Armed Protests?

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, January 12th, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

The execution of the “US Capitol Riot” was reminiscent of Operation Himler’s false-flag attack upon a Nazi radio tower on the border with Poland by Bradenburger Nazi Special Forces dressed in Polish army uniforms. True to form, the Corporate-Communists are following-up on their false-flag attack with an unofficial Insurrection Act. Once Kamala Harris and her hand puppet Joe Biden are inaugurated, we can expect that an official Insurrection Act will follow.

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Silicon Valley’s strangle-hold over social media has censored the President of the United States and most online conservative voices opposed to tyranny. Already, we have seen a purge of all things MAGA and pro-Trump. They have scrubbed anything that questions the legitimacy of their stolen election, or that the US Capitol riot was perpetrated by Antifa Agent Provocateurs. When free-speech advocates fled by the millions from controlled media; Google, Apple and Facebook killed the most popular conservative social media platform, Parler.

CNN is calling for an end to FOX News and any others that unashamedly support the MAGA Movement. Comcast, Disney, AT&T-Time Warner, News Corp, National Amusements, and Sony are not satisfied with controlling only 90% of all media; they want it all!

There is a clear message from the new “official” President Elect; Conservatives are insurrectionists and terrorists; so let’s all join together. Former CIA Chief John Brennan went further to liken Conservatives to a malignancy that must be eliminated; and calls for “repentance.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has labeled the US Capitol false flag incident “A new Pearl Harbor;” while Joe Biden, always the living sarcasm, branded Republican Senator Ted Cruz another “Goebbels!” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pursuing another impeachment of Donald J. Trump to block him from ever running for President again; even though both impeachments fail. Never mind the fact that Capitol Police opened the Capitol gates and stood aside for Antifa adorned in MAGA gear to enter the Rotunda BEFORE President Trump spoke at the Rally; according to Congress he none-the-less incited the worst act of terrorism in the history of the United States!

The FBI and other law enforcement entities loyal to the Democrat agenda are scrambling to identify all individuals involved in the US Capitol Rally and none of the Antifa agent provocateurs leading the subsequent Riot. Even those who never entered Capitol grounds are also being identified. Federal, State and Local governments are firing employees who simply attended the Washington DC Rally on January 6th. A legion of America’s largest corporations are likewise firing employees who attended the Rally.

In response to the shut-down of free speech, and the purge of conservatives, a new set of Stop the Steal Rallies are being planned. According to the FBI, armed protests are being planned at every State Capitol in the United States on Inauguration Day. The de facto Biden Administration has vowed to crush all who challenge the legitimacy, or oppose the upcoming Inauguration.

These armed protests make little sense. State Capitols are no more the seat of legitimate power than the US Capitol is. They are monuments and symbols, and they are populated by swamp-creature rubber-stamp servants of huge multinational corporations. Does it make sense to confront a servant who can easily be replaced; or the Lord and Master who is pulling the strings? Could it be that the true organizers of this “Armed Protest Movement” are tied to Antifa? It is a sure thing that Antifa Agent Provocateurs will be there to infiltrate and orchestrate even more trouble for the MAGA cause.

During the CCP Virus bio-warfare Pandemic, we have all had an interruption in our everyday routines. We have learned that mainstream media is a manipulative and deceptive propaganda tool for wealthy corporations. These corporations love the Chinese Communist Party with its cheap slave-labor, and resent Trump for taking it all way. We have learned that those multinational corporations want to remold free people in the United States and elsewhere into a mirror image of the Peoples Republic China. We have learned that the truth is censored, and the Government we once trusted has been corrupted. What can we do with these revelations and epiphanies?

We can learn from our enemies who have employed “Cancel Culture” to intimidate every level of our society. Jesus once said “If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out.”

Google, Apple and Amazon have chosen to openly remove our rights to free speech without even being ordered to do so. Stop using their services and buying their products! If you own their stock, dump it. Encourage others to do the same.

If 90% of all news media is owned and controlled by liars who despise you; then opt out! Learn what subsidiary studios, networks and publication syndicates are under the control of these six monopolistic corporations so you know who your enemy is. Cancel your Television service and satellite radio entirely. Cancel all Left-leaning publications and subscribe to those like the Epoch Times that present the truth. Stop supporting Hollywood Studios and Celebrities who openly curse you. If you buy entertainment media like books, CDs or DVDs, then buy them used so royalties are not paid to your enemies.

Get online, and support those conservative websites that are allied with our Constitutional Republic. Boycott Google, Facebook, Twitter and all social media opposed to free speech, and dump their stock if you own any. Switch to alternative conservative search engines and social media networks and invest in them financially if possible.

Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper; even if it is a Marxist rag. Call in to the broadcast networks that carry Leftist radio talk shows and express your dissatisfaction. Write letters and emails to their advertisers and threaten to boycott them. Your Antifa enemies do it all of the time!

Many huge corporations have voluntarily aided Leftist tyranny by firing those involved in the MAGA Movement; their services and products can be boycotted and their stock dumped. Write letters to the corporate offices of large contributors to Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and deluge them and their supporters with emails. If they have major accounts with other corporations, write to them and boycott them also.

As for Federal, State and Local Governments that fire MAGA members, there is a nonviolent way to respond. Attend and speak your dissatisfaction at public meetings; if you cannot attend, make written public comments to be read aloud and added to the public record. Write letters and emails to deadbeat representatives. Sign and circulate petitions to remove despotic tyrants like Governor Newsom from office. If they teach your children Marxist Critical Race Theory in school; home-school them or form conservative educational co-ops. Write to the Republican National Committee and remove your financial contributions on grounds of open betrayal. Find or organize a political party that is loyal to the United States Constitutional Republic.

There are plenty of less extreme options, other than attending armed protests that are sure to be infiltrated by Antifa Agent Provocateurs ending in conflict or loss of life. However, these options require a change of habits, inconvenience, discomfort, perhaps paying a bit more, active participation and even some hard work. Don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by Leftist threats. As Winston Churchill once wrote “A placator is like the man who fed all his food to a crocodile hoping it would eat him last.” We have a week to make a clear statement. President Trump has done his part; have you done yours?

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