A Halloween Story, Part 2: Blood, Visions and the Fountain of Youth

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, October 4th, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Are there such things a Vampires?

Studies relate two forms of Vampires. The first of the two is the Psychic Vampire, who feeds off the vital energy of their host through eliciting strong emotions. A Psychic Vampire will leave a person feeling drained by their simple proximity.

The other type of Vampire consumes the actual life’s blood of their host. These are the Vampires of legend that most are familiar with, and they are the object of this study.

Young impressionable people of recent times, many in their teens, became romantically infatuated with the popular Twilight vampire series. Young folk have been excited by sexual symbolism and images of vampires in pop-culture since they first surfaced in silent cinema in 1917. Theda Bara became the prototypical “Vamp” that was imitated by many young women of her time. The dark-eyed, pale, near naked vampire seductress, who was universally sought after by men, predated the “Flapper” party girl of the 1920s. Bella Legosi’s Count Dracula in the 1930s became a sex symbol for many women. In the 1970s, young people adopted the “Goth” look; gaunt with pale skin, metal piercings, red lips and torn clothing. Then came a strong resurgence of popularity with Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire. An actual sexual fetish emerged among bondage and discipline devotees called haematophilia, deriving erotic pleasure from either sucking blood, or being harvested. These erotic practices became the object of documentaries exposing lifestyles of “Real Life Vampires.”

Vampire legends go back many thousands of years. Lilith was said to have been created at the same time as the first man, Adam. According to Hebrew mythology developed in the Babylonian Talmud, she became Adam’s first wife; before the creation of Eve. Lilith is believed to have been the first Vampire, with details originating from the Epic of Gilgamesh (600 BC). Appearing as the Zu Bird, Lilith lived atop the Huluppu Tree in Inanna’s Garden of Uruk located in Enkidu and the underworld. In the Egyptian religion, Lilith is associated with the goddess Ishtar, who’s high holiday was incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church as Easter.

According to Hebrew tradition, Lilith rebelled against Adam and demanded a dominant position; making her the world’s first feminist. When Adam refused, Lilith flew away to the mountains, creating dozens of children each day. Lilith in Demonology became the first succubus, and is said to return to this day to suck the life’s blood from the children of Adam. The many children of Lilith likewise feed on blood; either as Incubus in male form, or as Succubus in female form.

The origins of what we know today as vampires are well documented. History, and Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, point back to the mid 15th Century and the second son of Vlad Dracul (Dragon); the Romanian Prince Vlad III, Volvode of Wallechia. Vlad III was the bloodthirsty “Vlad the Impaler” who crushed the Transylvanian Saxons and repulsed Islamic forces in Bosnia. Records state that 23,884 Turks and Bulgarians were slaughtered during his scorched-earth war. During a campaign of revenge, the invading Sultan Mahmed encountered a “forest of the impaled.” Chroniclers wrote of over 20,000 men, women, children and infants, skewered on pikes and clustered in an area 17 stadia (10,200 ft) long and 7 stadia (4,200 ft) wide. Facing a bloodthirsty foe, with all food destroyed and wells poisoned, the Sultan’s army retreated.

By all accounts, Vlad III was a psychopathic sadistic killer. He took pleasure in executing criminals, enemy soldiers, adulterous women, rebellious children or anyone who displeased him. Victims would be tortured by having noses, ears and eyes hacked away, or be boiled alive. Yet his favorite method was impalement. Vlad III was said to seat himself outdoors while feasting and drinking blood while his victims agonized in front of him. Tall wooden stakes were sharpened for a quick death, or left dull for slow torture. His most disliked victims would have one end of the stake inserted into an orifice, the other end into the ground, to be raised aloft with the weight of their body to slowly impale them vertically. The tales of fangs and blood-sucking, immortality, bats, garlic, crucifixes, mirror tricks, and stakes through the heart would all come later through the imagination of Stoker and others.

Another notorious case of blood drinking involved the Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory de Ecsed. She is known as the most prolific serial killer in history. Elizabeth Bathory was convicted in the 15th Century of torturing and killing over 350 servant girls, drinking and even bathing in their blood to retain her youth. Being nobility, Elizabeth was spared execution and imprisoned in her castle. However, her handmaidens were tortured and put to death.

Other than sexual fetishists and sadistic killers, is there any evidence of what is conventionally perceived as actual vampires?

Previously, during a discourse on Shamanism, “Vision Quests” were mentioned. This is a good time to explore the physiological mechanism of visions.

The pineapple and pinecone are common symbols found in most of the ancient religions. The pineal gland, located behind the frontal lobe, is shaped like a pinecone. This gland is also known as the “Third Eye.”

The pineal gland has many functions, but the one we are exploring is related to visions. When certain toxic substances, such as the liberty cap mushrooms are consumed, their poison triggers the release of Dimethyltryptophan (DMT) from the pineal gland. In the case of the liberty cap mushroom, this psychoactive chemical is psilocybin. It is important to know that the release of DMT from the pineal gland is what causes the visions; not the poison that triggers the release.

Another way of triggering the release of DMT from the pineal gland is through near-death fasting, and extreme physical exertion or pain. Adrenaline in the bloodstream, secreted by the adrenal gland, accompanied by high amounts of oxygen in the blood becomes the trigger to activate the release of DMT.

This lengthy treatment about the pineal gland, DMT, and adrenaline will now take a dark turn.

Hunter S. Thompson, in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, mentions the drug Adrenachrome. In Thompson’s story, the drug was procured from a Satanist who had just committed a murder to collect blood along with fresh adrenal and pineal glands. Adrenachrome is a pigment formed from oxidation of adrenaline harvested from blood. Blood does not normally contain adrenalin. Adrenalin is the “Fight or Flight” chemical that is released through fear. For blood to contain adrenalin, the donor must either be injected with pharmaceutical adrenalin (epinephrin); or must experience enough pain and horror to naturally secrete adrenaline.

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Medical studies by Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond in the 1950s and 1960s reported psychotic “derealization” and thought disorders among subjects under the influence of adrenachrome. They further related that the substance should be considered neurotoxic and might contribute to schizophrenia with sustained use. The drug was also mentioned by Aldous Huxley, author of “The Doors of Perception,” who experimented with a wide variety of hallucinogenic drugs. It is important to note that Huxley’s accounts were second-hand, as he did not use the drug himself. During the 1960s, a large number of scientific and novice experiments with mescaline, psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), adrenachrome and others were conducted and written about. Adrenachrome was likened to very strong mescaline, though none of those who wrote of the experiments admitted to actually using it themselves. Hunter S. Thompson, who ingested any drug he could obtain, wrote that adrenachrome made mescaline feel like ginger-beer.

Adrenachrome is unscheduled under the Controlled Substance Act, and thus suffers no restrictions. It can be manufactured, sold, shipped, and subsequently consumed or used with no legal penalty. Yet, if the drug has so few actual accounts, and so many harmful effects, then why would anybody want to consume it?

This seems to be the million dollar question. Hardly any first hand accounts can be found other than the one by Thompson. Second-hand tales rave of ecstatic psychedelic highs with no adverse side-effects. They also claim increased energy along with youth-enhancing and life-prolonging qualities if the source of the substance was young. Literature also contains additional cautions of adrenachrome being highly addictive, with severe life-threatening withdrawal symptoms after prolonged use. Yet those who actually consume adrenachrome remain mum. The secrecy seems illogical. If adrenachrome is an unscheduled drug that is legal to possess, there should be no fear of prosecution; or is there more to the story?

Is there actually a market for adrenachrome?

The primary commercial source of adrenachrome is the People’s Republic of China. Adrenachrome is sold by the kilo or metric ton on the website Alibaba. Standard dried granular adrenachrome, derived from any slaughtered mammal source, sells for the bargain price of approximately $13 per kilo when purchased by the metric ton. Human adult adrenachrome sells for approximately $390 per kilo. The age of the “Donor” determines the price of the harvested adrenachrome. Infant and child adrenachrome are the most expensive, and by accounts in their ads, often find their way into the US market. Advertisements claim the most common uses of these products are muscle growth and body building, along with beauty enhancement.

How the suppliers of adrenachrome harvest and export tons of the substance is open to conjecture. There is little credible research on the subject to reach a solid conclusion. No online factory tours, nor any descriptions of blood harvest, or the conversion into granular adrenachrome. No quality assurance reports about absence of disease or contamination, nor of inspections and packaging. Nor are there any instructions for dilution, consumption or other uses. Nothing.

The important thing to know is that adrenachrome is real, and is exported openly worldwide in huge quantities.

Then there is another matter of blood transfusions from young donors. The 1972 Movie Being There starring Peter Sellers, included a segment where a dying elderly billionaire was given transfusions from kids to maintain his youthful appearance. Scientific studies with mice actually support the theory that “Young Blood” can cure diseases, accelerate recovery from injuries, and reverse some of the effects of aging. Amy Wagers of Harvard University isolated a specific protein, “Growth Differentiation Factor 11” (GFD-11), that aids heart function, rejuvenates muscles and other tissue, and increases strength and vitality. Stanford University has been conducting similar studies with positive effects shown on Alzheimer’s Disease. What isn’t mentioned is the reverse effect on donors through direct transfusion. Young blood rejuvenates the old; while old blood degenerates the young.

Since 2017, the rich and famous have been forking out $8,000 per liter of fresh blood from 16 to 25 year old donors. Infusions were done at Ambrosia, a clinic with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Tampa and Omaha. Another clinic, the Young Blood Institute, charges $285,000 to participate in its clinical trials to treat sleep disorders and reverse Alzheimer’s Disease. After an FDA warning about “Young Blood Transfusions” in 2019, Ambrosia closed its doors. There is evidence that this practice and others more gruesome continue in venues less transparent.

Chief Counsel Robert David Steele of the International Tribunal of Natural Justice spoke at their Tribunal titled: Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. Steele, an ex-CIA Operative, described an expansive international network of child kidnap, sex-trafficking, torture, blood-harvesting and murder. A distinction was made between pedophiles who sexually abuse children; as opposed to pedovores who harvest and feed on them. Complicit in these activities were organized crime groups, wealthy and sophisticated generational Satanic organizations, intelligence organizations (especially those involved in MK-Ultra style mind control), and governments.

According to Steele, government child service programs had been initiated with best intentions; but were then infiltrated by pedophiles and pedovores who subsequently rose in rank to establish trafficking rings. Accounts of infiltration by pedophiles into orphanages, schools, day-care centers, churches, and child protective services were rife.

The Tribunal also spent much time detailing forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs of all ages in China. During organ donations in the free-world, once the donor is determined to be “Brain-Dead,” the body is put on life support. Paralytic drugs are then administered to stop involuntary muscle movement during surgical removal of organs. Forced organ harvesting is said to be performed without “Brain-Death” to enhance the quality of organs being harvested. This might also account to the volume of human adrenachrome exported from China.

There is also the recent adoption of Acroposthion, which is the use of foreskins from neonate baby boys for high end cosmetic treatments and compounds. Even in the United States, foreskins from circumcised infants are sold by hospitals to pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The foreskins, which sell collectively for $3,000 per square foot, are also used for medical skin grafts.

Could the consumption of adrenachrome or blood transfusions from the young be considered Vampirism?

The jury is out.


Angry Old American

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