of entire classes of citizens without trial.

No Administration in the history of this Country has done more to divide its population than that of Joe Biden. We have racial and political divisions that seem driven toward Civil War. Yet, despite concerted efforts by Federal “Agent Provocateurs;” actual incidents that can be construed as “Insurrection” have been few, with only one leading to charges of sedition and insurrection. Failing to instigate a domestic uprising in order to suspend the Constitution and significantly compromise National Elections, wars must be found elsewhere to support such an agenda.

After 8,500 US troops were put on high alert, US diplomatic families prepared for evacuation, and the first loads of $200 million of US military hardware were unloaded in Ukraine, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated Congress’ willingness to extend even more aid. News has surfaced of a telephone call between Joe Biden and the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, relaying “US Intelligence” about an impending attack by Russia. The Ukrainian President publicly asked US and Western Powers not to spread alarmist hype; to essentially “Chill-out.”

The Psychological Theory of “Transactional Analysis” is based on boredom being a major impetus of human behavior. If we all acted logically, then our lives would be lacking of trauma-dramas, and the turbulent manic-depressive episodes that humankind has become accustomed to expect. Therefore, we create psychological mind-games to play with one-another in order to create drama, suspense and even tragedies. These mind-games are the foundation of dysfunctional families, neurosis, psychosis, and a variety of psychopathic and sociopathic behaviors. One of the more popular “scripts” in Transactional Analysis is called “Let’s You and Him Fight.” In this scenario, commonly played in schools since we were kids, the “Passive-Aggressive” participant need only whisper “Do you know what he/she said about you?” or “Are you going to let him/her get away with that?” and “You ain’t afraid of him/her, are you?” A bit of constant goading by one or more antagonists ultimately results in the development of drama, suspense, and the “Payoff” of a fight.

Ironically, but not surprisingly, our mainstream media now say “If you don’t support Ukraine’s fight to preserve the sovereignty of their border, then you are a traitor.” In the same breath, anyone supporting the sovereignty of the United States Southern Border is branded a traitor also. Go figure!

Should we be dragged into World War III with Russia, China, Iran and others, and a possible thermonuclear war, what should we be prepared for?

Most of us have the impression that soldiers bear the brunt of casualties during war. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Civilians always absorb the greatest losses during times of war; either by famine, disease or collateral combat injuries and deaths. Soldiers have supply lines, weapons and an organization to support them. Civilians must depend upon themselves and their fellows.

Is it inconceivable that the United States could be attacked? During World War II, there was a Japanese submarine attack on Fort Stevens on the Columbia River, explosive incendiary balloon-bombs that detonated in Southern Oregon, and attacks against merchant shipping off the Coast of Del Norte. We have a memorial to the sunken cargo ship USS Emidio at Crescent City’s Beach Front Park, and remnants of an old WWII coastal lookout post just South of the city of Klamath.

However, we were a different country during World War II. The Democrat Leadership under Franklin Delano Roosevelt were not out-right Marxists, and the United States was strongly united in their support for Constitutional Rights and Liberty. We are now ruled by self-avowed Marxists claiming also to be “Democrats,” who in-turn are controlled by government subsidized corporate monopolies which are decidedly opposed to free-enterprise capitalism.

If a shooting war were to erupt between the United States and ideologically compatible regimes in Russia and China, what should we expect? Are we on the brink of Thermonuclear War; or on the cusp of a great “People’s Revolution” to usher-in a New World Order?

What would war mean for little Del Norte County? We have no major military targets, and minimal strategic significance. The closest hard targets for Nuclear Attack are near Klamath Falls, Oregon. Of course, nuclear targets abound in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California.

If a nuclear conflagration were to occur, our exposure would be minimal from blasts, with wind-blown radioactive fallout being the greatest challenge. An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) detonation aimed at the Western Power Grid would eliminate 80+% of the population by government figures. But Del Norte is remote and rural enough to fare better than most other areas should electricity and outside supplies be taken out of the equation.

Should war erupt, we could also expect to see Russian and Chinese Sleeper-Cells that have lived and worked in the United States for decades to be activated. Members of Sleeper-Cells are tasked to infiltrate strategic facilities, such as nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, satellite communications companies, and even the US Military in order to conduct sabotage during war. Most of these deeply entrenched covert Sleeper-Cells will have fresh reinforcements from our wide-open Southern Border. There will also be covert Terrorist Cells that blend in with their target communities, collecting intelligence and making plans for future attacks. Terrorist Cells likewise have been reinforced during the past year, and supplied with sophisticated weaponry smuggled across our Southern Border or through our compromised cargo security systems.

Here in Del Norte County, we most likely would not experience a direct attack of any kind unless it were necessary to consolidate enemy military presence in California and Oregon by securing Highways 101 and 199. For rapid deployment of military vehicles, hardware and troops, our existing infrastructure of highways and bridges would need to be protected from sabotage.

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The word “Consolidate” refers to the act of securing territory already under military control and occupation. The governments of California, Oregon and Washington are States controlled by radical Marxist leadership. All three of these States were contemplating secession from the US during the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrections of 2020, when the country was under strong Constitutional leadership. Should there be nuclear or conventional attacks upon Federal strategic facilities throughout these three States, or an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack upon the power grid, could we expect these governments to take a stand in opposition to fellow communists? Are there good odds of a quick capitulation and unconditional surrender? Even lacking any military attacks, these three States might broker an ideological alliance and actually welcome the troops from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) under the pretext of “humanitarian and military assistance.” In such a case, indigenous State National Guard units and police assets would be merged with foreign occupying forces in order to mop-up any resistance; similar to the Vichy French forces during the Nazi occupation of France. Conservative “Patriot Extremists” have already been vilified as “Enemies of Democracy” and “Potential Terrorists” by the Department of Homeland Security under the Biden Administration. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) forces of the PLA might be helpful to organize efforts to confiscate firearms and purge communities of Republican “evil-doers.”

Would our County and City governments in Del Norte take a patriotic stand against foreign occupation? Or, would our civic leaders be more interested in maintaining as much personal power and wealth as possible? If such was the case, many of our present “leaders” might even consider foreign occupation to be an opportunity for personal enrichment. Resources of the local population would be looted “legally,” for “the good of the people,” in order to support local politicians, bureaucrats, police, National Guard, and occupying forces. In such a nightmare scenario, the needs of the community would be a distant afterthought, if their survival were considered at all

Our local situation in the event of war does not bode well for those opposed to tyranny. If any readers envision an alternative scenario for California, Oregon and Washington, I would love to read their comments. However, considering the present political circumstances, and the unwavering allegiance of or local government to Marxist Sacramento, this will most likely be the probable outcome.

Within the framework of the situation above, we petty serfs would be left to care for ourselves. Those who are least prepared to survive will be dependent upon government handouts, and thus will be prone to compromise as potential collaborators and informants. Those who are independent and self-sufficient would face exploitation and outright persecution. These are hard facts to swallow, but important to come to terms with early in the game.

Unfortunately, there are many Conservatives who simply cannot comprehend the changes that have come about during this past year. Disbelief was also common among Jews in Nazi Germany, freedom loving Chinese in Maoist China, ethnic Chinese in Pol Pot’s Cambodia, or those facing ethnic cleansing and genocidal extermination in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda. Moral and ethical values have changed radically since the Corporate-Communist seizure of the United States government. Our present Administration and Government “leaders” have repeatedly stated publicly, from the onset, that “Patriot Extremists,” “Constitutionalists,” and “Judeo-Christians” are White Supremacists and subsequently the greatest enemies of “Our Democracy.” It matters not if these groups harbor no beliefs of racial supremacy, or even if their skin color isn’t white. It does not matter if “Our Democracy” wishes to disregard the “Will of the People!”

Certainly, there will be “Patriot Extremist,” “Constitutionalists,” and “Religious Extremist” resistance throughout the States of California, Oregon, Washington, and even here in Del Norte County. There will also be attempts to circumvent the economic tyranny that will ultimately unfold. We need only look at the occupied regions of World War II in order to gain clues for what is in-store.

Economic resources will be tools for population control. The only free-enterprise economy will be the Black-Market. Unauthorized exchange of currency, and barter or trade of tangible goods will be illegal. All transactions that are not directly controlled by the State will be illegal and harshly punished.

The enemies of the State; Patriots, Constitutionalists, and Judeo-Christian “Extremists,” will be hunted-down, and either outright exterminated; or imprisoned for slave labor in concentration camps. The CCP has developed a camp system that the Nazis would have envied. This system would be replicated in short-order during a military occupation of the United States.

Firearms registration information has already been made public in California. Occupying forces could access these records from either the State, or from a variety of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) dedicated to “firearm safety reform.” There are very good odds that our enemies will know who is armed before they ever touch foot on American soil.

The Surveillance State and digital electronic media will be the primary method of enforcement of “Group-Think.” Google, Facebook and Twitter have been compiling digital dossiers on the US Population for years. Like Santa, they know who has been naughty or nice and have the lists. The present rejection of Mainstream Media programming by citizens will not be tolerated in the future. If we follow the model of Communist China, Social Credit Score systems will be applied in order to require daily periods of indoctrination. Conformity will be rewarded, non-conformity punished; and snitches will move up the ranks.

It is not the intent of this treatment to school the reader about emergency preparation for war. In many respects, it is already far too late to begin from scratch. It is impossible to “prepare” for an emergency after it has occurred. Government tyranny is happening now, and we are on the very cusp of war. I highly recommend accessing an English translation of Sweden’s booklet on war preparation that was distributed to its entire population.

For those who have not already done so, now is the time to organize your survival group. Caution should be observed while assembling your group because of active FBI infiltration into Patriot, Constitutionalist, and Judeo-Christian groups. These Federal Agent Provocateurs are always on the lookout for naive patsies to ensnare into criminal activities and false flag attacks. Our future, in the case of world war and enemy occupation, will have new “crimes;” like being in public without proper documentation, buying, selling, working or hiring without a permit. Therefore, it is important to properly vet prospective members of your group in order to avoid compromise.

This article is being written under the assumption that the reader will not be among those cooperating with the occupying power. They might have already been branded as Patriots, Constitutionalists or Judeo-Christian Extremists, or may even face a future racial genocide determined by skin color or other characteristic. In any case, there will be an adversarial relationship with the ruling “government” and their new set of rules and laws.

What form should your survival group take? If we examine groups in the past that survived totalitarian control, along with either ethnic cleansing or outright genocide, large centrally controlled public organizations fared the worst; and actually provided fuel to the fire of their own destruction. Small clandestine cellular groups of under six members, with each group insulated from one-another under an umbrella of secrecy had the greatest prospect for success.

Command and control communications will require secrecy under a totalitarian Surveillance State. Consider any digital technology to be thoroughly compromised; this is especially true of cellular/smart phones. DO NOT use your smart phone or computer to communicate with members of your survival group! DO NOT keep their contact information on your digital address book; or even a written address book for that matter.

Consider studying spy-craft, or reading novels by William Stevenson, Jean Le Carre, Joe Weisberg, Karen Cleveland, Joe Finderand and other veteran intelligence professionals that describe blind-drops and other means of communication within tyrannical surveillance states of the past and present.

What kinds of people will you want in your survival group?

Farmers, ranchers, gardeners and other hard working folk who grow, raise or process food are important members of every survival group. Should food become scarce, which is always the case in times of war, agricultural knowledge and skills will be key to survival.

Outdoorsmen, hunters, trackers, fishermen, through-hikers, mountaineers, spelunkers, white water rafters, equestrians, mule packers and orienteers with intimate knowledge of local natural resources, back-roads and trails are important also. Primary roads will most likely be closely monitored during enemy occupation; so alternative unconventional routes will be paramount.

Persons with prior military experience will give your group an edge of experience and training should enemy extermination of members lead to armed conflict. Officers and NCOs can help with topics of strategy and tactics. However, be wary of ambitious sell-outs and mercenary psychopaths who’s allegiance drifts with the winds of war. Old Soldiers and Sailors are just men and women with military experience; not all are patriotic “Heroes.” History is rife with traitors in uniform; especially during regime changes. Many of our best soldiers, the best of the best, drop out from government service for comparatively phenomenal salaries as professional mercenaries in Private Military Corporations. Of course, caution should be the rule for other occupations as well.

Many police, firefighters, search and rescue and emergency services personnel have both the skill-sets and clarity of mind to be good survival team members. However, just like prior military, there are those who’s allegiance has shifted due to the bad influence and politically biased training by the FBI, DOJ, FEMA, and DHS. Many emergency workers have become indoctrinated into a faith that Centralized Government is the only matrix in which they can operate. Be wary of those who aspire to be rising stars in the new Marxist corporation.

Conventional and alternative medical people will be a god-send in the future. Emergency Medical Technicians, Flight Nurses, and Military Medics, who can handle mass trauma situations will be worth their weight in gold. Podiatrists, oncologists, gynecologists, optometrists and other specialists are experts in their field; but will lack the knowledge and experience of a general practitioner. Medical services will be used by the emerging Surveillance State as a means of control; much like food and water will be used. Medications will be scarce and tightly controlled, so herbologists and natural healers will be very important.

Conventional and alternative medical people will be a god-send in the future. Emergency Medical Technicians, Flight Nurses, and Military Medics, who can handle mass trauma situations will be worth their weight in gold. Podiatrists, oncologists, gynecologists, optometrists and other specialists are experts in their field; but will lack the knowledge and experience of a general practitioner. Medical services will be used by the emerging Surveillance State as a means of control; much like food and water will be used. Medications will be scarce and tightly controlled, so herbologists and natural healers will be very important.

Craftsmen in every trade will be necessary for construction on-the-fly. Technicians savvy in electronics and computers can help repair hardware or ward-off hacks, spying and compromise of group devices.

Don’t write-off the elderly because they are slower, weaker or lack the endurance of the youngsters. Many of us old folk are rich with knowledge and experience that can be a true asset in tough times. Plus, the frame-of-reference, moral and ethical belief systems, and loyalty to the Constitution, Independence, and Liberty are stronger than youngsters fresh out of public schools. Yet, be wary of close association with outspoken old veteran pricks like myself; as we will be the first ones to be eliminated during foreign occupation. That is an important and “inconvenient truth” that my fellow old veterans need to get through their thick, stubborn fool heads; occupying forces historically KILL all military veterans, and they don’t care if they are old or disabled.

Be cautious of professional politicians, government bureaucrats, attorneys, judges, social workers, “educators,” bankers, financial service workers, mainstream or social media professionals, artists and actors, junior-flip indoctrinated school kids, and those actively involved in criminal enterprises. Avoid drunks, druggies, whores, hustlers, gamblers, beggars, thieves, ne’er-do-wells, or any sycophants, toadies and boot-licks who practice and hone their skills of treachery, deception and betrayal to work their way up the Satanic ladder of success.

Most important, you and the other members of your survival group should have something to bring to the table. Know how to survive, gather resources, develop a family plan, and be prepared to the best of your ability!

These are treacherous and dangerous times, and a bit of “paranoia” is perfectly normal. Any Jew in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust would have been stupid, insane, or suicidal if they were not paranoid!

War? Update part 3

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American January 24th, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

All eyes remain transfixed on a potential Russian incursion across the Ukrainian border. Our Military Industrial Complex and their Mainstream Media mouthpieces are preparing the American public to support Ukraine’s sovereign border at all cost. Ukraine has a right to protect its border, and by-golly it is our responsibility to help protect Ukraine’s border; or so the story goes.

Meanwhile, the Southern Border of the United States remains open and increasingly defenseless. We are told that an open border is an act of compassion and kindness. On January 16th, of this year, Mexican police in Veracruz found 359 immigrants stuffed into a tractor-trailer rig bound for the USA. This load included nearly 300 Guatemalans, and a mix of Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, Hondurans and Ecuadorans. According to Brietbart, this was not first time for such incident, nor the most egregious; on November 21, 2021 Mexican authorities detained 600 immigrants stuffed into two tractor trailers headed for the US Border. This prior incident included migrants from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ghana, India and a mix of Central American Countries.

Stories of inhumanity by human traffickers abound at our Southern Border and beyond. Hundreds of migrants desiccated corpses have been discovered in the deserts. Rapes of women and children by traffickers are routine.

Why would the US Southern Border be mentioned during a discussion of War?

Border Czar Kamala Harris has briefly visited a migrant detention center many miles from the Southern Border once. Joe Biden has not visited the border at all. We still are waiting for the overdue annual Border Patrol report regarding total undocumented alien incursions across the border in 2021. Somehow, this total remains frozen back in time to October of 2021. For some reason, the Department of Homeland Security appears to want the number of illegal immigrants to remain a secret. Why?

The Department of Homeland Security is also transporting these illegal immigrants throughout the United States, and none are screened for Covid-19 or any other disease. “Undocumented Citizens” are exempt from the Vaccine Mandates that plague the rest of us. The destinations of these taxpayer financed trips appear to be a national security secret; though on-the-ground reports indicate most are headed to conservative communities. What is even more disturbing are the overnight flights containing young women and children to large Democrat run cities, never to be seen or heard-of again.

Why the secrecy? Why are immigrant women and children being transported in the middle of the night? Is the United States Government cooperating with the Criminal Cartels in human sex trafficking and expansion of their criminal enterprises across America?

This is not an outlandish question. It is well known that Border Cartels control the “Coyotes” who smuggle illegal undocumented migrants across our Southern Border. These Criminal Cartels do not provide this service as an act of charity. These Cartels are ruthless gangs of thugs who have been responsible for mass murder of Mexican citizens, including torture and dismemberment, throughout their respective gang turfs. They charge thousands of dollars for each and every human smuggled across the US Border, and they damn-well expect to get their money. It is also well known that most of these migrants do not possess the money to pay for their passage. Cartels expect them to “work-off” their debts once in the United States.

How do they work off their debts? The deserts of Southern California have an epidemic of illegal drug grows, most of which are run by the Border Cartels and staffed with immigrant slave labor. Immigrants in their teens have been incorporated into American street gangs; selling drugs, selling their bodies, pimping child prostitutes, or conducting robberies, car-jackings, home invasions and murder for hire. Young unsupervised immigrant children and infants simply disappear after clandestine overnight government funded flights, as if they never existed.

In October of 2021, the number of border crossings exceeded 1.7 million, and that did not include “Walk-Aways” that evaded the Border Patrol entirely. If Homeland Security’s policy is to release illegal border crossers into the US Mainland, and provide free transportation, then why would any migrants want to evade processing? Odds are good that these “Walk-Aways” are criminals who are fleeing prosecution, felons expelled from the United States, gang members carrying drugs, or bad-actors involved in foreign espionage, enemy special forces incursions, or international terrorism.

If we are dragged into a World War with Russia, China, Iran and others; will the Biden Administration take our own border crises seriously? Since vaccination mandates went into effect, both Border Patrol and Customs have been hemorrhaging seasoned agents; leaving the remainder woefully understaffed. States, like Texas have taken it upon themselves to curb the unrestricted flow of migrant criminals. The City of Houston has become a battle-ground with multiple homicides happening daily and several police being murdered on a regular basis each week.

Are we prepared for war?

We were energy independent when Biden seized office. His first act was to dismantle America’s oil industry and make us dependent on OPEC.

Are our supply lines intact? On our Canadian Border, mandatory vaccinations of truck drivers went into effect on January 22nd. Unvaccinated drivers testing positive for Covid who are entering Canada face two weeks of mandatory incarceration in a government quarantine facility, and either the driver or their company are responsible for paying the tab for housing and food. With 16,000 to 38,000 freight loads crossing the Canadian border daily, this will have an impact on both US and Canadian supply-lines in short-order.

There are already regional shortages of goods. Those US States impacted by recent blizzards are facing shortages of groceries in their markets. Many US food processing plants have closed entirely due to Covid restrictions; or are operating at low capacity with skeleton crews.

We can expect shortages of imports from China to hit very soon. The backlog of ships at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are starting to thin. Ships are being unloaded, and the thousands of shipping containers are either finding their way to port warehouses, or onto trucks or rail cars where they are subsequently looted by modern smash-and-grab highway and rail bandits. Both rail-yards and roadways are strewn with boxes lifted from cargo containers. Many boxes were left along the tracks unopened. Covid tests, vaccines and masks are items commonly discarded. An entire train of containers was derailed in Los Angeles this week, only to be stripped of its cargo in days.

This supply situation is about to get much worse. There are very few incoming cargo ships to replace those unloaded and returning to China. Many major ports in China have been closed due to “Coronavirus Outbreaks.” Some observers are pointing to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attempting to curb a significant epidemic of hemorrhagic fever in its Northern Provinces. On December 31 2021, China’s Health Service reported 2,557 cases of Hemorrhagic Fever in Shaanxi Province. Viral Hemorrhagic fever causes blood vessels in the body to leak; common variants include Yellow Fever, Lassa, Dengue, Marburg and Ebola. With the Beijing Winter Olympics just now getting underway, the CCP would prefer to keep this hemorrhagic fever scare under-wraps. However, both Chinese and United States airlines have been sanctioned and significantly curtailed in the past week.

North Korea, not to be left out of the loop, has launched another two hypersonic missiles into the Sea of Japan, bringing the total to four missiles during the past month.

Back to Ukraine, since 2014, the United States has provided $1.5 Billion in military hardware to the Government of Ukraine. Much of this military equipment arrived during the Obama-Biden Administration during Ukraine’s 2014-2017 war with Russia. Due to the recent Russian military border exercises, Ukraine is has received $650 million in military hardware since December of 2021, and Congress has authorized an additional $200 million in military aid. In comparison to Afghanistan, the aid to Ukraine is chump-change.

Some of the $80+ Billion of military hardware abandoned in Afghanistan has made its way to Pakistani terrorist groups battling Indian Troops in the hotly contested border province of Cashmere. It is not known if US explosives abandoned in Afghanistan were used in the January 17th Houthi attack on Abu Dhabi, or the January 18th Taliban attack in Islamabad.

Biden’s first large press conference for nearly a year on January 19th eluded to “Small Incursions” by Russia into Ukraine as seemingly being OK. Was Biden envisioning a convoy of “Undocumented Citizens” similar to those pouring across our own Southern Border? It was a similar disavowed statement regarding $450,000 payments to illegal border-crossers that led to the immediate frenzied launch of huge caravans to our own Southern Border. Biden’s “Minor Incursion” statement, was not recanted; but later claimed to never have existed. Such is the power of Mainstream Media News.

Shortly after Biden’s “Minor Intrusion” statement, Jen Psaki and every White House Staffer add Democrat Apparatchik with a pulse was clarifying that “Minor Incursions” was Biden-speak for “Any Intrusion” will be met by “Severe Sanctions.” Seven US Senators were sent to Ukraine to assure their leaders of US Commitment.

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On January 21st through the 24th joint military drills are being held in the North Indian Ocean by Russia China and Iran. These naval drills are intended to send a message of “Solidarity against Western aggression.”

Russia also announced plans for large joint military exercise on Belarus/Polish border from February 10th through the 20th. There is speculation of additional Russian troops arriving at the border of Belarus and Ukraine. After Chernobyl’s 1986 Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, 1,000 miles of Ukrainian turf along the Belarus border has been a virtual “Dead-Zone.” Void of all human population, this “Dead-Zone” could be a soft target of opportunity should Russia choose to invade.

Russia pulled 18 diplomatic family members from Ukraine on January 18th, and on January 23rd, the US announced preparations to evacuate their own US diplomatic families from Ukraine. This happened as the first load of $200 million in additional military aid arrived.

During this past week, Russia has deployed its TOS-1A Solntsepek “Burning Sun”multiple Thermobaric rocket launcher systems into its arsenal of weapons at the border. Thermobaric rockets, designed to breach heavily fortified targets, create a cloud of fuels and air that produce massive heat and pressure. Each Thermobaric rocket is capable of engulfing thousands of meters of land into a raging inferno. Ukraine has moved MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) units to its border with Crimea. Russia annexed Crimea during the 2014-2017 war with Ukraine.

Perhaps now is a good time to reach back into history. Ukraine was once part of the Soviet Union, governed by Moscow. For those youngsters unfamiliar with the Soviet Union, I suggest a thorough study of this fallen empire. After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, economic collapse of the Soviet Union, and subsequent dissolution of its provinces, Ukraine became a sovereign state of its own.

One of the important loose-ends after the collapse of the Soviet Union was all those pesky nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles residing in the break-away provinces. By-far, the largest number of these nuclear ICBMs were smack-dab in the middle of Ukraine; 5,000 of the little party-poppers! Russia wanted these ICBMs and brokered a deal. Ukraine would give Russia the ICBMs in exchange for a promise that Russia would never-ever invade their country. By 2014, this deal was forgotten and Russia invaded. Liar-liar pants on fire! Russia gained territory in Eastern Ukraine along with the Crimea while the world’s eyes were transfixed on the Olympics. Here we are again with another Olympics. Seems like history repeats itself.

Along with pending Russian military exercises in Belarus this coming February, there have been heightened Russian naval activities in the Baltic Sea. According to the BBC, Mystery Drones were spotted over all Swedish nuclear power plants on January 18th. No word is available regarding the origin or intent of these intrusions.

On January 22nd, Sweden and Finland reinforced their strategic Island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea in case of Russian attack. Sweden has been preparing its population for war with Russia for years; and has mutual assistance pacts signed with several countries in region. Both Sweden and Finland are presently unaligned, but NATO alliance is not off the table.

All of this War brouhaha is perfectly timed for the Biden Administration. With public approval polls tanking, and Congress failing to pass their Voters (Cheaters) Rights Act, and also defeated during their bid to permanently stop Republican use of the Filibusterer, the Corporate-Communist agenda and media narrative is starting to unravel.

The first news narrative to collapse is the “January 6th Insurrection.” Video evidence and testimony has emerged that Ashli Babbitt begged Capitol Police to call for backup just minutes before she was shot. Babbitt was an Air Force Veteran who served in the Military Police. Babbitt knew the law, and having served in combat, had knowledge, experience and presence of mind to see that something was amiss at the US Capitol.

Republican Senators have been asking forbidden questions for months. Why did the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, refuse to reinforce Capitol Police security after being told by Justice Department Intelligence of pending unrest? Why did Capitol Police open the gates for a breach at the precise time when objections to Biden’s confirmation were raised on the House Floor? Why did Capitol Police refuse to block the entrance to the Capitol Building, and allow a vanguard of colorfully costumed, made-for-TV characters to walk through the hallway, foyer, and up the stairs to the Capitol Rotunda?

We now know that there were more FBI Agents than “Perpetrators” involved in the planning and highly publicized “Attempted Kidnap” of Michigan Governor Whitmer. Were plain-clothes or costumed Federal Agents in attendance at the US Capitol on January 6th? Did Federal Agents or Informants incite the breach of the US Capitol and participate in acts of vandalism and violence? The standard reply by the Justice Department to such questions has been “I cannot answer that question.” Why couldn’t they answer “NO!!!”

Was January 6th an Insurrection; or did Pelosi and Company want to create an event that would obstruct the presentation of prima facei evidence of election fraud during the confirmation hearings?

A related January 6th story that emerged is that of the mysterious Ray Epps. Mr. Epps, the Arizona President of the “Oath Keepers,” flew to Washington to support President Trump’s “Stop the Steal Rally.” However, for some reason, Epps never attended the Trump rally. Instead, he was video recorded on several occasions while inciting members of the crowd at the US Capitol to a breach the gates and enter the Capitol. During one recording of his speeches, members of the crowd pointed at him and chanted “Fed! Fed! Fed!”

Mr Epps’ photo ended up on the FBI’s most wanted list for a heartbeat, and once identified, he was never charged. The local Arizona Unit of the FBI denied any knowledge of Ray Epps. He was also defended by Democrats in Congress when Republicans tried to determine if he was one of the Federal Agents and Associates at the Capitol on January 6th. After embarrassing Congressional testimony by US Attorney General Merrit Garland revealed that NONE of those arrested during the January 6th “Insurrection” were actually charged with Insurrection; Insurrection and Sedition charges were filed against Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers. To this day, no charges have ever been filed against Ray Epps.

If that is not enough, a time-line of events on January 6th has surfaced. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) claimed that in fear for her life, she locked herself in her office restroom after hearing knocks at the door. AOC sniveled and weeped that she believed that “rioters” had breached the gates and made their way to her office; the office of the most important member of Congress. It was later revealed that the knocks were made by Capitol Security over an hour before the Capitol Breach. AOC’s story of January 6th eludes to her knowing there would be a Capitol breach at least one hour BEFORE IT HAPPENED!

Little truth bombs are exploding outside the January 6th arena. Peter Schweitzer’s new book “Red-Handed” has gained traction in the free-press and alternative media. In his book, Mr. Schweitzer details over $30 million in payments over a decade to the Biden family from Chinese businessmen tied to top Chinese Communist Party intelligence leaders. Much of this money flowed through Hunter Biden to “The Big Guy.” This is nothing new for those unplugged from Mainstream Media propaganda and censorship. Hunter B. has been the recipient of $$$ in the tens of millions from Russia and the Ukraine, with much of it destined to flow into the pockets of “The Big Guy.”

Like the movie “Wag the Dog,” it seems that “Only a War” could possibly save this embarrassed administration from further exposure of massive corruption and subsequent collapse. Yet, who could possibly sell the idea?

Recent polls indicate that CNN’s viewers dropped by over 80% from this time last year. This is real bad news, because CNN has always been the Democrat’s Knight in Shining Armor. MSNBC and the other alphabets running with the official narrative have seen their viewership suffering also.

This month, in attempt to bolster ratings, CNN placed an ad for a “Comedian” to host a new show poking fun at media “misinformation.” Most Classical Greek tragedies also revolved around topics of dramatic irony.

Today, January 24th, NATO upped their bet, with French troops committed to Romania, and the United States simultaneously placed 8,500 troops on alert. Seems we will get dragged into this fight, whether we want to or not.

Does the “Will of the People” even matter anymore? If it became common knowledge that Covid-19 was financed by the US National Institute of Health and manufactured in China, would it make a difference? If it was proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Covid was a biological weapon used to destroy more economic resources than people; would it make a difference? If the American People knew for a fact that the 2020 election was fraudulent, just like the forensic election audits claim; would it make a difference? If the American People knew that a bulk of our voting machines had been hacked by China; would that make a difference? If evidence were laid out on the table of the January 6th “Insurrection” being a government run False Flag operation; would that make a difference? If evidence surfaced of Hunter Biden being a “Bag-Man” in “Pay-for-Play” payoffs; would that make a difference? If this entire Administration, and many of those sitting in Congress and the Senate were exposed as illegitimate representatives; would that make a difference? If it were proven that Donald J. Trump actually won the 2020 election; would that make a difference? If January 6th marked the Corporate-Communist overthrow of the United States Government and our Constitution: would that make a difference?

It is obvious that viewers are dropping out of the cable news arena. It is also becoming obvious that workers are dropping out of the conventional nine-to-five workplace grind. Many have lost faith in the illogical Medical Establishment narrative concerning Vaccines and Government Mandates. Many others have lost faith in Federal, State and Local Governments’ ability to keep them safe from crime. Still others see their children being corrupted by Marxist dogma in their local schools. Those who speak up in School Board meetings find themselves being branded criminals. For every lobotomized follower of the Pied Piper of Mainstream Media and Pop Culture, there are two who have chosen to drop-out.

However, can we afford to drop out entirely? We have heard many times that “Freedom is never free.” Are we willing to pay the price for our liberty? Do we have the grit to stand-up against local government corruption? Do we possess the guts to be criticized and become unpopular? Can we exert the tenacious self-sufficiency and independence to survive outside of the Mooch-State? The time is quickly approaching when all of us will be required to answer these questions; not to those around us, but to ourselves!

War? Update Part 2

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, January 15th, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Buckle your seat-belts boys and girls, it looks like we are encountering extreme turbulence ahead!

In my last update, I mentioned Russia and China conducting exercises aimed at sinking US Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups. Both countries used mock US Aircraft Carriers as targets. I also mentioned a large Iranian exercise in the Arabian Sea. Information has recently come to light that their military exercise included a mass drone swarm attack against a mock Israeli nuclear facility.

On January 3rd, Iranian President Ebrahim Raishi demanded the arrest and trial of Donald J. Trump and Mike Pompeo for the January 2020 drone-attack assassination of the Iranian martyr terrorist General Qassem Soleimani. Sources relate that neither of these American officials are receiving additional security from the Biden Administration due to terrorist threats against their lives on American soil. It is unclear if the Biden Administration will actually arrest and extradite Trump and Pompeo to Iran for trial and beheading. Perhaps later; but not now.

ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, PBS and every alphabet of note hosted a non-stop star-studded television extravaganza commemorating the “horrific events” of January 6th 2021; a day that will echo into eternity as the “Worst attack on Democracy EVER!” However, the ungrateful American public was unimpressed. Out of approximately 332,403,650 residents of the United States, only 1.6 million of them, 0.0048% of the US Population, sat on the edge of their seats watching CNN’s 24 hour January 6th broadcast. Although Homeland Security refuses to release up-to-date figures, by October of 2021 more Illegal Aliens crossed our Southern Border than sat through CNN’s pathetic propagandist bantering. The other Mainstream Media networks didn’t fare much better.

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, Attorney General Merrick Garland, along with FBI executives and spokesmen faced tough questions about under-cover plain-clothes involvement of FBI Agents, Informants and Assets with incitement to riot and acts of violence during January 6th. Were Federal Agents disguised as MAGA Trump supporters at the US Capitol on January 6th? Did Federal Agents incite the crowd to breach the gates of the US Capitol? Did Federal Agents enter the US Capitol and commit acts of violence? How many FBI arrests for “Insurrection” were made of Antifa or Black Lives Matter Movement protesters involved in over 800 riots during the Summer of 2020, that resulted in looting, vandalism, arson, mayhem and murder; not to mention attacks against police, federal officers, and federal buildings? After a full year of investigations, and multiple reports to the “January 6th Commission” regarding Donald J. Trump and many political figures of the Republican Party, the uniform FBI reply was “I cannot answer that question.”

One other question was asked. Of the over 700 persons arrested for attending the January 6th “Insurrection,” how many were actually charged with “Insurrection?” In the case of persons charged with “Insurrection,” the answer at the time it was asked was Zero; instead of “I cannot answer that question!” Attorney General Garland seems to have noted that embarrassing fact, and subsequent charges were pressed on January 13th against Stewart Rhodes, founder of the “Oath Keepers” organization for “Sedition and Insurrection.” Better late than never.

Having failed to shake the American public into a frenzied state of self-righteous indignation over the January 6th story, our Pretender in Chief took the most logical next steps. On January 10th 2021, the Biden Administration’s own Merrick Garland announced the creation of a new “Domestic-Terrorism Unit” in the Department of Justice. The DOJ has doubled the number of agents assigned to domestic terrorism since 2020. “Patriot Extremists” naive enough to be infiltrated by FBI, and incited by Federal Agents to break the law, will finally be hunted down like the mangy dogs that they are. The US Post Office was enlisted in 2021 to “monitor” and identify recipients of mailings from patriot extremist Republicans, MAGA terrorists, religious extremist anti-abortion, anti-Critical Race Theory, anti-illegal immigration, anti-vaccine mandate and worst of all, anti-communist organizations. Those schools that are still open will continue to comb their student body in a Nazi-style hunt to find kids willing to rat on conservative “terrorist” parents. Of course, the FBI is investigating any parent opposing their local school board. According to the National Review, Biden’s own Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, requested the American School Board Association to draft the infamous “Threats of Death and Violence” letter that led to the Justice Department’s parent purge.

As if Facebook and Twitter snitches are not enough, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) style computer algorithm bloodhounds have been set loose on the American public through the internet. Artificial Intelligence (AI) data-bots employed by the government’s partners at Facebook, Twitter and Google, along with similar targeted data from Comcast, AT&T and other cable, satellite and telephone providers of media “programming,” scan for any potential “terrorist” threats. Even those evil conservatives who are not actively involved in crime will be identified and thoroughly profiled. Patriot Extremist terrorists have a unique psychological fingerprint, just like serial killers, and Merrick Garland’s FBI are the people to spot them. Soon, many conservative sub-species citizens may be removed from society “Minority Report” style. All of this is happening just in time for the 2021 Tax Season, with 87,000 brand-new gung-ho tax auditors, indoctrinated in government mandated Critical Race Theory, and hungry to root-out as many MAGA criminals as possible and extract “their fair share.”

Perhaps the United States will incorporate the Chinese Communist Party’s use of Artificial Intelligence Judges. It is expected that the CCP’s stellar record of 98% convictions may vault as high as 100% through the more thorough AI Judges. This new streamlined CCP judicial process even includes a mobile execution bus. No word of whether the new execution bus will be fitted with an operating room to harvest organs.

Meanwhile, the fat-dumb-and-happy American public have been finally awakened from their television induced psychotic stupor by financial news they can relate to. Recently released reports pointed to 7% inflation and looming interest rate hikes. “Damn; we only got a 5.9% COLA!”

Somehow, don’t ask me how, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband have been singled out as exceptional investors, with a 96% increase on their investments since 2019. Not even Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or any of the Wall Street savvy investors or hedge-fund managers can boast such a phenomenal return. What’s the “Pelosi Secret to Financial Success?” According to the New York Post, in 2021 Pelosi and her husband realized over $30 million in capital gains trading futures options for tech stocks like Google, Micron Technology, Roblox and Salesforce. Jeepers, seems I remember the CEO of Google giving testimony before Congress last year regarding alleged misdeeds and being granted a reprieve. Hmmm. Not to worry though, as Congressional Representatives face “rigorous scrutiny” by Merrick Garland’s Justice Department over insider-trading for any investments over $1,000; wink-wink, nod-nod, say no more!

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Back in Dog-Patch, store shelves are starting to thin, just as a new law goes into effect requiring truck drivers crossing the US-Canadian border to carry proof of vaccination. There is also a mandatory two week stay in a Canadian quarantine facility after each border crossing; along with a bill for the stay to be sent to the trucking company. Canada and the US import a majority of their staple goods, food and fuel from one-another. Seems like a give-take stalemate. The USA’s top exports to Canada include vehicles, machinery, electrical machinery and mineral fuels; while Canada’s top imports to the United States include mineral fuels, vehicles, gold and machinery. Yet, the devil is in the details, and far down the list Canadians will learn to live without many fresh fruits and vegetables, and Americans will live without lumber.

The dread monster Omicron is still considered the most newsworthy item for those news agencies hosted by Big-Pharma advertising dollars; which is most of them. “This night’s segment of the news is brought to you by Pfizer!” Mandates, constitutionally legal or not, will probably remain in place on a Federal level. Lion Biden is also pressing for Federal election reforms that will require all states to allow ballot harvesting, print at home ballots, and extend voting rights to incarcerated felons, children, and undocumented citizens (AKA illegal aliens) with no signature or ID requirement. This piece of controversial legislation surripticiously passed Congress on Wednesday January 12th 2022. Too many people opposing this Bill (HR-1), knew of it as the “Voting Rights Act.” In a work of sorcery that only the Democrats could concoct, the Democracy killing elements of HR-1 were miraculously incorporated into a Frankenstein’s monster known as HR-4, the “NASA Bill.” Most of the public are unaware of this sleight-of-hand trick, and thanks to Mainstream and Social Media, they never will know. Goodbye fair and transparent elections; screw the will of the people, it will be Democrat tyranny forever!

The Nation’s much loved and respected White House is also being permanently encircled with 12 foot tall concrete walls behind the existing wrought-iron fence. No word has surfaced yet regarding enhanced fortifications of razor-wire, claymore mines, flame-throwers or crew-served mini-guns. Bad news for those citizens looking forward to a White House tour. However, we must all make sacrifices to protect “The most popular US President in the history of the United States, who got the highest percentage of votes in the most secure election ever!”

Perhaps our leaders are taking their cue from the recent events in Kazakhstan, who’s President ordered “shoot-to-kill without warning orders” to put down local protests. Resource rich Kazakhstan’s population should be comfortable and happy. According to the World Nuclear Association, Kazakhstan possesses 12% of the worlds uranium reserves and in 2019 produced 43% of the worlds supply of uranium. Kazakhstan, a member of OPEC, out-produced their 2021 daily quota of 1.55 million barrels of liquified gas by 130,000 barrels per day. Yet, the population is in full-tilt rebellion over a doubling of consumer gas prices in one day on January 1st of 2022. With such an abundance of gas, why would the Kazakh people face such huge fuel price increases during a fierce winter?

Perhaps politics, money and ownership have had a hand in skyrocketing gas prices in Kazakhstan. First, it is important to be aware that Kazakhstan is a land-locked country, with no access to the ocean, and ports only on the likewise landlocked Caspian Sea. Its largest northern and western border is shared with Russia, then China and Kyrgyzstan to the East, and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to the South. Thus, exports from the country depend on rail and truck transport or fuel pipelines to reach non-adjacent markets. Any fluctuation in transportation policies or duties from adjacent countries affect the bottom line for all export industries. Mineral fuels are Kazakhstan’s largest export. Other exports include iron and steel, miscellaneous ores, copper, inorganic chemicals, cereals, gems and precious metals. Importers of Kazakhstan’s many goods include 19.2% to China, 14.2% to Italy, 10.4% to Russia, and 6+% to Netherlands, Uzbekistan, Turkey, India and France. Tengizchevroil is the producer of Kazakhstan’s mineral oil industry, and its owners are Chevron (50%), ExxonMobile (25%), KazMunaiGas which is owned by the Kazakh government (20%) and Russia’s Lukoil (5%).

After the populist uprising in Kazakhstan, thousands of Russian troops and their allies poured into the country to provide “peace-keeping” assistance and secure their strategic facilities (Lukoil) and infrastructure critical to “Regional Stability.” Observers found it unsettling that many of these troops were wearing “UN” emblazoned blue helmets traditionally worn by “UN” peacekeepers; even though this was not a UN sanctioned peacekeeping mission. The support of Kazakhstan’s government was launched by Russia’s own version of NATO. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) consists of military resources from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. On Saturday January 15th, it was announced that these Russian Coalition troops were withdrawing.

Those eye’s not focused squarely on America’s greatest threat, Patriot Extremists and White Supremacist MAGA followers, are on the Ukraine. Peace negotiations between NATO and Russia are going nowhere. North Korea, seemingly being left out of the limelight, launched two hypersonic intercontinental missiles into the Pacific. One of these missiles caused the temporary grounding of West Coast US air traffic due to a national defense alert.

On January 14th 2021, White House Spokeswoman Jen Psaki (Little Red Lyinghood) announced that Russia is expected to launch a False Flag attack upon itself. Those unfamiliar with False Flag attacks need only take a close look at the January 6th attack on the US Capitol by patsies led by federal agents and Antifa assets. If there is one thing that our Democrat run mono-party government knows about, it is False Flag operations. So look for Russia to stage a “Ukrainian” attack of some sort on Russian soil between mid-January to mid-February.

Now that this can of worms has been opened, the little wigglers seem to be popping up all over the place! Russia recently mentioned the possibility of sending their troops to Cuba and Venezuela. Great shades of the 1960’s Cuban Missile Crises! The United Kingdom and United States announced on January 12th that two NATO Carrier Groups will participate in exercise “Cold Response” (CR22). The aircraft carriers HMS Prince of Wales and USS Harry S. Truman will participate in the largest naval exercise in Arctic Circle since the 1980s, with over 35,000 troops. Cold Response, conducted 400 kilometers from Russian coast is scheduled to start mid-March of 2022. Russia has already deployed its new 3m22 Tsirkon hypersonic anti-ship missiles in the Barents Sea, and their entire Pacific submarine fleet left port in late November.

So little Buckaroos, we all most certainly have much to contemplate this week.

As it stands, we will probably not see an Electromagnetic Pulse attack upon America’s three energy grids and communications infrastructure for the time being. The shameless January 6th extravaganza hosted by television and radio stations nationwide demonstrated their staunch Marxist fidelity to “The Official Narrative.” While Mainstream Media and Social Media serve their Marxist and Maoist masters; our energy grids and communication systems will serve as weapons to eliminate “Patriot Extremists” and the enemies of Communism.

However, war is not off the table. Poor viewership of Mainstream Media propaganda might indicate that masses are recovering from their programmed psychosis. Both Biden and Harris are slipping dramatically at the polls, and many Democrat representatives in Congress and Senate have chosen to retire. A foreign war, or domestic civil war, could work in advantage for our present one-party Democrat run government. Why risk the loss of a perfectly good tyranny due to a regime change in a 2022 election? If war is declared, the Administration can invoke the War Powers Act, similar to Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War Two. Elections could then be suspended, along with a subsequent crackdown on any “seditious” opposition to the will of Democrat despots. The Republican Party would either fall-in-line as subservient RINOs, or be declared illegal and ruthlessly purged with the help of Mainstream and Social Media; along with the growing CCP “Social Credit” style American Surveillance State.

Look for more War updates in the near future.

January 6th 2021 Anniversary

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, January 5th, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Since the first of this new year, the programmers of mainstream media news have been preparing their gullible audiences for the anniversary of the January 6th, 2021 occupation of the US Capitol Building. Our authorized “News” sources have consistently repeated the ridiculous mantra that January 6th was “The worst attack on America EVER!” January 6th eclipsed the entire city of Washington DC being razed to the ground by British Troops in 1812, the Confederate attack during the Civil War, the Bonus Army of Veterans after WWI, the Japanese surprise attack during WWII, the multiple bombings of Federal Buildings by Weather Underground terrorists in the 1970s, the Oklahoma City bombing, terrorist attacks against the New York Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11, the Las Vegas Mandaly Bay Massacre, the Covid-19 biological weapons attack on the United States by the Chinese Communist Party, the Antifa and BLM riots looting arson mayhem and murders of 2020, and every school shooting for the past several decades combined!

Expert commentators are coming out of the woodwork to warn the citizenry that the awful “Make America Great Again Movement” (MAGA), conservatives, and the “White Racist” Republican Party are the greatest threat to “Our Democracy,” and the little-rascals are planning mass revolution! Forget Alqueda or ISIS; like our new “Partners” in Afghanistan, they pose no more threat than the Taliban.

The event on January 6th, 2021 has assumed a mythic presence in the American psyche and soul. The dangers of the Bill of Rights have been exposed to be a disease as dangerous as the dread Omicron and the filthy heathen scum who refuse to vaccinate against it. Conservatism, and fundamental rights over one’s own body is now inextricably linked as a pandemic disease that must be eradicated along with Covid-19.

We also have the Democrat run “January 6th Commission” that has turned the US Department of Justice and the Pentagon against any “Patriot Extremists” who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, our “Truth Commission” will insure that no political thought and speech, other than the authorized narrative, will be tolerated. Those guilty of potentially contagious opinions, contrary to those prescribed by the State, will face censorship on Social Media, and potential inquisition, incarceration, and isolated from society.

As for the actual event on January 6th, the “Commission” has been as transparent as a wall of solid Kryptonite; Superman himself could never see through it. The logical questions remain unanswered in deference to an expedient inquisition of all things Trump, Conservative, Republican and Patriotic.

We are forbidden to ask those questions most germane to the January 6th “Insurrection.” These questions are now blasphemous; so outlandish and forbidden that their very utterance can be likened to treason.

Election integrity is the basis and heart of the questions related to January 6th. Indeed, the counting of Electoral Votes and subsequent Presidential Confirmation Hearings were to occur on January 6th, 2021. Republicans were prepared to introduce prima-facie evidence of election fraud related to both popular and electoral votes. At the precise moment when this evidence was being presented, a breach of the US Capitol occurred, and Congress was adjourned and evacuated. When Congress reconvened in the evening, the media had created a full-blown insurrection out of the earlier event, and all objections were swept under the rug.

The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and her Sergeant at Arms were in control of the Capitol Police on January 6th. Both Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms had been notified by Federal Law Enforcement about intelligence indicating threats to the confirmation hearings on January 6th. President Trump authorized additional law enforcement assets, and National Guard troops were also made available. Speaker Pelosi declined these additional security assets. Why she would do so is a forbidden question.

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Other forbidden questions include the following: Why did Capitol Police open barriers around the Capitol Building at precisely the moment when confirmation objections were being raised on the House Floor? Why did Capitol Police wave-in a vanguard of “Insurrectionists” and allow them to enter the open doors of the Capitol Building? Why didn’t Capitol Police block the path of this vanguard of costumed “Insurrectionists” while they walked calmly through the entrance hall, into the Capitol Foyer and up the stairs to the Capitol Rotunda? Why have so few of these initial intruders been investigated or charged?

Most important, why does the January 6th Commission refuse to investigate Federal Agents and Assets deployed as part of the Capitol breach and subsequent “Insurrection?” It was proven that there were many more FBI Agents and Assets than actual “perpetrators” on site during the attempted “Kidnap” of Michigan Governor Whitmer. Was the same true during the breach of the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021?

The FBI was quick to confiscate and remove hundreds of hours of video evidence from the internet. This evidence is now closely guarded by the January 6th Commission. Many of these videos showed the crowd trying to stop vandals from breaking windows. There were indications that the event had been infiltrated by Antifa and BLM activists wearing MAGA gear. It has been proven that BLM related activists were only feet away from Ashley Babbit when she was shot. Many others who were part of the vanguard ushered into the Capitol have been identified as regulars at the summer Antifa and BLM riots. Video evidence has recently surfaced of suspected Federal Agents instigating crowds to occupy the US Capitol. Many of the key players in the US Capitol breach were never charged; while others who never entered the Capitol, and were simply in Washington DC on January 6th still sit behind bars!

Was the January 6th “Insurrection” contrived by Democrat leaders to silence objections to Joe Biden’s confirmation as President? Were Capitol Police ordered to open gates and allow a select group of agitators to enter the Capitol at precisely the moment when Republican objections were raised? Were Federal Agents and Assets fundamental instigators and leaders of this “Insurrection?” Was January 6th a “False Flag” operation, similar to Hitler’s burning of the Reichstag and the SS manufactured “Polish Attack” on a German radio station?

Many of these questions will never be answered. The Chief of the Capitol Police resigned shortly after the incident, as did many executives and officers. Four Capitol Police Officers have committed suicide (or been suicided). Meanwhile, the events of January 6th are being used by Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and FBI to launch a nationwide manhunt for conservatives of all stripes; but especially Constitutionalists and “Patriot Extremists.” Our Military, the entire Federal Government and many State Governments have been purged of anybody opposed to Marxism.

American Parents recently showed outrage over the US Attorney General memo directing the FBI to crack down on any parental disapproval of School Boards. Simply making telephone calls to a School Board has been considered “harassment and intimidation.”

Hard evidence of election fraud coming from the Maricopa County Arizona Election Forensic Audit have been either ignored or lied about in the media. This is not only happening in Arizona but anywhere nationwide where similar audits are being held. Politically compromised and intimidated judges refuse to even consider any evidence of election fraud.

Election fraud will soon become impossible. On this Commemoration of January 6th, 2021, Congress is pressing the issue of House of Representatives 1 (HR 1), the “Voting Rights Act. Finally, everyone will have a right to vote; not just American Citizens. The Voting Rights Act paves the way for “Print at Home Ballots” and an expansion of voting rights to incarcerated felons, “Undocumented Citizens” (formerly “illegal Aliens”), gullible children, dead people, people who never existed, and people and organizations who simply want to cheat and vote multiple times. Ultimately, the election process will become so compromised and corrupted that we will never see a fair election ever again. Fraud will become cease to exist because it will be the rule of law. The expense and effort of widespread fraud practiced by Democrats during the 2020 election will never need to happen again, as fraud will be endemic to our electoral system. HR1 will destroy democracy, and will ultimately destroy the United State and every Constitutional Liberty we all enjoy. HR 1 will convert our nation into a populace of Marxist serfs in a one-party system.

If the mainstream media’s manufactured myth of January 6th is allowed to continue, how far will this purge of conservatives go?

Can the once free people of this Nation continue to sit on the side-lines or straddle the fence? Dare we ask the hard forbidden questions: Was the 2020 election compromised by election fraud? Is Joe Biden our legitimate President? Are many of our Congress and Senate Representatives illegitimate? Did January 6th 2021 mark the overthrow of the United States Government?

War? Update #1

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, December 17th, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

I grew up during the Eisenhower Presidency, lived through the Cold War, and the Cuban Missile Crises during the Kennedy Administration. The event of a nuclear strike on the United States was very real back in the 1950s and early 1960s, and we were all taught to “Duck and Cover” after a bright flash in preparation of the coming radioactive blast. “Civil Defense” provided free plans for personal fallout shelters which were built in suburban backyards; and many were built in my own neighborhood. I grew-up near three prime strategic military targets; home was just outside of McClellan Air Force Base, and 20 miles away from Mather Air Force Base (Strategic Air Command) and the adjacent Aerojet facility (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a precursor of NASA). We were all taught about nuclear fallout and radiation sickness. People were encouraged to stock-up on potassium iodide, food and supplies. After all of that, I have never seen this Country more vulnerable and close to nuclear Armageddon than I do today.

In the following paragraphs, I will present a large body of facts pointing to an armed conflict between China and Russia against the United States and NATO. While draconian Covid mandates and criminal anarchy rule the streets in “Free” Countries of the West, our communist enemies are preparing for all-out war; nuclear war.

December 16th, Russia fired a Zircon hypersonic missile from the White Sea aboard the Admiral Gorshkov Frigate, impacting with a coastal target at the Chizha training ground. An article in the Sun headlined the news “BLAST OFF Russian invasion of Ukraine will spark World War 3, Kiev fears as Putin fires hypersonic nuke just 22 miles from border. Another article in the Daily Beast published December 21st, 2021 headlines “Russian Citizens are now being Prepped for Nuclear War.”

Christmas day, December 25th 2021, Russia’s Gasprom has cut all natural gas supplies through Belarus and is now choking off gas traveling through Ukraine to the European Union. Gas, once destined for Europe is flowing back to Russia. This has led to skyrocketing fuel prices throughout Europe at the official beginning of Winter and the arrival of sub-zero temperatures. Exports of natural gas and propane from the United States to Europe will cause a subsequent shortage and increased costs in the USA.

Also in recent news, Iran has been conducting “extensive” military exercises in the Arabian Sea, beyond the Gulf of Oman. The exercise, which began Monday, December 20th, is surreptitiously aimed at choking off sea traffic through the Strait of Hormuz, where 20% of the world’s annual oil supply passes. The five day simulation includes both conventional weapons and biological warfare exercises. Iran is nearing completion of uranium enrichment prior to the assembly of its first atomic weapon. Israel has threatened a peremptory strike against Iran’s enrichment facility to prevent an attack upon their country. Though the exercises are claimed to be a message to the USA and Israel about Iran’s military prowess, it is a clear statement about their control of oil flow through the Strait of Hormuz.

In 2020, and again in early 2021, several US Aircraft Carrier groups were sent to secure United Nations mandated free navigation within the South China Sea. China claims all international waters of the South China Sea as its own, as well as the island nation of Taiwan and an increasing number of other islands, both natural and man-made. To this end, the People’s Liberation Army has been fortifying these islands with “Aircraft Carrier Killer” missile systems.

Beginning in May 2021, the United States Navy participated in the largest Naval exercise in history; involving 25,000 US personnel in 17 out of 24 time zones. Other Countries involved in these exercises included Great Britain, Australia, Japan, India, and a variety of NATO countries.

Border skirmishes have flared between India and China along their shared Himalayan border since the beginning of 2021. India’s long-time adversary Pakistan has sent troops to assist China. All three of these bordering countries have nuclear strike capabilities. Imagine what it would be like if Canada or Mexico were openly hostile enemies capable of a nuclear attack. How much time would we have to determine if an incoming missile were nuclear, and how much time to react? Pakistan and India, which were partitioned after World War II, have been considered to be the most likely of all countries to exchange thermonuclear weapons.

The Russian Baltic Fleet conducted maneuvers just off the coast of Hawaii in August of this year. These Naval exercises were aimed at the sinking of a mock US Aircraft Carrier.

The Russian and Chinese Fleets conducted joint exercises in the Sea of Japan, just outside Japanese territorial waters in early October of this year, US Intelligence Satellites detected China’s Air force and land-based missile forces conducting secret exercises against mock US Aircraft Carriers and Destroyers in China’s deserts.

Russia meanwhile has amassed approximately 125,000 troops on the border of Ukraine, established dedicated supply lines to the front, and is bolstering this force with an additional 50,000 reserves. The difference between a military exercise and preparation for an actual war is the provision of supplies and replacement troops, and Russia has taken both those steps.

This is the second time that Russia and the Ukraine have faced-off. The first time was predicated by an ethnic Russian separatist movement in the Donbas Region of Ukraine in 2014. Yet, many military strategists agree that the war was most likely launched to annex the Crimea, which was the ultimate result. Another key feature of the Ukraine is its massive network of gas pipelines which intersect with Poland, and thus compete for Europe’s energy market with Russia’s gas pipelines through Belarus to the north. Some might remember a certain high-ranking politician’s party-harty, crack-smoking, skank-banging son receiving a $1 million annual salary from Ukraine’s energy conglomerate. No big deal there, as this little-rascal also received over $1 billion from China just prior to the 2020 elections. Such is the life of a pay-for-play bag-man.

Ukraine’s military and civilian militias totaling 100,000 men and women have dug-in preparing for the Russian attack. After the Biden Administration agreed to Russia’s completion of its new northern oil pipeline to Europe, the oil conduit in Ukraine is Russia’s only potential competitor outside of Middle-Eastern OPEC producers. Russian troops are also militarily supporting Belarus in its role of choking Russia’s new fuel supply monopoly to Europe. To Poland’s west, Belarus has been using immigrants as a way to weaken or breach their border. NATO has sent UK troops to Poland as a way to help patrol and fence-off remaining border regions. More important, Poland and Ukraine have signed a mutual military assistance pact. In the event that either are attacked by Russia, then the other would come to its aid. Poland is a member of NATO, and thus would drag the rest of Europe and the western powers into the conflict.

Two years ago, Sweden (NATO) began its preparations for a Russian invasion. All Swedish residents were issued booklets detailing how to prepare for war. Swedes were encouraged to stock-up on food, medical supplies, fuel, weapons and ammunition. Local Swedish Militias and National Guard were formed to resist Russian aggression, and citizens were taught how to organize and operate covert resistance groups.

Last week, the UK, Germany and France issued “stern warnings” to Russia in regards to an attack on the Ukraine. The United States likewise threatened Russia with “economic sanctions.” If NATO becomes involved in this conflict, the United States will be pressured to follow.

December 16th, 2021, Vladimir Putin warned that Russia will deploy medium range nuclear missiles to Europe to counter any further NATO involvement in Ukraine.

The Russian Zircon missile was tested in 2020, and has now attained a maximum distance of 1,200 kilometers. In October of 2021, Russia successfully tested a Zircon hypersonic cruise missile launched from a submarine platform. The Zircon missile can reach speeds up to Mach 9-10, can fly below the radar horizon, and is capable of maneuvering itself toward its target. The anti-aircraft acquisition system on a typical US Naval ship or aircraft carrier is capable of intercepting a target traveling at 3,500 mph. A Zircon missile in a vertical dive, traveling at up to Mach 10 (over 7,000 miles per hour) would only allow anti-aircraft batteries only 1.5 to 2.5 minutes to detect, acquire and engage their target. If the Zircon missile were to fly below radar at 200 ft above the surface, defensive systems of targeted ships would only have 20 seconds to detect, target and engage.

All of the Russian Pacific Fleet’s nuclear strike ICBM and Zircon capable submarines had been on red alert through the month of November. At the end of November, those submarines were ordered to leave port into the Pacific.

According to US satellite intelligence, China tested a hypersonic high altitude missile in October of 2021. This missile reached Mach 6, over 4,400 mph, and circled the Earth. China denied the military intent of this exercise and claimed it was a part of their “space program.”

Mid September 2021, North Korea launched ballistic missiles toward Japan, with at least one falling within its territorial waters. Although antiquated, North Korea has the largest fleet of submarines in the world.

China has been breaching Taiwan’s “No Mans Land” with hundreds of flights of fighters and bombers since February of this year; over 150 Chinese military aircraft breached this airspace in October 2021 alone. Last month, in November, China actually flew beyond this no-man’s-land with an armada of 27 fighters, bombers and a refueling jet into Taiwan’s air-space. This provocation was considered grounds for a defensive ground to air missile strike by Taiwan; but it did not happen.

China has the largest Navy in the world, surpassing the number of ships in the US Navy. As of November of this year, China has also incorporated ALL of its commercial and civilian maritime vessels into the Peoples Liberation Army. Included among those commercial maritime ships serving the PLA are the many container ships outside US ports.

In late November, China tested an underwater detonation designed to destroy enemy ports. This underwater bomb was designed to serve the same function as the Russian Poseidon autonomous submarine torpedo.

Both Russia and China have developed weapons systems disguised as maritime cargo containers. Chinese Corporations manufacture over 90% of the entire world’s maritime cargo containers, and 100% of the world’s refrigerated containers. These hidden container weapons systems include antiaircraft missiles, advanced killer drones, EMP weapons, directed energy weapons (DEWs), and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). This is not a comforting fact considering the hundreds of thousands of containers sitting in American ports, or on cargo ships right off our coast. We have nothing but shipping manifests attesting to the contents of these cargo containers. In China, where many of these containers originated, ports are controlled by the People’s Liberation Army, who subsequently prepares the shipping manifests.

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Wouldn’t the US Customs Service check the contents of cargo containers?

US Customs and Border Patrol are no longer concerned with border security, but the care of migrants. Add the fact that both the US Department of Customs and Border Patrol having lost a third of their agents due to resignations and firings related Vaccination Mandates. Security at our Nation’s ports are as open as our Southern Border.

Wouldn’t rail and trucking companies check the contents of cargo containers?

There are so many unprocessed containers that local ordinances in Long Beach were changed in order to stack them to unsafe heights in ports. There are so many unsearched containers entering our ports that they are spilling out into surrounding communities. Understaffed warehouses are more concerned with packaging and shipping existing inventory than they are with processing new arrivals. Rail lines and roadways outside of warehouse facilities are littered with packages pilfered by smash and grab gangs directly from rail cars and trucks because of a lack of transport security.

Which takes us to the Southern US Border. Except for Texas National Guard, the border is wide open. Because of the mass influx of migrants, Border Patrol is incapable of doing anything but processing those who surrender. Over one and a half million migrants have illegally crossed our Southern Border since the Biden Administration took office. For every migrant turning themselves in to Border Agents for processing, there are other “Walk-Aways” that skirt this human shield for nefarious reasons. Of these Walk-Aways, it is not the drug and human traffickers that are the greatest risk; but rather the infiltration of terrorists and foreign special forces units.

As a military veteran, I am both ashamed and disgusted by the betrayal and abandonment of US citizens and our allies in Afghanistan. To this day they are being hunted down with the help of “kill lists” provided by our State Department. Taliban are going door to door, identifying US citizens and allies with biometric scanners and a database that were abandoned along with $80 billion worth of military hardware; much of it classified. Once identified, these abandoned souls are being interrogated, and often tortured, mutilated, raped, and murdered without a peep from our government or media.

For veterans of my generation, Afghanistan is reminiscent of the fall of Saigon. Just like Vietnam, our allies in Afghanistan have been betrayed and abandoned. Our prisoners of war were betrayed and abandoned in Vietnam similar to American civilians left behind in Afghanistan. And just like Vietnam, all of our military service dogs were set loose on the streets of Afghanistan to be tortured and killed. The only difference being the airlift. In Vietnam, we evacuated as many of our allies as practical; in Afghanistan, US citizens and our Afghan allies were stopped at the gates to be killed by a suicide bomber. Only a small fraction of those evacuated were vetted as holding visas. Many Afghan evacuees have since been identified as Alqueda and ISIS, while others were immediately released from US Air Fields without any screening at all.

As for Bagram Air Base, two weeks after the American departure from Afghanistan, and two days after a phone call between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, Bagram fell into the hands of the People’s Revolutionary Army of China. This one act has totally rearranged the chess-board of the Middle East.

Since February. the entire Middle East has been a powder-keg. The Peace Accords brokered by Trump have unraveled. Hamas, along with allies in Yemen, Iran and Syria and Houthi Rebels have been launching thousands of missile and drone attacks against Israel, Saudi Arabia, and ships in the Strait of Hormuz. The government of Lebanon, and its entire economy collapsed after a massive ammonium nitrate blast destroyed the port of Beirut and much of the adjacent city. Hamas now launches many rocket attacks from Lebanon. Retaliatory strikes have been launched by both Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iran has been the source of most of the drones, missiles and other munitions used by Hamas, and Iran is on the brink of obtaining nuclear strike capability; Israel is intent on preventing it.

Other divisions and alliances are forming in adjacent regions. Hungary is breaking away from Europe and aligning itself with Turkey; which in-turn has been turning toward Russia and China, though still technically allied with NATO. Tensions have risen between Greece and Turkey over control of the Aegean Sea. France has allied with Greece, and is hastily pulling its troops from Timbuktu and abandoning the Sahara to radical Islam; a move as hasty and locally devastating as Biden’s betrayal of Afghanistan.

After the 1990-1992 breakup of Yugoslavia, the Balkans have been a hotbed of armed conflict and civil unrest. The Balkan country of Bosnia has seen a renewed independence movement from Kosovo in recent months. Kosovo was the target of horrific ethnic cleansing by the Bosnian government in the late 1990s, which led to United Nations sanctions and NATO military intervention. Having failed to establish an independent nation-state, Kosovo is now seeking to merge with Albania. Other Balkan regions are likewise considering forming new regional boundaries of their own. This is not new; the word “Balkanize” refers to the breakup of a country into small hostile regions.

Last year, a similar conflict played out during the Nagorno- Karabakh territorial conflict that pitted Azerbaijan against Armenia. The triumph of Azerbaijan was facilitated by killer drone “Suicide Missiles” provided by major powers testing their Autonomous Weapons Systems.

Perhaps the two most dangerous technologies in modern warfare are Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven autonomous weapons, and AI driven threat-assessment and response systems; especially those employed toward nuclear threats.

Autonomous “Fire and Forget” killer drone systems have been developed by a variety of nations. Russia, China, Iran, Israel, Turkey and the United States have marketed such autonomous systems commercially to any nation with the financial ability to pay; as evidenced by Houthi rebels employing drones against Saudi Arabia and nearby shipping lanes. Many of these drone systems are designed to hover over selected areas and wait for a target to present itself, and even to return to base if no target appears.

Artificial Intelligence driven Autonomous Aerial Drones are increasingly being formed into “Swarms.” We have recently seen these coordinated AI Drone Swarms used in civilian light displays at festive public events and New Year celebrations. Swarms are also an important military tactic, and the movement of individual drones is both driven and coordinated by computers incorporating Artificial Intelligence “Singularity.” Each Drone shares visual, audio, and global positioning information with other drones as well as remote central processing units in a fashion that all work together as a single organism. On a battlefield, drones would share similar information with other conventional AWACS, radar and FLIR sensors, intelligence and electronic warfare units, individual aircraft, missile systems, directed energy weapons, anti-aircraft batteries, artillery, and armored units outfitted with autonomous robotic targeting systems, and even infantry personnel carrying state-of-the-art “Soldier of the Future” technology.

Much of this new AI technology has been developed to eliminate human error. Humans hesitate to use lethal force, and subsequently must be conditioned by the military to overcome these inhibitions. Not so with programmed AI weapon systems. Thus, lethal force decisions are made faster than the blink of an eye.

The possibility of an aggressive act of war increases with the number of Autonomous Drones or Weapons Systems involved in a Swarm. This is especially true when two opposing swarms meet each other in combat. In the case of two opposing AI Singularity super-computers meeting oneanother in combat would certainly result in rapid destruction. We have already seen a similar cataclysmic result of computer automated decisions during the Wall Street melt-down in 2010. A “Flash” of computer automated trades, driven by “intelligent” algorithms, caused a world-wide economic crash in a matter of a couple minutes.

Now, consider the same AI driven systems controlling the detection and response to a potential nuclear attack. Not just the United States, but the UK and other NATO countries, Russia, China, and any nuclear capable country with the financial means has this capability for AI Automated detection and response. In the case of two or more adjacent countries with nuclear strike capabilities, with only minutes to respond, could result in a “Flash” thermonuclear conflagration.

This is where nuclear policy comes into the picture. For decades, the policy of both the United States and Russia focused on “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD), which required the launch of US ICBMs once an incoming strike was imminent. This policy of MAD then evolved to parity of nuclear arsenals, and the gradual down-scaling of nuclear weapons stockpiles. During both the Clinton and Obama Administrations, the nuclear policy of the United States shifted away from Mutually Assured Destruction to the United States absorbing a first strike, and then retaliating with any ICBMs in our nuclear stockpile that might survive. This changed back to Mutually Assured Destruction under the Trump administration, which also bolstered our own hypersonic weapons program and the Space Force “Dark Star Program” to protect communications satellites and our energy grid. The Biden Administration is expected to announce their own new nuclear war policy in January of 2022. This policy will ban nuclear first-strike options for the United States and require that nuclear weapons only be use to deter an imminent adversarial threat, such as a nuclear air-burst to bring down incoming ICBMs or nuclear weapons laden bombers, or to retaliate AFTER absorbing a nuclear first-strike or EMP attack from our enemies.

An ominous first-strike weapon in the Russian arsenal is the “Poseidon” autonomous drone torpedo-submarine. The Poseidon is a 20 meter long and 2 meter diameter nuclear powered autonomous “torpedo-submarine,” packed stem to stern with 100 megatons of nuclear explosives. The intent of this massive explosive release is the triggering of a tectonic fault-zone earthquake and generating a massive tsunami to destroy enemy ports and coastal infrastructure, or destroying an entire US Naval Fleet. To put this into perspective, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of WWII was only 15 kilotons, making the blast from the Poseidon 6,666 times stronger. Able to reach depths of 1,000 meters, and achieving the unheard of speed of 200 kilometers per hour surface speed, the Poseidon can remain submerged and roam about intelligently for unlimited amounts of time; totally unhindered by a human crew and the subsequent needs for fresh air and water, food, sewage, hygiene, laundry, solid waste disposal, medical services or other bothersome biological logistical needs requiring return to port.

Russia is expected to augment its Northern Fleet with 16 Poseidon drones, and increase the number to a total of 30. The Poseidon can be carried by any Oscar II class submarine in the Russian Fleet, which is also capable of carrying Russia’s hypersonic drone missiles. Russia’s new K-329 Belgorod submarine, with a length of 178 meters and width of 15 meters, will be the largest submarine in the world, with a displacement that exceeds the Typhoon. Powered by two nuclear reactors, the Belgarod carries a Losharik titanium 70 meter by 7 meter submarine attached beneath it’s hull for deep sea missions. Ordinance carried by the Belgarod includes up to 24 ICBMs or Zircon hypersonic missiles, and up to six Poseidon drones.

If the prospect of AI Autonomous weapons systems, and strategic nuclear detection and response systems are not bad enough, add cyber-attacks to the mix. In truth, we are already at war. All of the cyber-attacks against energy pipelines, municipal water systems, financial institutions, ports, and private businesses that have hit the news last year are not strictly financially driven.

Do any of you remember our Nation’s largest cyber-attack by China and Russia (via SolarWinds and Microsoft) that was revealed during the election of 2020? It seemed like no US government agency was spared from months of secret hacks and spying. Among those agencies attacked were the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, DIA, Homeland Security and FEMA, Departments of the Interior, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation, Centers for Disease Control, Environmental Protection Agency, the Pentagon and every branch of our military, including the new Space Force. I will point out that one of the secret programs hacked in the Space Force was the Dark Star Program. Dark Star was designed to protect both our communications satellites and the power grids of the United States against an EMP attack. You might also remember that Chris Krebs, the Chief of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the very agency that allowed the devastating hacking breach, declared that the voting machines in the 2020 election were all protected, and that we had “the most secure election ever.” Of course, both our government and media forbid any question of the election outcome. Google, Facebook and Twitter consider any question of 2020 election integrity to be acts of “Insurrection.”

Employment of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Weapons will be most likely event during an all-out war with Russia, China, or another world war. Such an attack on the three energy grids of the United States is estimated to result in the deaths of up to 90% of the US population in one to three years. The topic of EMP vulnerability, probable outcomes, and recommendations will follow in the next update.

One bit of late breaking news is the appearance of a Russian withdrawal of troops from the Ukrainian border. So much is happening daily regarding the probability of war. As it stands now, Russia has choked natural gas flow to Europe from the border of Belarus and Poland and the Russian border with Ukraine. The already exorbitant cost of natural gas in Europe has risen 70% in a matter of days. Over the past couple of days, Western Leaders have been exchanging frantic calls with Russia. Reuters has reported that 10,000 of the approximately 125,000 Russian troops are withdrawing from the front lines and returning to their bases. This withdrawal is being done in conjunction with scheduled meetings with Western Leaders in January of 2022. Some claim that it was done after a telephone conversation with “The Lion of Washington DC.” After all, they don’t call him “Lion Biden” for nothin.

Is this partial Russian withdrawal an indication that the West caved into their demands that NATO pull-out from Eastern Bloc countries? Is Russia withdrawing troops for their own safety in preparation of using tactical nukes (small Neutron Bombs) on the Ukrainian front lines? Will Russia resume natural gas shipments to Europe with a new 70% bonus? Will Russia starve both Ukraine and Europe of much needed natural gas during sub-zero temperatures to soften their targets before attack in mid-Winter or Spring? Is Russia waiting for China’s invasion of Taiwan? Due to seasonal treacherous waters between China and Taiwan, the People’s Republic of China will not be capable of invading until March of 2022. Is this the beginning of peace on earth; or is it a convenient prelude to war?


By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, October 28th, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Are we approaching war? Are we already at war and haven’t been told? Have we been at war and never noticed? Did we already lose the war?

Consider the following:

China is being sued for over $4 trillion for the willful spread of Covid-19. In-turn, China blames the United States for importing Covid-19 to China during the Military Olympics of 2019. Far-fetched idea to blame the US.? It has been proven that the National Institutes of Health funded “Gain For Function” research involving bat viruses at the Wuhan Lab. A coalition of doctors and regulators worldwide have filed charges against the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and NIH of Crimes Against Humanity!

Regardless of the mode of creation, the Bio-Weapon Covid-19 was released on the world a year later.

Once the coronavirus was discovered, China established travel restrictions within its own borders; but still allowed foreign travel out of the country. Both the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control were hesitant to ban foreign travel from China. President Trump shut-down inbound flights from China, and was branded a Xenophobe!

Shortly after the Covid-19 Pandemic was announced, Antifa & BLM launched unrestrained attacks against cultural monuments, law enforcement, government structures and small businesses throughout the “Free World.” Riots, looting, vandalism, arson, assaults and mayhem became publicly acceptable behavior for the first time in recent history. The same holds true of public tolerance for acts of violence against the elderly, infirm, and children. Big Cities supported the defunding of police.

Coordinated Marxist support for BLM from the “Free Press” followed these attacks, a “Cancel Culture” movement formed, and large corporate dollars followed. It was later revealed that BLM was a shill for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Censorship of conservative media by the 6 mass media corporations who control 90% of news content galvanized over coming months. Social Media giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter defunded conservative media, and later censored or totally banned their accounts or content. The First Amendment died on most platforms during the first months of the Pandemic.

The election rules of 2020 were radically changed under the pretext of protecting the public from infection. Mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting were suddenly considered rational procedures. If the Democrats had been able to do so, signature verification would have been eliminated, convicted felons and illegal aliens would have voting rights, as would high school age kids, print at home ballots and multiple votes would have been allowed also. This is precisely what the Democrat platform is now.

It was proven that China conducted the largest US. Government hack ever in late 2020. China hacked the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, IRS, Treasury, and the ENERGY DEPT. China hacked ALL military branches including the Space Force. China hacked the Space Force’s top secret “Black Star” program. Black Star protects our nation’s three energy grids from high altitude nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. This all was revealed DURING the 2020 elections. However, before being fired for gross incompetence and negligence, the Director of the US Cyber Security Agency still claimed 2020 to be the “most secure election ever.” This wildly ironic claim is still parroted by journalists today, as though it were gospel. Yet, during the 2021 Cyber Security Symposium, it was proven that China hacked and manipulated the 2020 voting machines; literally flipping the vote results. Was this ever reported?

When the Arizona 2020 Election Forensic Audit results were released, the mainstream media was quick to claim that Biden and Harris had received EVEN MORE votes that claimed during the election. What has been censored by mainstream media is that hundreds of thousands of all those votes were UNSUBSTANTIATED OR FRAUDULENT! The Maricopa County Election Commission has admitted under oath that they destroyed election records, and to this day refuse to release court ordered voting machine servers. What else are they hiding?

During his first month in Office, Pretender-in-Chief Biden declared on numerous occasions that “White Culture” and “MAGA” are the #1 threat on democracy. Subsequently, the US Military has been purged of “Patriot Extremists.” The entire Federal Government has been purged of “Patriot Extremists.” Federal, State and Local government First Responders have resigned over the past year due to lack of support from Woke Administrations and declining budgets.

Over 1.7 million illegal migrants have been processed at the southern border. Many more illegal immigrants passed the border undetected; most of them involved in drug and sex trafficking. How many other undetected migrants were terrorists or foreign Special Forces?

We already know that there were Chinese espionage rings operating in our leading universities involved in technology theft. This led to the Trump Administration closing several Chinese embassies. How many other spy rings are collecting intelligence on our power grids and energy production, transportation systems, water supply and treatment facilities, and other critical infrastructure? How many sleeper cells are operating in America, just waiting for the green-light to launch attacks?

“The number one threat to our democracy is “Patriot Extremists;” and “Domestic Terrorism” has been the focus of investigation and apprehension. This has been true ever since the false flag “January 6th Insurrection.” China has become a financial competitor; not a political adversary.

The “Free World” middle-class economy has nearly collapsed from Covid shut downs. Massive “Vaccination Mandates” have driven protests and job resignations in both the public and private sectors. The entire world is facing a shortage of workers.

Ever since the massive Evergiven Cargo Vessel blocked traffic through the Suez Canal, we have been warned of a pending supply disruption. These disruptions were first blamed on the halting of cargo shipping at the Suez Canal,

Next, the supply disruptions were blamed on the lack of shipping containers. An article by John Fossey for American Shipper in May of 2021 claimed three Chinese Corporations cornered 96% of all dry cargo container production and 100% of the world’s refrigerated containers.

Dire warnings surfaced about microprocessor chip shortages leading to a production halt of everything from cars and computers to refrigerators and alarm clocks. This coincided with US export sanctions against China due to technology theft and the CCP’s insertion of hardware hacking “back doors” in Chinese chips. Unable to steal US technology, or provide openly hack-able computer chips, the collapse of China’s largest chip manufacturing consortium soon followed. Taiwan provides a majority of our microprocessors, and China is threatening Taiwan on a daily basis with invasion.

Then the supply disruptions were blamed on the Delta variant of Covid limiting maritime crews access to ports. About the same time, the Port of Cape Town South Africa was closed for over a week due to cyber-attacks, This event coincided with South Africa’s largest Marxist riots, resulting in irreparable damage to infrastructure.

Then fuel shortages were blamed as cyber attacks hit oil distribution lines across the US East Coast. Similar fuel disruptions have hit the entire world. China embargoed coal imports from Australia while also threatening war over Aussie support for Taiwan: including threats of a first nuclear strike! Then, major monsoon floods destroyed major dams and shut down China’s largest coal region; with over 60 mines closed. Now, Chinese industry has shut down as major production hubs are blacked-out because of a lack of it’s primary source of energy; COAL. Due to its “Belt and Road” agreements, China switched to oil from the Middle East and was able to purchase a majority of East bound output through the Gulf of Hormuz. That’s bad news for the rest of the world.

Since Biden’s February shut-down of the Keystone XL Pipeline and fracking operations, the USA has been totally dependent on OPEC for oil. As of October, heating oil is up 43% and stockpiles are low. Government forecasts home heating oil to go up by 60% over last year. Natural gas will go up 90% over last year, mostly due to a 350% rise in Europe this past year with low storage inventories. Propane will be up 47%.

Electricity is slated to increase by a very modest 6%; and that’s the good news. What they fail to mention is that States like California, which imports 30% of its electricity, will experience rolling blackouts during high demand periods this coming winter. Electricity providers will also use the new “Smart Meters” installed on homes to selectively shut electricity to high energy consuming appliances; such as heating units. So, California can expect long periods of NO ELECTRICAL USE. Yet, Californians will not be charged for all that electricity that they cannot use; so be they should be happy about saving money!

With colder temperatures forecast in 2022, the US Government expects heating bills to jump 54% over last winter. Of course, overall cost of consumer spending is only up by 5.4%, so life will be tolerable for most folks. This figure is not considering housing, food, or energy; but rather the cost of hula-hoops, whoopee cushions, cat toys, yo-yos, inflatable plastic love dolls and other high demand survival items.

Back to shipping cargo and bare store shelves.

China owns or controls container terminals in 2/3rds of world’s 50 top container ports located in the Indian Ocean, the coast of Latin America, the Mediterranean Sea and Sub-Saharan Africa. China controls major maritime terminals in the three primary ports of Southern California.

President Obama signed a 2012 agreement giving China control over the second largest Port of Long Beach. China’s largest maritime cargo corporation, COSCO, ran the Port of Long Beach from June of 2018 til October 2019. After cases of espionage and technology theft led to the closure of Chinese Embassies, major National Security concerns became obvious. That is when the Trump Administration came to the conclusion that handing our critical ports over to the Chinese Communist Party was not a good idea.

Over 90 cargo ships now idle off the Southern California Coast, with a quarter million containers; while an estimated half million containers are stacked to the sky in the Southern California ports. Many of these cargo ships are too large to travel through the Panama Canal to Eastern Ports. The Panama Canal is also owned and controlled by China.

Still more vessels are headed from China to Southern California while an armada of ships cannot be unloaded. Why the speedy return of laden ships to the United States?

The answer is two-fold. First, shipping companies were making a fortune booking cargo on their ships after the Suez Canal closure. Normal costs for container traffic soared ten-fold during the past few months; and even more was charged to provide a “Premium” in order for clients to be placed at the front of the line. However, shippers only get paid while the cargo is moving; not for drifting outside ports.

Another reason for the swift return of full cargo ships is that the cargo containers were returned to China EMPTY. No American goods were exported; NOTHING! Thanks to our new Socialist trade policies, no food or manufactured goods have gone to the export market. Instead, farmers were paid NOT to plant crops, entire livestock production facilities folded and destroyed their animals, and manufacturing facilities failed because workers were home collecting Covid relief checks. Gee, what’s Gross Domestic Product (GNP) matter when you can just print all the money you want?

As a result of no goods being exported to China, the cargo containers did not require unloading time at Chinese ports. Containers were promptly loaded with goods for a swift return to the good-ole-USA.

“But, what about all those containers? Why can’t we get all our goodies?”

Our government and mainstream media point to a lack of truckers. We have plenty of truckers; but they cannot make any money due to our failed transportation policies.

Containers are not being unloaded because of a lack of trailers. Cargo containers are lifted by cranes off ships and placed on flat trailers, called “chassis,” which in-turn are towed by trucks to port warehouse complexes. Warehouses want to get the goods out to their clients so they don’t cause delays. During manpower shortages, their first priority is to load goods already in the warehouse on OUTGOING trucks. Thus, during a manpower shortage, skeleton crews load outgoing goods and leave port trailers and cargo containers abandoned at the intake bays. If a trailer is lucky enough to get unloaded, the trucker hauls his chassis and empty cargo container off to find a place to stack the container. Then they can return to the ship with their chassis in tow to collect another container. The primary problem is finding a place to drop the empty container. Safety ordinances limit the height that containers can be stacked.

Our Pretender-in-Chief Joe Biden has vowed to unload those containers 24/7. As for hauling all those goods to stores, that job goes to the Department of Transportation. Our new Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, is finally back on the job from two months of maternity leave. You will be relieved to know that both Pete and his husband have healed from the physical pains of labor and delivery, their collective cervix has recovered from delivering their first baby, and both have learned the ins-and-outs of breast feeding and bonded with their infant. Our Transportation Secretary is now ready to get back to work. So the situation is under control!

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Truckers idle near ships because of few trailers to haul containers. Trucks wait at already overflowing port warehouses to be unloaded. Meanwhile, cargo containers, still loaded onto scarce trailers are spilling out into the surrounding communities because the containers either cannot be unloaded, or cannot be stacked any higher.

Some truckers find a place to park their trailer, while others drive aimlessly around collecting traffic citations from local police and eating up ever increasingly expensive fuel. Does this explain the “Trucker Shortage?”

According to Safety4Sea, the Port of Long Beach relaxed container restrictions on October 25th in response to the national supply chain emergency. So, now containers can be stacked to unsafe heights; which is always a good thing.

Does that explain why your goodies won’t be on the shelves? It all comes down to priorities.

“Com’on Man, Gimme a Break!” Pixie-Dust and Bernie-Bucks along with six trillion dollars in Tooth-Fairy spending will fix everything. Screw the Holiday Seasons and keeping the citizens fed; we need the Green New Deal, and the critical “Infrastructure Bill;” especially since illegal migrants, er “Undocumented Citizens” have been determined by Congress Democrats to be “Infrastructure.”

This supply chain debacle is an example of the rubber-meeting-the-road. Yet, it is just one facet of our supply challenge. How could fuel, food and supply shortages get any worse?

National Security!

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is in charge of National Security at our Borders. This is due to the DHS being in charge of the Department of Customs and Border Patrol.

Cargo ships are international and fly a variety of flags; but most shipping containers on those drifting vessels are made by China, and most originated from Chinese ports which are controlled and operated by both the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

We DO NOT KNOW the contents of those containers while they are at sea. We know the written manifests; but the manifests were determined by dockworkers under orders from the CCP or PLA. Is the cargo actually what is displayed on the manifest?

That is where the Department of Customs and Border Patrol comes in. It is their job to inspect these containers and prevent drug and human trafficking, along with potential acts of terrorism.

Meanwhile, shortages and costs of goods rise. We are told by economists that this will be a cold and hungry winter.

“We want out stuff, and we damn-well want it now!”

Are containers being properly inspected during this “emergency?” The title of an article in “Business Insider” on October 25th 2021 read, “The Chinese Military is thinking about how to stealthily destroy enemy ports and just set off a big explosion to see how it might work.” The article goes on to describe underwater explosions designed to generate massive tsunamis.

Both China and Russia have been holding joint naval exercises off the coast of Japan. China has openly threatened Taiwan with invasion, and Australia with a nuclear strike. Does this sound like the actions of a government interested in our port security?

Both China and Russia have been disguising weapon’s systems as cargo containers. This fact has been publicized in a variety of maritime magazines and even Popular Mechanics. Cargo containers have been used to conceal everything from Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and anti-aircraft missile systems to advanced killer drone systems and nuclear inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Remember what country has a stranglehold on the manufacture of 98% to 100% of the world’s cargo containers?

WE DO NOT KNOW the contents of ships loaded at Chinese ports!

According to the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection, Cargo Security and Examinations: Each year, they are responsible for 11 million maritime containers at ports, 11 million containers by truck and another 2.7 million by rail. Shipping container inspections fall under the Container Security Initiative (CSI) and Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT).

Once again, considering the job being done securing our Southern Border, and the priorities of the Biden Administration; do you honestly believe that proper support is being provided to the Department of Customs and Border Patrol to do its job? This question holds especially true during the draconian vaccination mandates enforced by the Biden Administration.

In October alone the Border patrol has fired over 5,000 officers due to vaccine mandates; with no figures for outright resignations due to the Hellish work conditions at the Southern Border. Incidentally, these Border Patrol firings were done just in time for caravans of illegal immigrants numbering in the tens of thousands!

Numbers for Customs Inspectors fired or resigned is totally unavailable; as are most any statistics of numbers of other Federal Agencies or Departments!

Just like the Southern Border, there is a complete blackout regarding National Security issues at our ports, railways and trucking entry facilities. This is no reflection of fault upon understaffed, overworked and unappreciated personnel in the field; but rather those in positions of authority. When can dereliction of duty be considered purposeful sabotage of National Security?

When asked by reporters why goods were not reaching their destination, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, replied that citizens buy too much! If they just stopped shopping, then there would be plenty of goods on the shelves. During the same interview, Buttigieg was asked about the supply outlook during the Holidays. Our Transportation Secretary immediately replied that he and his husband looked forward to spending their first holidays with their new baby surrounded with presents. Awww, how precious… “Let them eat cake!”

Department of Homeland Security Director, Alejandro Mayorkas, meanwhile enforces the vaccine mandates, despite the hemorrhaging of experienced personnel during a disappearing job market. No doubt we will soon see the borders entirely run by human and drug trafficking cartels, terrorists and foreign armies. . .

In many respects, we are already there. This Administration abandoned American citizens, our allies, and vulnerable Christians in Afghanistan to a ruthless group of Taliban terrorist thugs that suddenly became “Our Partners in Afghanistan.” Men, women and children were subsequently tortured, raped, maimed, and executed by our Taliban “Partners” as they searched door-to-door for more victims. To this day those people are still being hunted, tortured and killed while being totally ignored by US politicians, press; and to a large extent the American people. This Administration abandoned nearly a hundred billion dollars of state-of-the-art military equipment, much of it containing technology critical to National Security; and it is now in the hands of Iran, Russia and China. This Administration abandoned Bagram Air Base to the Taliban BEFORE attempting to evacuate US citizens and allies. Within two weeks, after a 90 minute conversation between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, China took control of the Bagram. After proclaiming “Patriot Extremists” to be the highest threat to “Democracy,” can we expect this Administration to treat American citizens in the USA with any more loyalty than those abandoned in Afghanistan?

If Americans were starving and freezing this winter, would there be public unrest? If the Biden Administration turned to the United Nations for “Humanitarian Assistance” for food and fuel, would Americans support the decision? If that assistance were to include “Military Assistance” to stop public unrest, would Americans support the decision? If that assistance came from China and Russia, would it matter?

Again I ask:

Are we approaching war? Are we already at war and haven’t been told? Have we been at war and never noticed? Did we already lose the war? If so, how soon will the United States be “Occupied?” Is the United States already “Occupied?”

Is this “Red Dawn” in slow motion?

issiles in Boxes: The Pentagon Cancels Plans, Russians Market Theirs (Video)

3M-14 Kalibr (SS-N-30A) – Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance

Club-K Container Missile System

Northrop Grumman Shows Off Shipping Container-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile Concept

China Building Long-Range Cruise Missile Launched from Ship Container

This Containerized Missile Launcher Could Give Almost Any Ship Short-Range Air Defenses

Containerized Weapons System – HDT Global

Good News!

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, October 7th, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

This is certainly a day to mark down in the history books; Angry Old American has good news for a change. What is this good news? Those in the audience that have put emergency preparedness on the back burner and procrastinated will no longer need to prepare. You can only prepare for an emergency BEFORE it happens. Preparation will soon be impossible and you can all erase the task from your list.

The global supply chain failure has become common knowledge. The public has been told to do their Christmas shopping early because goods may not be on the shelves this season. We have all been told that prices for EVERYTHING will increase through this Winter, and continue to increase through 2022. The UK and Europe are already experiencing a fuel crises, and energy producers here in the USA have warned of similar shortages here this Winter with rolling blackouts and brownouts.

Remember how bare the market shelves got when the Pandemic was announced? That was nothing compared to what is coming. As the purchasing power of the dollar decreases, people will exchange their dollars for tangible goods as soon as possible. Why keep money in the bank? Instead, they will spend it on anything of value.

A running theme that I have addressed for over a year has been emergency preparedness. Considering the extreme weather, natural disasters, public unrest, riots, looting, arson, mayhem, permissive lawlessness, draconian government policies and false flag events that we all have witnessed over the past years, it is hard to deny the need for emergency preparedness, Only the most dense, brain-dead, mass media lobotomized TV Zombie could ignore the circumstances that are staring us in our face.

Some of the possible events that we might face include: Sustained disruptions of financial, communications, transportation, supply, energy, water, solid waste, sewage, and emergency services. Natural Disasters due to storm, flood, tornado, polar vortex, earthquake, tsunami, drought, wild fires, or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). Man-made Disasters due to government purges, martial law, public unrest, mass lawlessness, riots, industry job strikes, transportation strikes, hospital strikes, emergency services walk-outs, cyber-attacks, economic collapse, civil war, foreign invasion, nuclear EMP weapons, grid failure, sabotage, terrorism, and all-out anarchy.

Except for those who thrive on living dangerously, most of us retain a “Prudent Emergency Reserve” of cash to meet the inevitable challenges that life sends our way. Keeping one or more months expenses on hand can provide a buffer against job loss, bank failures, and other financial obstacles to our peace of mind. Personally, I have experienced a local credit union failure. If your primary bank fails, it takes an average of three months for the bank to be audited, restructured and sold in order for you to access your funds. During that time, there will be no ATMs, Lobby Services, or Phone Services, as all employees are locked outside the bank while the “Treasury Department Task Force” sorts things out. If you cannot pay your bills because you cannot access your money, NOBODY will care about your problems. If your pay or retirement checks happen to be direct deposited to a failed bank, the funds will remain there til it is restructured and reopened. Thus, it is nice to have a secondary bank account with checking privileges with sufficient funds to cover a month of expenses. Why a month? It takes a month on average to change your direct deposit from a failed bank to a solvent one. It is also a good idea to keep a modest amount of cash at your home for dire emergencies.

Many people keep a bulk of their assets in the Stock Market, or in Mutual Funds and other traditional investments. Some folks diversify their “Liquid Savings” into Bitcoin or Precious Metals as a hedge against devaluation of the US Dollar. The US Dollar can lose value if the government recklessly inflates the money supply through massive multi-trillion dollar spending measures; which of course would never happen. Like conventional investments, the only caveat to such hedges is to make sure they are available during an emergency. Bitcoin would be totally worthless during an EMP or cyber-attack grid down situation where computers are no longer linked or even functioning.

Keeping cash on hand for rent or mortgage and basic utilities is important. However, other needs like food and supplies are important too. Do not rely on cash to provide for these needs during all emergency situations. What normally happens before a hurricane strikes? During a natural disaster, store shelves and gasoline pumps empty quickly, leaving those at the back of the pack wanting. The time to prepare for an emergency is BEFORE IT HAPPENS!

The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have guidelines for different states of preparedness, and specific recommendations for various types of emergencies. Your time would be well invested to study these materials in order to develop your own emergency preparedness plans for yourself and your family.

There are three types of emergency or disaster to prepare for; local, regional and national. Local disasters are the most forgiving, as there will usually be regional and national government assistance during and after the event. Regional disasters are much harder to survive, and outside assistance may take weeks to arrive. National Disasters will touch the entire Country, and may take months or even years to overcome. For example, FEMA recommends a minimum of six months provisions for a regional grid down event. Should all three national electrical grids go down, we would be without electricity of two years or more.

Planning, preparation and practical exercises are key to surviving a Local Disaster or National Emergency. Your best hope for long-term survival in most situations is to “Shelter at Home.” It is impractical, if not impossible, to carry sufficient supplies and equipment for extended survival during a National Disaster.

There are situations, like Wildfire, Floods, or Tsunami, where it is absolutely necessary to “Bug-Out.” A Bug-Out Bag contains all that you will need to survive for two weeks, and it is important to keep one on hand for every member of your family. Your vehicle should be equipped with Bug-Out supplies. All vehicles should also contain a “Get-Home” Kit, in case you get stranded and need to walk home during an emergency.

Here is a short list of basic supplies and equipment to keep on hand.

Shelter: Even if you have a home, a small dome tent is handy for use indoors to survive extreme cold events. Folks in Texas that never encountered snow, recently experienced an Arctic Depression that few people were prepared for.

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Water: You will need at least one gallon of water per person, for each day. Be prepared to collect rain water or fog condensation, and to purify surface water of impurities. A solar-still can be used to desalinate ocean water.

Food: Caloric intake depends on the size of a person and their energy output. Soldiers in combat will require 3,000+ calories, while sedentary survival may require 1,000 calories or even less. Food options include canned food, fermented and pickled foods, dry goods, dehydrated foods and freeze dried foods. Those with a fertile vegetable garden and the know-how to preserve food will do very well. Those with the knowledge of foraging local wild foods will do well also. For Bug-Out Bags, freeze dried foods are light and quick to prepare, but very expensive; a less expensive option is dry goods.

Energy & Light: Options include gasoline or propane generators, stoves and heaters; solar panels and generators and 12 volt or low voltage appliances; conventional or “Rocket” wood stoves and heaters; and alcohol stoves for Bug-Out Bags.

Medical: Always keep a supply of your medications on hand. Learn what alternatives are available should these medications be unavailable. Should medical assistance be unavailable, keep a supply of off-the-shelf antibiotics, anti-histamines, analgesics, and other medications on hand. Learn home remedies used by your parents and grandparents, and study the medicinal herbs for your immediate area. Keep emergency first aid supplies on hand. Although the “First Aid Kits” commonly available are nice for minor injuries, it is recommended that they are augmented with trauma bandages and equipment carried by EMTs. An excellent book yo keep on hand is “The Survival Medicine Handbook: What to do when help is NOT coming” by Dr. Joseph Alton M.D. and Amy Alton ARNP.

Security & Defense: Your greatest threat will be other people who did not prepare for emergencies and are desperate for supplies and equipment. Although the many criminals recently released from jails and prisons will be on the top of your threat list, don’t forget your neighbor who procrastinated til it was too late and may be sniffing the air for something to eat. In this age of “Entitlement” you can expect everything from pilfering and theft, to strong-arm or home-invasion robbery. Securing windows and doors includes alarms, locks and physical bars and blocks. Securing your home perimeter includes signs, physical barriers, alarms and surveillance cameras. Defense is any means to protect your family against attack. Defense in the home can include less than lethal rubber bullet firearms, pepper spray, tasers, conventional firearms or field expedient weapons (crowbar, hammer, kitchen knife). In public, we have a choice of pepper spray, hand-held tasers, and Concealed Carry Permit Firearms.

Communications: In most locations hit by Natural and Man-made Disasters, telephones and cellular phone service is either sporadic or non-existent. Two way hand-held radios are a good back-up communications option. The “Bubble-Wrap” Walkie Talkies available at Walmart and other outlets are short distance Family Radio Service (FRS) devices that do not require an FCC license to operate. Despite the claims of manufacturers, FRS radios will be lucky to transmit a block or more in urban and suburban environments. The next step up are General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios, which can reach ½ mile or more in urban and suburban environments with the right antenna. GMRS radios require an FCC license ($70) that is good for the whole family to operate, but an examination is not needed to get a license. An advantage of GMRS radios is the ability to use powerful “Repeaters” that can send signals far away. Finally, we have HAM radios, which require a license with examination to operate. Ham radios can transmit from a half-mile or more without a Repeater, to worldwide depending on power output and antenna. Ham Radios can also transmit signals via satellites or bounce signals off the Moon!

Tools: Do it Yourself (DIY) will be the standard operating procedure should a National Emergency happen. The ability to make your own soap and candles, to preserve food, make your own clothing, and repair your home will go a long way. Basic repair tools will get you by, while specialty tools will provide an income for your services through barter and trade. A mechanic who can fix gasoline generators, or an electrician who can repair a solar generator will be in high demand. Basic trades like blacksmiths, carpenters, chemists and engineers will be in high demand.

You might be saying “OK, that’s all great for folks who have a bunch of bucks; but I am lining paycheck to paycheck!” Please read on.

First and foremost, learn to budget and do without. Learn to pinch a penny til it screams for mercy! Cut every expense that is not necessary for you to survive.

When I first cut-out luxuries for basic survival, I quit using both my hot water heater and regular heater. I wore warm clothing indoors and heated water as needed on the stove in a kettle. No eating out, entertainment or leisure travel. No ready-made processed foods from the stores; I made all meals from scratch. More and more of my food came from my garden as skills progressed. In winter, I grew sprouts. I shopped from second-hand stores for what I needed, and learned to improvise with plastic, glass and metal container “trash.” Before tossing out “Trash” I would strip salvageable screws, nuts, bolts, wiring, and hardware that could be used later. I installed a bidet on my toilet so I wouldn’t need toilet paper. I used cloth napkins and dish-rags instead of paper-towels. I learned how to make soap and candles. The next one is controversial; I learned to treat my own ailments naturally. By changing my diet and exercise routines, and using natural remedies, I eliminated all of my chronic medications. Today, I have not seen a doctor in nearly a decade and don’t use pharmaceutical medications at all. My monthly bills went down dramatically.

If you have very little, then you must make do with what you have. Do you have a smart-phone, tablet, computer or other device that is internet enabled? Do you have access to one? Then fill it with free survival downloads while the information is still available. There are archives of public domain books on survival, wild edible plants, farming, livestock production, food preservation, emergency shelters, and just about every do-it-yourself subject imaginable. Knowledge is your friend!

Learn to improvise. Many long-distance hikers make their own alcohol stoves from a soft-drink can. You can make a heater from a one gallon paint can, a roll of toilet paper and denatured alcohol. Soap can be made from lye and bacon grease. If you need survival gear that you cannot afford, then make it!

Don’t have land to garden? Then share crop! Approach someone with land and water to work in exchange for a portion of the crops. During a long-term national disaster, there will be plenty for front lawns converted to gardens.

Exchange work for items that you might need. Learn skills and trades that will be in high demand. If you are disabled, then assess what you are capable of doing. If you cannot walk; then can you use your hands to mend clothing or prepare produce for storage? If you can’t use your hands or arms; but can walk, can you run errands? If all you have is your eyes, can you watch pressure caners while batches of jars are being processed? Can you keep watch on the neighborhood and use a radio to call for help?

If you have nothing, the best you can do is live as healthy as possible. Get strong, exercise, learn to heal yourself with diet and exercise. You will be surprised to learn that the most expensive foods are also the least healthy. Foraged vegetables, though bitter, are also packed with vitamins, minerals and other healthy substances.

Of course, there is really no need for anybody to trouble themselves with preparation. Procrastinate until it is too late. Then you can either die, mooch off family and friends, or become a menace to society.