The Coup within America

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, January 8th, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Was the storming of the Capitol Building a False Flag Operation? This incident has an uncanny resemblance to the Burning of the German Reichstag (Parlament Building). During the Nuremberg Trials, testimony emerged that Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, suggested the burning of the Reichstag to inflame the populace. This task was accomplished by ten Storm Troopers and orchestrated by Herman Goring. That incident was blamed on Communists and Jews. Weeks after the fire, Germany was under martial law and civil rights for most were suspended. Hitler brought an end to all publications that did not follow the Nazi agenda. Firearms were confiscated. Communists and opponents were rounded up and either placed in slave-labor camps or killed. Germany expanded its military. The groundwork was established for the extermination of those mentally and physically disabled, and mass ethnic cleansing.

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Why did the Chief of Capitol Police send home required manpower at 10 am? Why did DC Police open the gates for protesters to enter the Capitol? Why did Police stand aside along the entrance hallway and allow a vanguard of Protesters to file up the stairs and into the Capitol Rotunda? The Capitol was breached just in time to disrupt Republican objections to Electoral College votes. Could this have been orchestrated?

When the House reconvened late in the evening, the mood had swung 180 degrees. VP Pence accepted all electoral votes despite objections. No evidence was allowed to be presented. In the wee hours of the morning, while most of the Nation slept, the most fraudulent election in history was stamped with the official seal of approval. Kinda like those mysterious truck-loads of Biden Ballots that arrived in the wee hours of November 4th. It always seems to happen while we sleep.

Two pipe-bombs were planted in the RNC Headquarters; not exactly a MAGA pro-Trump sorta thing to do. There had been reports that Antifa would show at the Stop the Steal Rally to infiltrate and perpetrate acts of violence. NTD News reports that one of the witnesses at the Capitol shooting on the 6th was a man named John Sullivan. Sullivan spoke to KUTV News about the incident. NTD learned that Mr. Sullivan is a Black Lives Matter activist and the founder of Insurgency USA. He was arrested in July for rioting and making threats of violence. His Twitter account called for “No Fascist” Comrades to show up at the DC Rally.

The entire show is great. See the Sullivan segment starting at 21:35.

Why did DC Police open gates for protesters to enter? What percentage of Rioters were Antifa and BLM? Mainstream Media and the Internet Monopolists at Google, Facebook and Twitter will never let us know.

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer likened the Capitol Riot to “A New Pearl Harbor” and Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is attempting to invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove Trump and install Pence into the Presidency for the remaining two weeks. We now have a Democrat-Marxist Congress, Senate and President Elect thanks to the most compromised and crooked election in history. What next? Will the Insurrection Act be initiated? Can we expect the same draconian measures that happened in Nazi Germany after the Reichstag burned? They already have a strangle-hold on Mainstream Media and the Internet. Gun confiscation? Elimination of political enemies? Ethnic cleansing?

An affidavit from the hacker who flipped the votes in 17 States on election night in Italy was released to Congress Members on the 7th of January; the day after the Coup. The hacker will reveal when, where and how the vote flip was done, who was involved, who paid for it and why it was done. Will any of it matter? This is a Corporatist-Communist Coup and the beginning of a tyrannical regime. Most Republicans took a knee, bowed their heads, and raised a “Power Fist” at the time when resistance was still possible.

Corporatist-Communists now control the Congress, Senate, Presidency and the Supreme Court. They Control our financial system, mainstream media and pop-culture pundits, and the leadership of every government institution including Intelligence, Military, Law Enforcement, Justice, Education, and Social Services. Corporate-Communism is now the establishment. The timing and reason for this Coup are simple. It has come to support “The Great Reset.”

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