Defund Our Public Schools

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, August 15th, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Yup, this old hater has found another target, and this time it is our beloved schools. Yes, the very schools that we have been dumping extra dollars into “for the children” are now in the cross-hairs of Angry Old American’s keyboard.

Before getting into the real issue of this article, let us take a close look at our local schools compared to others in the State of California, then against other State Educational Systems, and finally against the entire World. How do our local schools stack up against the rest?

According to our District Profile at the California Department of Education,

the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress for the 2018-2019 Year assessed Del Norte County Unified School District for all grades, students and schools. This assessment follows:

English Language Arts (ELA):

Only 35.98% of this County’s kids met or exceeded the State Standard for English Language.

Level 1: 38.96% Standard Not Met

Level 2: 29.07% Standard Nearly Met

Level 3: 24.69% Standard Met

Level 4: 11.29% Standard Exceeded


Only 25.48% of students met or Exceeded State Standard Math requirements.

Level 1: 47.31% Standard Not Met

Level 2: 27.21% Standard Nearly Met

Level 3: 17.33% Standard Met

Level 4: 8.15% Standard Exceeded

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) at the National Center for Education Statistics (

From a National Public Score of 0-500, California got a score of 235; meaning its 2019 average scale score is significantly lower than National Public. The State of California ranked 44th Nationally!

According to Pew Research Center, United States High School proficiency compared to all other Countries:

Science: USA Ranks #24

Mathematics: USA Ranks #30

Reading: USA Ranks #24

According to School Digger (, for the years 2018 thru 2019, the Del Norte County Unified School District ranked #655th out of 826 Districts in California. Out of five stars, the Del Norte County Unified School District earned a ONE STAR RATING!

So, there we have it. The USA does not have schools that rank among top schools in the world; but is pretty much average in all three categories of test scores. In the United States, California ranks low against all but a handful of States. Considering the mediocre standards set by California, the Del Norte County Unified School District is not doing well at all. Sure, our kids are not as deficient as those in the Dominican Republic or Kosovo; but still nothing to brag about.

I am certain that there are sincere educators in the Del Norte County Unified School District that are dedicated to provide an education despite the California mandated Marxist curriculum. But then, such educators will certainly not boast, nor will they demand additional financial rewards for a job well done. In a Marxist educational system, excellence in true educational achievement is not rewarded. Indoctrination of Marxist values is the primary goal of all California Public Schools!

Education in the past was provided to prepare young people to become responsible and productive adults. Practical reading and writing in the National language (English), mathematics, sciences, fact based history, and physical education were provided from elementary school onward. Students faced ever-increasing intellectual challenges to build comprehension, memory and reasoning skills. The object of primary instruction was to build a platform for advanced studies in High School and College.

Only sixty years ago, High Schools were a launchpad for independent young adults. These old High Schools provided vocational programs for those who would not be attending College. Local businesses and trade unions offered internships and apprenticeships where students could hone their skills and have jobs waiting upon graduation. Those tracking toward College faced a strict, disciplined and very competitive environment to earn a scholarship. Before the military draft ended in 1973, most young males faced the lottery. When the draft ended, those who did not achieve or excel in High School vocational programs or receive a scholarship had options of voluntary military service in Vietnam, unskilled manual labor, or a career in crime.

Those were different times. The values that we learned were far different than those of today. We were taught that we were personally responsible and accountable for our own livelihoods and actions. Our decisions and actions had consequences. Good or Bad outcomes were the consequence of either good or bad personal decisions and actions. There was a price exacted for mistakes and triumph was earned. Nobody owed us a living. Caveat Emptor, “Let the Buyer Beware” was understood by all. If we were cheated or took to the cleaners by a huckster, there was little sympathy from others, and only embarrassment on our own part. We were either wise-guys or chumps, and nobody tolerated Whiners! Kids back then learned more from the school of hard-knocks than from public school. We knew the value of a dollar because each and every one was earned. Most of us grew up earning cash with newspaper delivery routes, mowing lawns, pumping gas and odd jobs. We were assured that if we did not work as adults, we would not eat. The welfare Nanny-State of today did not exist.

These old schools were easy living for kids compared to their predecessors. One need only look back at the old McGuffey’s Readers to appreciate how degraded American education has become. First published in the 1830s, McGuffey’s Readers were the staple of “One Room School Houses” that sprang-up throughout America in the 1880s. Kids would work the fields full-time with their parents during planting and harvest seasons. When schools were in session, children would rise early in the morning to do chores before going to school. Most would not receive more than a sixth grade education.

I own an old McGuffey’s 5th Grade Reader from the 1880s. In Fifth Grade, these nineteenth century students were studying classical literature that included The Iliad by Homer and select works of Shakespeare. Fifth Graders were learning Latin. They learned about civics and history by reading the Constitution and first hand historical accounts. They learned to perform geometry and algebra along with their practical relationship to engineering and farming. By the time children of the nineteenth century graduated the Sixth Grade, they had the equivalent of a higher quality High School education than is provided today.

There was a time when an education was valued above all things. Schools in America were exclusively private at first. Only communities prosperous enough to afford a teacher provided a public education. Most often, kids worked. Lacking a school, if a child was lucky, they learned to read the Bible at church. Bibles were the most popular books of the time. Other books were swapped for leisure study at night. There was no radio, TV, or internet. Music was only available if someone sang or played an instrument. Reading was both entertainment and education. It was the Steel Tycoon Andrew Carnegie that launched a campaign of providing public libraries to communities. Throughout the United States, and later the rest of the world, 2,509 Carnegie Libraries were built between 1883 and 1929. Many attribute our evolution from the steam-driven industrial revolution to the great scientific and technological advances of the 20th Century to these Carnegie Libraries.

Think about how far we have regressed during the past hundred years. We started at a time when an education was prized, fought for, competed for, earned through long hours of concentrated hard work. These were tried-and-true, practical no-nonsense values that actually produced results. Now, we have removed competition, hard work, challenge, personal responsibility and accountability. Society is now perceived to be at fault for a student’s failure, and thus must provide an endless stream of entitlements throughout their miserable lives to compensate for personal sloth and failure.

What is the future of education in California and Del Norte County? I recently encountered an excellent article “California School Board Faces Ire of Parents After Teacher Reveals Shocking Union-Backed BLM Curriculum” by Kira Davis published on RedState. Ms. Davis explains that in July of 2020, a new K-12 Black Lives Matter Curriculum was endorsed by the National Educators Association (NEA) and California Teachers Association (CTA). Both the NEA and the Administrators California School Association (ASCA) recommend these lessons for all primary school children. Lessons will be offered on such lofty subjects as Decolonization, Racism, Whiteness, White Fragility, White Privilege, White Savior Complex and White Supremacy. The wide range of White Supremacist slogans and beliefs exposed by the program include “Make America Great Again, The Myth of Meritocracy (Nothing is earned but awarded exclusively based on race), Paternalism (Fathers are bad), False claims of there being only one Human Race, All Lives Matter, and even Good Intentions!”

Of course, any mention of Black Lives Matter must include the subject of childrens sexual identity and sexual orientation. According to the new Black Lives Matter curriculum, all children have the choice of what sex they wish to be based upon their own personal feelings. The California Department of Education (CDE) claims this choice can be made as young as two years of age. According to the article, “The National Educators Association (NEA) partnered with the Human Rights Campaign who created preschool lessons teaching unlimited gender choices.” So don’t be surprised if your preschool child goes to class a girl or boy and returns as something else! You will have no say about the issue because our Teachers Unions endorsed AB329 “The California Healthy Youth Act.” AB329 removes the requirement for parental permission slips for a child’s attendance at sex education classes at all grade levels. For those who wish to study all of the details, links are provided at the end of this article.

This Teacher sponsored LGBTQ educational program within the BLM Curriculum implies a very young “Age of Consent.” According to what is promoted in our schools, the child alone has a choice of their gender, and the age of choice and consent to treatment is very young. The youngest transgender child to date is only three years of age (in the UK). Many States here in the US presently allow therapy and gender modification medications between the ages of six and sixteen, with the average start of hormone therapy at the age of twelve. If the child voices their desire to become transgender, the parent legally cannot interfere.

How many full grown adults have regretted tattoos and body piercings? How many adults regret taking their first drink of alcohol? There are increasing numbers of transgender people who regretted their adult decisions and are switching back to their original sex. Alcoholics Anonymous and substance abuse treatment facilities are filled with adults trying to beat addiction. There are very good reasons the children cannot get tattoos or body piercings before they are 21 years of age. There are good reasons that children cannot buy alcohol before the age of 21. Considering young children to have the wisdom to make mature decisions as profound and life altering as gender change is nothing short of insanity.

Black Lives Matter has become a popular slogan. Taken as a statement, “Black Lives Matter” is impossible to deny. Of course Black Lives Matter! However, as the new State curriculum exemplifies, the Black Lives Matter Movement has nothing to do with their slogan. They have morphed into Maoist Cultural Revolutionaries. Maoism was responsible for the eradication of over 80,000,000 people in China alone. First they eliminate the symbols and values, then the people themselves are systematically killed.

Because the Del Norte Unified School District receives financial support directly from the State of California, it is impossible to entirely remove their funding. However, funding for public schools is determined by the number of students enrolled. If students are either home schooled, or enrolled in private and charter schools, then public school funding decreases proportionately.

We can demand the removal of the additional County tax assessment that is paid each year. That was money cast into a deep dark bottomless pit, and the Schools recently considered asking for an additional tax bailout. We would need at least five thousand dollars to put a measure on the ballot to remove this ridiculous tax.

We as a community must demand more private and charter schools in Del Norte County. We need educator-entrepreneurs to step forward and establish institutions of learning. President Trump has offered all Parents free choice of schools. Take advantage of your opportunity to choose a school before your children are completely ruined by Marxist and Maoist indoctrination. Demand conversion of existing public schools into private and charter schools. Demand teachers that do not belong to Marxist Teachers Associations. Demand that these schools teach the basics of language, math and science skills that can serve students when they become independent adults. Demand that Communist indoctrination be banned from school curricula.

There is room for a public school or two in Del Norte County. There are certainly enough Communists in our midst to support public education. Allow room for “The Mao Tse Tung Academy of Cultural Revolution” and “The Pol Pot Institute of Ethnic Cleansing.” I am sure our local Marxists, Maoists, drunks, druggies, whores, hustlers, gamblers, beggars, thieves, ne’er-do-wells, miscreants, drug and human traffickers will fill them to the brim. There should be places other than prison for those who shun personal responsibility and accountability.

It is not my intent to belittle community members who left out local schools educationally impaired. Hopefully, we will one day offer free remedial adult education to repair the damage done by decades of Marxist indoctrination. At the very least, we can prevent future generations from being harmed by California Public Education!

If you found this article useful, please share it with others. Be mindful that many may have been educated locally. Do not assume that they can read. They might not be capable of reading and are too embarrassed to admit it. Remember, if you are reading this article, then you are in the elite minority. Over sixty three percent of those who attended our local schools are functionally illiterate. It is not their fault; they were never schooled. They were shortchanged of an education. Ask them respectfully and in a polite way if they would like you to read the article to them aloud.

External Links:

RedState article California School Board Faces Ire of Parents After Teacher Reveals Shocking Union-Backed BLM Curriculum by Kira Davis on

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Black Lives Matter page at the California Teacher’s Association

National Education Association Black Lives Matter page:

Stop K-12 Indoctrination website

Thanks for stopping by. The Crescent City Times is a small independent publication, and one of the very few that lends a platform for conservative voices. As for myself, I am an independent journalist and have received no pay for my articles in the Crescent City Times, Epoch Times or elsewhere. I write exclusively for independent media that publish the truth.


Angry Old American

For Your Own Survival- Get Involved!

By Angry Old American

Copyright, Angry Old American, July 31st, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

When the Cat’s away, the Rats will play. Since the Pandemic was declared, both the Governments of Crescent City and Del Norte County have been unfettered by rooms full of alert Citizens. Without us unwanted pests in the room, they have had carte blanche powers to enact any bone-headed irresponsible legislation that enters their pointy little noggins.

Important decisions are being made that effect every member of this community and only a tiny fraction of citizens voice their opinions at the televised meetings. These decisions can make or break our local economy and send us all into bankruptcy if we don’t get involved immediately.

Our local news media does little to report what our local government is doing. Instead of inquiring minds attending these meetings, we find a glee club of Social Justice Marxists and big-government spending supporters. Your community needs to hear the voice of Reason. Your community needs YOU!

For those out of the loop, our Crescent City Council just voted on July 20th for an additional 1% sales tax increase in the middle of a pandemic when businesses and employees in the private sector face bankruptcy. This was done right after adding 27 impoverished families’ delinquent water and sewer bills to County Real Estate Tax Board for foreclosure. Good job City Council; struggling private sector home-owners in your community cannot even afford to pay water and sewer bills because of your mandatory Pandemic shut-down and you foreclose on their homes. At the same time you approve funding for a brand-new Trail to serve all the tourists that are not arriving because of the Pandemic closure. The Trail funding cost about as much as the total delinquent water and sewer bills that were sent for foreclosure. I hope you all watch the recording of this meeting and see how callously they flush the homes and futures of 27 solid-citizen families down the toilet and immediately contract to build a totally unnecessary trail. This could happen to any of us, and most probably will if we do not take action now.

At the same meeting, the City Council voted to require existing businesses to submit distancing plans and additional insurance to benefit the City before they are allowed to reopen during the Pandemic. Plus one Councilman wanted inspections and severe enforcement penalties for any business that does not meet City Council criteria! Wonderful job City Council; you will eliminate free enterprise from this City altogether. It seems that is the plan; everybody works for the government or not at all! Then Junior Flip and the Globetrotters will have absolute power over every member of the community. Government of the Government, for the Government and financed by the People. Just look at the Model Utopia of San Francisco to glimpse our own future. We can have rioters, looters, vandals, arsonists and streets choked with homeless vagrants too. That is what California Communism is all about!

Of course, the County Board of Supervisors are doing just as good a job. Because of a flurry of calls from a handful of “entitled” Marxist Social Democrat shills, two of the Board’s RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) have vowed to silence the sole consistent conservative voice in their midst. Kudos to Supervisor Gitlin for having the guts to speak his mind. Agree with him or not; but everyone has a right to free speech at a public forum; even if that speech offends the “sensitive” and frail psyches of today’s Cancel-Culture Communist! Of course, these pseudo-intellectual indoctrinated mockingbirds were “morally justified” to throw every pretentious derogatory epithet toward Supervisor Gitlin, short of labeling him a “Baby-Seal Clubber” and “Endangered Whale Harpooner!” Expect a motion to censure this lone voice in this next meeting; either forwarded or seconded by a pair of Socialists masquerading as Republicans.

Democrats are well-represented in both of these meetings. Every stripe of the Party from Marxist Socialists to Maoist Cultural Revolutionaries are represented. However, there are hardly any conservative comments. Why? Because those few comments that are voiced from the Right Wing are either ignored, tolerated with open contempt or criticized and shut-down entirely as irrelevant.

I place much of the blame on our local Chapter of the Republican Party. They have harbored a bunch of Left-leaning RINOs for many decades. Their history includes supporting a litany of Socialist causes like Fluoridation and now they go so far as to support Social Justice Socialism. We need a New Republican Party for Del Norte County. Why should Democrats be allowed to masquerade as Republicans and use our contributions to achieve public office? Let them run on the Democrat ticket and the Democrats can pay for their campaigns. We need to support authentic conservative Republican representatives ONLY!

If the hard-working average law-abiding members of this community do not act soon, we will lose Del Norte County altogether. The forces of entitlement in the absence of personal responsibility and accountability are winning. Soon, with the adoption of Proposition 16 which repeals the State’s Civil Rights Act, our local government will be allowed to openly silence and discriminate against any conservative voice that they choose.

To familiarize yourselves with the new televised meetings, you can access past local government meetings available on YouTube. Simply go the County and City archived meetings website and you will find links to the recorded meetings. I encourage you to do this before they are deleted. You can also participate in live meetings directly with the video Zoom application, by public comment email, or send a comment through the US Mail and request that it be read during the meeting. You will find a partial meeting agenda, Zoom download link, websites and addresses listed at the end of this article. Share this article with friends, family, neighbors and associates. Print this page and distribute it to others in the community. Spread the word and encourage others to become active.

Many of you have been barred from working by mandated business closures and are shut in your homes. Perhaps you, or someone you know, are severely challenged and enduring the financial pain of this pandemic. Some might even be on the list of water-bill foreclosures. Express your dismay with your delusional, out-of-touch, elitist, cold-blooded, predatory Representatives in Public Office. Lend your voice to balance the Antifa, Black Lives Matter Movement, Marxist and Maoist voices of the Radical Left. Express your shock about select public employees receiving nearly $200,000 annual wages while the private sector goes bankrupt. Show your displeasure about your Neighbor’s being foreclosed-on while your play-baby representatives fund new Trails and take exotic vacations at public expense. Give your opinion about new mandates for existing businesses to apply mountains of paperwork to the City to reopen. Please tune into the local meetings and participate. Encourage all your family, friends and neighbors to do the same; especially those who are facing ruin because of these reckless and incompetent government leaders. If using US Mail or email, be sure to specify that your written opinions are “public comments” to be “read aloud” during their meeting. They DO NOT want your voice heard! Sign and circulate petitions to support recalls of malicious politicians and support legislation to stop local government predation. Our very survival as a free-enterprise Republic and as a Free People is at stake!

We Need YOU! We really NEED YOU NOW!!

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings:

August 3rd, 2020 at 6PM

Crescent City Council

August 11th, 2020 at 10AM

Board of Supervisors

August 17th, 2020 at 6PM

Crescent City Council

August 25th, 2020 at 10AM

Board of Supervisors

September 7th, 2020 at 6PM

Crescent City Council

September 8th, 2020 at 10AM

Board of Supervisors

Where to View Archived Meetings:

Board of Supervisors

Crescent City Council

Where to Tune Into the Live Meetings:

Download Zoom:

Zoom Meeting Links:

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Board of Supervisors

Crescent City Council


County Board of Supervisors Public Comment Form:

City Council Public Comment Email Address:

Physical Addresses and Telephone Numbers:

Board of Supervisors

981 H Street, Suite 200

Crescent City, CA 95531

(707) 464-7204

Crescent City Council

City Hall

377 J St.

Crescent City, CA 95531


Express your dismay about Democrat RINOs using local Republican financial resources to run for office. Demand that these RINO representatives be sued for misrepresentation and wasting both your contributions and votes.

Republican National Committee (GOP)


PO Box 916
Crescent City, CA 95531



California Republican National Committee

Phone: 916-448-9496

Fax: 818-841-6668

1121 L St., Suite 207

Sacramento, CA 95814

President Trump:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Be brave and stand up to these big-government bullies before Proposition 16 goes into effect and you lose your civil rights to speak altogether. Chances are good that the Crescent City Times will be silenced along with every other public forum in California that allows the conservative voice to be heard. These big-government predators are destroying your community and the lives of your neighbors. Soon they will come for YOU and your family too. Don’t let their open contempt dissuade you. Be strong. Together we can make a difference. The more of us that voice our opinions, the more impact we will make. Remember, election time is quickly approaching. Be informed and learn first-hand who the bad guys are so you can vote them out in November!


Angry Old American

One Percent Tax Hike?

One Percent Tax Hike? Ever heard of death by a thousand cuts? What we have in Crescent City, Del Norte County and the State of California is an endless succession of skin deep razor cuts that will eventually suck the life’s blood from all of us.

How can the Citizens of Del Norte County and Crescent City expect to see rational solutions for our current economic disaster when our government leaders and employees are financially sheltered from the hardships their community endures? How can a community exist with no tax base and everybody working for the government? Not another penny should be given to these government bodies for any reason. We should demand that emergency cuts be made til OUR COMMUNITY is on solid ground. We also need to roll back existing taxes paid to the Fair Grounds and School District so the average citizen has more money to survive.

Both the governments of Del Norte County and Crescent City should be under an Economic State of Emergency. Executives in our government should face a minimum 25% cut in wages, and in some cases much much more. Given the level of hardship endured by the private sector, compensation for ALL government positions should be capped at $100,000 annually with no exceptions. Those employees and executives that cannot cope with such a cut can seek positions in larger and better funded cities. There’s a mass exodus from Democrat run cities who have defunded police and are overwhelmed with riots, looting, vandalism and arson. Opportunity knocks in San Francisco and Los Angeles! We do not have an adequate industrial and commercial tax base in Del Norte County or Crescent City to support these lofty employee compensations. In truth, we have hardly any industrial or commercial tax base remaining at all!

As per the Board of Supervisors and City Council, electoral compensation should be cut by 50% until a solution for sustainable economic growth in their jurisdiction is found and successfully implemented. These solutions would include both the attraction and incubation of local industry and commerce. These solutions DO NOT include begging for grants or mooching off other government entities. California is going broke and the mooch money is disappearing. If these elected officials cannot take the heat, then they should get out of the oven and make room for those who can work under pressure. We need hard-nosed, practical, down-to-earth, hard-working, entrepreneurial business-minded people; not dreamers and “entitled” elitist predators!

As for the rest of our government employees, those receiving under $30,000 per year should be exempt from any pay cuts. Those receiving up to $60,000 should see a 5% cut while those up to $80,000 a 10% cut, and those up to $100,000 a 15% cut.

Severe belt-tightening will be required on all levels. During the Covid-19 closures, we have seen how government can function without the overhead of physical offices. Make these closures permanent. This is a good time to cancel office space leases and liquidate unnecessary equipment. Our community is in survival mode, and thus our government needs to focus on survival also. The public pool, community center, visitor’s center, fairgrounds, parks, library, and other facilities not meeting life or death needs will require temporary or even permanent closure. Perhaps they can be privatized and leased at a profit.

Our public school system has long been an economic white elephant and an educational failure. We should encourage home schooling along with new self-supporting private and charter schools. While this is being done we can make drastic cuts aimed at eventual closure and liquidation of public school facilities and equipment. Some of these facilities might even be converted into light industrial or commercial space rentals at a profit. Wages for school administrators and employees should be capped at $100,000 annual and meet the same pay cuts faced by all others in the County. Eventually these over-paid and counter-productive public school indoctrinators can be eliminated altogether.

All extraneous play-baby expenses need to stop immediately. No trips or luxuries at government expense. Private donations from the community would be a good bet for Junior Flip and the Globetrotters. That goes for any money slated for celebrations, parades or parties. Private donations from the community should be the only source for non-critical expenses!

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Entities like the Chamber of Commerce that have been given free office space in government buildings need to pay their own way. No more free rides for any political cronies.

Expenses for utilities should also be curbed. Winter thermostats should be set ten degrees below existing levels and staff encouraged to wear warm clothing. If expenses get really tight, then heating should be done away with altogether.

I can imagine the response from our fat, comfortable, overpaid, pampered and “entitled” elitist government executives to these proposals. “Oh, the situation is not that drastic, look at all the surplus millions that we have in our accounts!” They will laud their good works and justify their expense accounts and trips to Japan and elsewhere. Meanwhile, desperate private business owners and employees are hardly scraping by, some facing bankruptcy and foreclosure.

Our government leaders and employees must understand that THEY WORK FOR US! We are a suffering community that can no longer afford business as usual. Many in this community have lost their livelihoods. Some residents are already living without hot water, heat, gasoline, and some even losing food security and shelter. Our government parasite has killed is killing its host. The Party is OVER!

At the very least, I would like to see petitions circulated to demand the implementation of these suggestions. In truth, even more draconian cuts need to be made. It is time for the people of Del Norte County and Crescent City to rise up against a government that has gone out of control!


Angry Old American

The Big News

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, July 7th, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Everyday we see headlines of the next big news story. What exactly is “The News?” Could there be such a thing as “Fake News?” What has happened to free speech in mainstream and social media? With media outlets actively censoring content according to political bias, what will be the future for News in America?

What is News, and where does the concept of News originate? News is relevant information about events that are “New.” In ancient times, News was gossip circulated within tribes. Local gossip was shared with other gatherings as traveling merchants circulated these stories. Often, the best gossip became expanded into legends. Later, Bards and Minstrels were employed by kings and noblemen to circulate official messages. They became the first syndicated news service. Most people were illiterate, books were very rare; music and theater were reserved for nobility. Bards would compose lengthy “Songs” of over a hundred stanzas. Along with the kings message, this duo of word and melody also spread local gossip from one settlement to the next. They became rock-stars of their age.

What do we get today when we read, watch or listen to “The News?” We get second and third-hand information; except on those rare occasions when we hear recordings or view photographs and video. Even those recordings pale in comparison to direct experience due to out-of-context editing.

“The News” is a show; much like those provided by the Bards and Minstrels of old. The content of The News in dictatorial cultures is exclusively determined by the ruler. In a capitalist society, the content of this news show is determined by the desires, viewpoints and opinions of the highest bidder. These bidders are advertisers and major investors in the corporation that owns the media venue.

A recent trend known as “Cancel Culture” relies on pressure applied by advertisers on News venues to censor content and opinions. Social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube actively censor raw News content and opinion as a way to placate one exclusive political bias. Cancel Culture is an intrusion of dictatorial intollerance upon religious and political freedoms previously protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. “News” does not equate to “Free Speech.”

Everyday over 7.79 billion residents of this world produce millions of “news worthy” stories. Odds of one-in-a-million would provide 7,790 news worthy stories each day. The New York Times claims to run only 150 news comments and stories during a given day (250 stories on Sunday), which accounts for only 0.0187% of the available News.

News Syndicators screen and select the stories made available to be published or broadcast. These stories are categorized by local, regional, national and global markets. The largest syndicated news feeds are Reuters, Associated Press, and United Press International.

What makes a news syndicator so powerful? If the financial powers want to promote a new pharmaceutical product, they might pay to emphasize the rampant spread of a selected disease. If they want to provide cover for a pharmaceutical medication that killed a bunch of people; they could pay for that story to be ignored or burried, and run with an “urgent bulletin” about Justin Bieber’s new hair style. Ever wondered why those banal stories ever merited inclusion in “The News?” Slight of hand; magic!

Where do these Syndicated News Services get their news? Initially, it was from individual local newspapers and magazine publishers. Today, syndicators “Mine” their news digitally from a variety of sources. The cheapest are public domain government records which are easily accessed for free. Commentary by “experts” is inexpensive and often free. If these “experts” are backed by industries that will profit from news exposure, then their opinions may come with a financial incentive (kickback). Independent news researchers (snitches and spies) and photographers (paparazzi) charge big money for “The Inside Scoop.” Increasingly though, news is captured by video or photographs gathered by ordinary people’s cellular phones; or by shills who actually make-up the news from scratch. The gold standard for “News” that stands the litmus test of litigation for slander or liable is “Three verifiable independent sources.”

Topic Specific News Consolidators specialize in information about sciences, industries, finance, military, sports; just about anything under the sun. They too set the priority of content according to the highest bidder.

Mainstream Media News in America is 90% owned and controlled by only six corporate entities. These conglomerates are Comcast ($148.2 billion, NBC) run by Brian L. Roberts, Disney ($88.1 billion, ABC) run by Bob Iger, Time-Warner ($60.6 billion, CNN) run by Jeff Bewkes, News Corp ($56 billion, FOX) run by Rupert Murdoch, National Amusements ($43 billion, CBS) owned by Summer Redstone, and Sony ($38.1 billion) run by Kazau Hirai. Along with television networks, most every newspaper chain, magazine and book publisher (including textbooks and religious tracts), radio network, movie or music producer and distributor, and social media hub is tied to one of these six entities. Each one selects “The News” and sells a custom made interpretation (Spin) of the content to the highest bidder.

Consider a televised news show. News must conform to an established format to maintain a patina of credibility. News Show Producers hire professional set designers, makeup artists, costumers, cameramen, lighting and sound technicians and grips, directors and writers which are orchestrated to impress the viewer that the show’s message is legitimate. Producers must attract enough capital investment to support their program; or the show does not go on. Selection and emphasis of content, and the Spin of delivery will always cater to the financial interests backing the production.

When we watch or listen to Fluffy and Rex on our morning news, they talk so naturally and sincerely to us; as though they mastered each topic and share the honest truth with each of us personally. They accomplish this with warmth, wit and charm; like they were sharing their own opinions. We are scarcely aware that they are reading word-for-word from a teleprompter. There are no ad libs on “The News.” Even interviews are scripted; often provided complete with arguments!

News Anchors are actors and actresses; paid “personalities” that deliver dialogue from their prompter to sell the investor’s message. Despite their superficial “sincerity,” Fluffy and Rex are professional news whores who sell their talents to the highest bidder based on Nielsen ratings for a chosen demographic and psychographic market profile. Market share for their “Time Slot” determines their value to the corporation and subsequent income.

News has changed over recent years. In the 1990s, television, radio, and print media moved to a “Tabloid Format.” This Tabloid Format mirrors the sensational “News” found at supermarket checkout stands in The National Enquirer, Star, and Sun; throwbacks to “yellow journalism” of old. Hiring “experts” and pasting together a collection of photos and video excerpts is far less expensive than placing reporters on location for raw unique investigative journalism.

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When we consume “The News,” we are getting information that has been filtered, analyzed and pre-digested; seasoned by the judgments and opinions of financial investors in the production. What do we call a Caesar Salad that has been previously consumed and digested? Either it is violently regurgitated for being offensive to “The System,” or is happily passed-on to fertilize the environment. If such an odious lump were served on a plate, most sane people would never touch it. If the public knew what “The News” really is, they would not consume it either.

Is there such a thing as fake news? Certainly the selection, emphasis and Spin of content can color the News. Value judgments, innuendo, out-of-context quotes and skillful editing of audio, video and factual data can turn black into white. Crucial facts might be omitted entirely or altered if the highest bidder has enough to gain or lose; no law against it! A simple retraction is issued after-the-fact to acknowledge an “honest mistake.” If damages were done, the investment premium covers the loss.

What we receive from mainstream media news is aptly called “Programming.” The consumer gets a morsel of news scraped from a sliver of a slice; and 99.98 percent of the news is never presented. The content chosen for presentation is crafted to reinforce or change opinions of the consumer. This is done to meet the desires of the dominant investor.

Is The News we consume the most important content available? It is important for the investors; and ultimately that is all that matters to publishers and networks.

Certainly, news of a solar eclipse cannot be ignored. However, the emphasis can change with slight-of-hand. Public interest can be fueled about “Elmo, the pet spotted cow who fell in a well.” There would be “Special Exclusive Non-Stop Coverage” complete with weeping little Billy’s background stories till poor Elmo is rescued. There are always a bounty of banal stories to select from.

The truth hidden inside our spoon-fed news does not come free and easy. Extracting the truth from News requires work. Research and independent critical thinking are used to parse facts from opinion and Spin. Until Cancel Culture erases them all, the same raw “News Feeds” are available to us that the mainstream media uses. Doing our own research is simple during this age of the internet. However, the door to unfiltered information is closing fast.

For now, finding the news is easy, but extracting the truth is difficult. A firm grasp of logic, rhetoric and logical fallacy help us filter out deception. The News is packed with logical fallacies.

Introspective knowledge about the source and validity of our own core values and belief systems are the most important tool for determining truth. Know thyself. Our lives, opinions, and history itself, have all been formed out of the clay that we call “The News.” Is the News true? Was it ever true? The philosopher Socrates once said “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Our loss of free speech to a fanatic political extreme is a tragedy. It happened in Bolshevik Russia, Nazi Germany, Maoist China and Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Books were burned, an entire culture erased; millions of people killed. Intolerant forces have embraced not only “sensitivity” censure of content; but are tampering with language itself to create a politically correct “New Speak” reminiscent of George Orwell’s “1984.”

Cancel Culture is now actively supporting the removal or altering of news “facts.” The 99.98% of unpublished news is being filtered and selectively scrubbed from databases if it does not conform to their Marxist dialogue. Google’s artificial intelligence search engine algorythm that was employed for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to remove free speech in China is now being employed here in the USA.

One might argue; if “The News” is a pile of dung determined by the highest bidder, then a Marxist perspective can only offer a more balanced perspective. This would be a valid argument if the Marxist perspective did not dominate in the first place. What we now face is an exclusive Marxist dialogue.

Which came first; the chicken or the egg? Who provided the decades of programming to produce today’s bumper crop of Marxists? They did not come out of nowhere!

Modern Communism as practiced by the CCP is great for big business and high finance. As oligarchs, these billionaires stand to become trillionaires. After erasing the middle-class and small enterprise entirely, they will control a monopolist stranglehold over the lives of every man woman and child. After eliminating the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the citizen becomes their slave.

The young rebels of today are our isolated and neglected generation. Lacking parental guidance and betrayed by their teachers, they are the product of public school political indoctrination and incessant mainstream media Marxist propaganda. Lacking the self-discipline and skills to determine the truth, these programmed zealots accept “The News“ as gospel; reacting in knee-jerk fashion. Life for them is a game of tic-tac-toe instead of a game of chess. These “Rebels” are actually fanatical conformists; sad and frightened specimens of group-think. Lacking the ability for independent critical thinking, they cannot reason or react without direction from the hive-mind and peer pressure. Have pity on them all because they are not at fault; they were never schooled!

Ultimately, Cancel Culture will rob us all of a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. What kind of person would throw away their Constitutional liberties and the Bill of Rights?

Ironically, they call themselves “Woke!”


Angry Old American

Independence Day 2020

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, July 2nd, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Wild horses could not drag me out of my home on this 4th of July. A swarm of UFOs could fly lazy circles in the sky overhead and I would remain inside. The Laker’s Cheerleaders streaking bare-ass naked down my street leaving fists-full of hundred dollar bills in their wake could not coax me outside… Well, maybe just for a few minutes.


This Independence Day will be held on a Saturday night when those few who still have jobs will enjoy the night off. It will also be a full moon. Add to that a Lunar Eclipse. The word “lunatic” is derived from the Latin “Luna” due to the observed effects of the moon on unpredictable and often irrational human behavior.

Let us not forget that several large cities have decided to defund their Police in the face of civil unrest. The Radical Left has declared Independence Day a “Racist Holiday.” Shootings by ANTIFA Radicals are becoming epidemic, with little notice or outrage by the media, among politicians, or the public at large. Of course another reason is that the sounds of pistol and rifle shots are hard to distinguish from firecrackers and exploding fireworks. Who would know the difference unless it were observed or experienced in person?

There is also a growing sentiment enforced by our radical Leftist mainstream media (CNN, NBC, ABC, PBS, etc,) that it is an act of unjustified racism to defend home or life against violence perpetrated in the name of Black Lives Matter (BLM) in areas where police have been removed. The United States is besieged by zombie-like hoards, marching with arms outstretched repeatedly chanting “hands up, don’t shoot…” while others in their midst brandish bricks, rocks, clubs, Molotov cocktails and firearms. These ambling herds of “Peaceful Protesters” wander streets, highways and even freeways unannounced to the public and with the firm conviction that BLM has both the moral and physical right-of-way. One minute the scene is tranquil, and the next minute a Zombie Apocalypse appears. An armed couple in St. Louis Missouri, defending their home against over five hundred Black Lives Matter protesters who broke a gate and entered private property now face criminal charges. The media has vilified armed self-defense in the face of police defunding as “obvious madness.” In another incident in Provo Utah, a driver who encountered the road blocked by an unannounced BLM protest came to a stop. The driver of the SUV was shot through the windshield by a “Peaceful Protester” and was likewise vilified by the press for hitting the gas as another bullet tore through the rear window of the vehicle.

The icing on the cake of this 4th of July will be a massive rally and flag-burning by Black Lives Matter at Gettysburg Pennsylvania… GETTYSBURG! Did these kids get their history from the Del Norte Unified School District? Was their history textbook written by Kim Jung Un? For those educated in Del Norte County, Gettysburg was the decisive battle for defeating the Confederacy!

There is no reasoning or logic within this emotion driven Marxist Religion known as Black Lives Matter. I’d call it a cult, but a charismatic leader has yet to surface. This new religion quite literally has nothing to do any longer with Black Lives Mattering! The outrage was spawned by the death of George Floyd, a Black man. His death led to the physical seizure and occupation of urban centers, the toppling of historical monuments, defunding many urban Police Departments, and Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional “George Kirby Police Reform Act” (She forgot George Floyd’s name during the televised announcement). Meanwhile, two black teens, aged 14 and 16 were gunned down in a car, Bonnie and Clyde style, in a ten minute hail of of over 300 bullets from several ANTIFA “Security Guards” just outside the Seattle Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP). This murder of one teen and severe injuries to the other spurred no outrage at all by the mainstream media against ANTIFA. Leaders of the Democrat controlled US Congress did not bat an eye. Little if any mention or significance was expressed by the protesters. The perpetrators of this ambush walk the streets today and nobody cares if they will ever be identified or punished.

Black Lives Matter? The monuments that they are toppling have nothing to do with the phrase! They have toppled statues dedicated to Abolitionists, Union Army Generals, Black Soldiers who fought in the Civil War, and even the Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation Monument! They are destroying statues of missionaries and have vowed to destroy all depictions of “White Jesus.” They even burned a 120 year old statue of an elk in Portland. I guess elks are now symbols of fascist racist oppression. We can only hope that these “Peaceful Protesters” don’t gun down our local herds of elk!

If our daily “News” were presented in a television segment of The Twilight Zone of the 1950s, it would be considered too far-fetched, over-the-top, and an object of ridicule. After all, who would ever believe that Cleveland Ohio would remove their statue of Christopher Columbus to be replaced with one of Chef Boyardee? The most creative minds in Hollywood could not make these things up!

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I’m sorry folks. Not only is it dangerous to celebrate Independence Day; but there seems little reason to celebrate. Here in California we have little or no Independence left and our rights are being legislated away by the day. Seriously, do you really think that our forefathers fought and died so you can enjoy parades, bar-b-ques, and fireworks sprinkled liberally with flags waving and patriotic music and song? You could do the same in Russia, China, or North Korea during their patriotic celebrations. I know that these traditions hold a warm-fuzzy emotional value; yet they all ring hollow without the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. Independence Day doesn’t mean a thing without Independence!

This 4th of July, I am staying inside my home, locking the doors and windows, physically blocking the doors, drawing the shades and will be ready to defend myself. I will do this even though, in the nonsensical climate of New America, I do not have the right to do so. It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

This Marxist Revolution is happening to some extent throughout the world. It reminds me of the Rat Utopia Experiments of the 1950s and 1960s that culminated with overpopulation, mass-insanity, self-destruction and colony collapse.

Perhaps this event solves the mysterious disappearances of previous cultures and civilizations. Maybe we are witnessing the very reason that only a few pottery shards and broken monuments give testament to magnificent cultures of the past. This might just be a part of the human condition, a genetic trait of self-loathing that has been carried through the millennia.

Mark Twain once wrote of Satan’s first letter to Heaven sharing with Michael and Gabriel his impressions of the Earth:

“Satan’s First Letter

This is a strange place, an extraordinary place, and interesting. There is nothing resembling it at home. The people are all insane, the other animals are all insane, the earth is insane, Nature itself is insane. Man is a marvelous curiosity. When he is at his very very best he is a sort of low grade nickel-plated angel; at his worst he is unspeakable, unimaginable; and first and last and all the time he is a sarcasm. Yet he blandly and in all sincerity calls himself the “noblest work of God.” This is the truth I am telling you. And this is not a new idea with him, he has talked it through all the ages, and believed it. Believed it, and found nobody among all his race to laugh at it. “

Excerpted from Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain

Enjoy your 4th of July folks. Participate or not; the choice is yours. Be careful with your fireworks, especially if there is wind. Wet down your yards before festivities begin and have a garden hose and bucket of water handy. Keep a first aid kit on hand also. Don’t get too drunk. While the firecrackers are popping, remember there may also be lunatics with guns running about. Take care of yourselves and your neighbors and back-up our local law enforcement if they come under attack. I am expecting such dreadful things to happen in the big cities and pray that it does not happen here.


Angry Old American

Refuse to Feed Your Slaves!

Refuse to Feed Your Slaves!

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, July 1st, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

It is the duty of all slaveholders to refuse any further care and sustenance of their slaves until the end of violence on America’s streets.

After viewing multiple videos of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests held throughout this country, I’ve become aware that a vast majority of marchers are not Black. Although I did not count and crunch the numbers myself, those who have done so claim only one in six protestors are Black. From observation of videos, I would agree with this assessment.

Of all the shootings occurring during these “Peaceful Protests” at CHAZ/CHOP Seattle and elsewhere, ALL of them were perpetrated by participants in the protests. ALL of the victims so far at these Black Lives Matter protest shootings have been Black!

Why would any Black person want to attend a protest composed of predominately young White Leftist ANTIFA Radicals when these White Leftist Radicals are killing Black people? Personally, I believe the Democrat Party, the mainstream media and ANTIFA are baiting innocent and naive young Black People to certain doom for propaganda purposes!

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CHAZ/CHOP Seattle was formed initially in support of Black Lives Matter as a zone free of Police because of brutality against Black People. After firmly supporting ANTIFA and the occupiers for weeks, Mayor Jenny Durkan finally issued orders for Police to retake the zone. The reason for the expulsion of protestors during Mayor Durkan’s “Summer of Love” was the ambush and shooting of two unarmed Black teenagers in a moving vehicle outside the perimeter of the blockaded zone. This shooting was done by members of the CHAZ/CHOP “Security force.” The CHAZ/CHOP Security Force was composed mostly of young White ANTIFA Radicals wearing bullet-proof vests and openly carrying unregistered assault rifles. These masked Revolutionary “Peace Keepers” had dispensed “Justice” by shooting and killing several Black BLM protesters during previous weeks. Though formed as peace-keepers, the CHAZ/CHOP Security Force killed Black People to protect Black People who had been freed from Police brutality against Black People!

Now, I am not diminishing the zeal of these armed young White Leftist Radicals who are shooting unarmed Black People during their Black Lives Matter protests. If I were to do so, they would probably come to my house and kill me!

This slave revolt among young White Leftist Radicals must come to a halt! Slaveholding Parents and Grandparents must act now before the little snots turn their own neighborhoods into “Autonomous Zones” or “Occupied Protests.” Their grandparents should disconnect their internet, cut off their video game privileges, and ground them to their basements until they clean their rooms of communist hate literature and promise to behave. Television privileges should be severely restricted with channels blocked to Radical Leftist incitement from CNN and NBC. Subscriptions to subversive leftist rags like the Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal should be canceled. Parents would likewise be advised to cut off their kid’s allowances so they cannot afford to buy protest signs, Molotov cocktails, guns and ammunition. Retrieve every credit card that was given to them for “emergencies.” Cars should not be loaned, nor gasoline provided. If parents pay for their children’s cell phone, they should retrieve them and cancel service. Parents should also cancel their kid’s tuition to colleges and universities that incited them to Marxist revolution in the first place. It is time for us all to take responsibility and be accountable for our own roles in these acts of wanton violence. We, the “Persecutors, Haters and Slave-Holders” of America must unite and put down this rebellion before these spoiled White brats cause genocide to every innocent Black person in this nation.

My advice to elders in our society is to refuse to feed your slaves! If your kids or grandchildren have chosen to live in economic bondage to you, and they participate in insurrection, financially starve them into submission! Yes, the liberal courts will punish you for being a cruel parent or grandparent, the mainstream media will shame and lambast you before the public as “Nazi Racists,” and Democrats will pass Bills in Congress to restore the kid’s video games and allowance; but Black lives really do matter!

It is time for those carrying the wallets and holding the purse-strings to restore order and end this genocide of Black lives on American streets.


Angry Old American

ANTIFA in Crescent City?

ANTIFA in Crescent City?

By Angry Old American, Copyright June 8th, 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Could rioting and looting happen in a small town like Crescent City? Would outside organizers and agitators find reason to pillage an already economically bereft, crumbling and faltering County like Del Norte?

The mainstream media has been filled with “News” of protests, riots, looting, vandalism and arson. Most all channels of public programming have been in support of open rebellion and most recent cries for outright anarchy in big cities. It has been emphasized that the majority of those involved are “Peaceful Protestors.” This is an important distinction to make… A peaceful protest consists of exercising one’s First Amendment Right to peaceful assembly and free speech. It does not however include behavior that poses a danger to persons or property.

Rioters, looters and those involved in vandalism and arson have an agenda beyond protesting. They infiltrate those who are lawfully protesting to either use them as human shields; or to incite thrill seekers in the crowd to acts of violence. Indeed, they might even instigate and organize a peaceful protest simply to use it for more nefarious purposes. These dangerous elements are composed of groups dedicated to the overthrow of America, profit seeking organized crime groups and street gangs, along with coordinating entities such as ANTIFA.

What is ANTIFA?

ANTIFA, or “Anti-Fascist Action” has been portrayed throughout the Obama Administration by the mainstream media as descendents of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that battled Fascists in Spain in the 1930s, and later against Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Nazi Germany. The mainstream media bring up heroic visions of Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman in Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” Until recently ANTIFA has recruited from Leftist breeding-grounds on college campuses under the pretext of fighting White-Supremacist and Nazi control of the American establishment.

Others view ANTIFA as a radical Leftist paramilitary organization dedicated to the overthrow of the United States of America as it exists today; a group dedicated to the abolition of our Republic along with law and order under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In truth, ANTIFA is a loose confederation composed of violent radical anarchist, communist and environmental groups along with extremist gender identity, sexual practice, and racial power organizations claiming to be against white supremacist, corporatist, capitalist, militarist, and right-wing establishment entities. They are well-organized and funded, receiving support from both domestic sources and from agents of countries who are dedicated to the destruction of the United States. At the top, their leadership are dedicated radicals advised mostly by well-paid prior military and intelligence mercenaries with experience in strategy, tactics, logistics and sophisticated use of technology such as encrypted communications, and microwave jamming devices. Many of ANTIFA’s sub-groups have links to international radical and violent Islamist, communist and anarchist terrorist groups along with sleeper cells laying in wait in the United States.

ANTIFA’s predecessors are less akin to the Abraham Lincoln Brigades than they are to the violent Weather Underground of the 1960s. Indeed, the Weather Underground gained much legitimacy during the Obama Administration with past members being pardoned to great accolades in the mainstream media.

The booklet “Prairie Fire” was published by the Weather Underground to incite revolutionary violence on the streets of America. Prairie Fire was a reprint of training materials given to American radicals hosted during a “Cuban Sugarcane Harvest.” These Marxist Revolutionaries who were trained in espionage, sabotage, terrorism, improvised munitions, subversion and insurrection returned to America as the Vencerimos Brigades, Black Liberation Army and Weather Underground. Revolutionary groups of the 1960s and early 1970s were subsequently involved in the bombing of public buildings, jail and prison breaks, along with ambushes and executions of police officers, judges and elected officials. Cooperative links were forged with international terrorist organizations such as the Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Liberation Organization, Black September, Baader-Meinhoff Gang, the Red Brigades and others.

Violent activities by legacy terrorist groups have been painted by Leftist radicals as justified actions. Most all of the terrorist groups of the 1960s and 1970s have been normalized under the Socialist Democrat regime of Barak Obama and painted as heroic in the eyes of many Americans; especially in the mainstream media. Indeed, most of these groups were removed from the terrorist watch list under the Obama Administration and were given full legitimacy.

ANTIFA is likewise viewed by those on the Radical Left with a patina of romanticism; but the truth is far from what is being portrayed by the media.

Most interviews captured for broadcast to the public are of front-line underlings who have received basic training and are simply following orders. The public has seen the faces of indoctrinated soldiers, but has no idea of the Army which they comprise. The strategies and tactics, methods of operation, rules and regulations are ripped from the pages of Prairie Fire and other publications aimed at the systematic and sophisticated overthrow of free countries of the West.

Before launching their activities, ANTIFA groups conduct a reconnaissance of a community similar to the way a burglar or robber cases a jewelry store or bank. The initial Recon will determine what indigenous manpower is available, the value of targets in the community and if the town or location itself is a “Soft” or a “Hard” target. Next will come professional agitators to incite and organize among the radical and criminal elements of the community. Among these agitators will be the first wave of “friendly” independent social media to document injustices and radical legal support advisors. Then come the Coordinators who determine targets, and establish a plan to inflict damage to high value infrastructural and symbolic targets, to loot for effect, and stage Psychological Operations (PSYOP) events to be covered by independent social media and sold to “The News” for propaganda purposes.

Historical monuments and buildings, government buildings, shopping areas, utilities, transportation hubs, harbors and upscale neighborhoods are all prime targets. Their aim is to shut down the entire community and use the protest as a diversion while collateral paramilitary operations are launched against their chosen targets. Marches and crowds of protestors may seem to be aimlessly moving through the community, but they are directed through encrypted communications to strategic locations to support attacks, or to orchestrate predetermined “Swarms” for looting. Sometimes the protestors are used to create a diversion, and at other times they are used to block traffic. At all times they are simply being herded by a force that they do not even know exists.

ANTIFA and other terrorist groups will provide logistical support for elements who have infiltrated the protesters. This will include loudspeakers, blow-horns, whistles, water, food, and even medical supplies. Pre-positioned makeshift barricade materials along with containers and pallets of bricks, rocks, glass bottles, gasoline and other accelerants, and frozen water bottles near targeted locations will also be provided. They likewise will prepare countermeasures for tear gas used by law enforcement. Radicals have recently targeted law enforcement facilities themselves for arson attacks in large cities. In recent days they have even occupied entire police precincts in Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle.

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Expect to see plenty of independent social media reporters and trained PSYOP victim-shills interspersed in crowds. These will be “Crises Actors” trained to become photo-op targets for propaganda against law enforcement. Like any good stunt man or professional wrestler, when filmed from the proper angle, they know how to take a convincing fall or absorb a “punch;” even when a blow is never delivered. Plenty of sympathetic social media will be pointed to just the right spot to capture a sensational shot that will command the highest dollar and make the greatest “Social Impact.” Social media documentation is then sold to mainstream media along with “First Hand Accounts” and “Witnesses” for broadcast to the public. The reward for the actors with the most bumps and bruises, and especially blood, is both public recognition and sympathy, paid newspaper accounts and television appearances; not to mention a sizable civil judgment after suing the “Offending” Officer, Department and Municipality.

Most reconnaissance and professional agitators are paid directly for their services. Many are recruited on Craigslist and other online venues and bussed into the target location.

What are the chances that little Crescent City could be targeted? How would we know if we have been targeted? What can we, as a community do to protect ourselves from such a threat?

Crescent City is a remote coastal community far from the big cities that have been recent targets of attack. However, we do have targets that would benefit ANTIFA and other terrorist organizations. Pelican Bay State Prison, Crescent City Harbor, and our Redwood Parks would be prime high-profile news-grabbing propaganda-worthy targets. Ambushes and attacks on police departments have been launched in towns with populations below thirty thousand. Because of the California “Stay at Home Order,” our two Casinos and most commercial enterprises offer little opportunity for looting; but could be targets for vandalism or arson; but this could change when Casinos reopen. Certainly our utilities could become targets in order to cause the community to become uninhabitable. The question of whether our community is a soft or hard target is up for debate. Our vulnerability would rest with how many radical and organized criminal elements are available for use. The level of our public commitment to law and order, community vigilance, and cooperation with law enforcement are the biggest factors.

Hopefully, ANTIFA and their allied terrorist groups will be halted during the reconnaissance phase. Recon elements will gravitate to blend in with existing criminal and radical groups to collect intelligence on our community. If they are identified, confronted and warned-off, then we would be perceived as a hard target. Depopulation and release from jails only increase the threat. ANTIFA Reconnaissance might also see enough security and community involvement to move on to easier secondary targets.

Once professional outside-agitators arrive, we must assume that our community has already become a target. By then, they have determined that the value of local objectives and vulnerability of our community warrant capital investment into an insurgent operation. Hiring professional agitators and busing-in volunteers from outside the community requires a sizable outlay of cash.

Outside agitators in a small town like ours will stick out like a sore thumb. Their job is to be vocal and disruptive leaders, and they are trained to know enough of the law to hide under the cloak of free speech. They will be accompanied by the vanguard of independent social media, crises actors, and legal teams for the collection of both PSYOP resources and to document future financial litigation opportunities.

The arrival of the actual Coordinating Leadership will be less obvious. These will be the professionals; “Grey Men and Women” who dress and act in ways to avoid notice. These professionals will not remotely resemble the front-line radicals on the street. The front-line ANTIFA soldiers portrayed in the mainstream media most often do not even know this upper echelon exists. If they are negotiating a pallet of bricks from a local hardware store, they will have a cover story for the purchase. They will fit in with other sightseers while cruising town in out-of-state of rental vehicles, taking photographs and making notes. Most likely, they will be well-financed and staying in local hotel or motel accommodations. They might also be among the throngs of RV vacationers that have become the fashion during the pandemic.

There is little that can be done by the community at-large unless there is an awareness and acknowledgment of threat from our leaders. We have all seen the complicity of Mayors and city administrators in large cities in support of outright insurrection. Many of these political leaders have promised to defund their law enforcement agencies in support of public anarchy. We can only hope that this will not be the case here in Del Norte County.

Law enforcement agencies, as cash-strapped, overworked and unappreciated as they are, will have even more work to do. In the middle of a Pandemic, with all the rest of their routine and additional tasks, these agencies will be required to manage intelligence about unusual activities along with providing community education and guidance.

We can all protect ourselves and our community by proactive vigilance. If we see any of the warning signs of professional terrorist infiltration, we should contact our local Police Department or Sheriff’s Office immediately. Take photographs of suspicious vehicles, license plates and people as evidence. Often, just knowing their photos have been taken can be a deterrent. Shop keepers might be suspicious of unusual orders or odd out-of-place delivery locations for items like brick and rock. The more alert and cognizant people in our community are, the better.

Law enforcement would be wise to take this opportunity to organize neighborhood watch groups and train them in their rights to self-defense. Citizens should be trained about their defense rights during a riot. We all know that lethal force can be used to defend against home invasion; but what about lethal force to defend against arson of the dwelling they inhabit, or those of our neighbors? What about breaking glass and attacks with bricks and rocks and weapons of opportunity? What are our rights to defend ourselves or neighbors on a street full of rioters if forced to leave burning homes?

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of all citizens to protect themselves and their community. We should value, respect and honor our law enforcement officers and work with them to keep our community secure during these times of peril. If we don’t, we will be no better off than the big cities who have invited anarchy to reign.

Our mainstream media have grasped the recent public unrest both to boost ratings and promote agendas that they their owners and advertisers desire. It is important for all of us to remember that there are no laws requiring the media to tell the truth. If actual harm is caused by their lies, they may provide a simple detraction. As the Yellow Journalists of the early 1900s learned, subsequent legal judgments for damages are often outweighed by income derived from their initial lies. This is a time for the public to be wary of deception. Remember the words of Mark Twain “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”


Angry Old American

Denial or Acceptance?

By Angry Old American, Copyright March 20th, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

CAUTION: This letter contains offensive language directed toward more than a few local knuckleheads. Angry Old American is a self-described unrepentant Hater who eschews Political Correctness. By continuing to subject your frail and sensitive eyes and mind to these materials you agree not to hunt down, torture and kill Angry Old American or sue the Publisher.

DANGER! Turn back while you still can.

As of today, March 20th, 2020, the entire State of California is on “Stay at Home” orders. Since my first letter on March 10th, the Wuhan Flu, Novel Coronavirus, Covid-19 was declared a Pandemic and has spread to every State of the Union. The Pandemic has caused a stock market loss of 30% and near halt of the world economy. A lot has happened in ten days.

A few of you may use some of your free time at home to read this letter. With so many other options available, I am honored by your choice. The average working stiff seldom has such a luxury.

Today, I will address the topic of Denial. Like many who served in the military, wore a badge, fought fires or worked in emergency medicine, I have seen the faces of death more than once. If the victim was conscious, the most common expression on their faces was shock and disbelief. They simply could not accept that the mortal event had happened.

The same has happened to all of us on a smaller scale. I remember being blindsided and suddenly finding myself laying on the ground in extreme pain. Looking down at my leg, it had been shortened by nearly twelve inches, my boot was pointing backward and a swollen, mangled clump between my knee and ankle dangled off to the side. The first thought that came to mind was disbelief. Life was going along quite nicely and now out-of-the-blue it was not.

Because of the pain, I did not even care how it happened, but let go of a loud flurry of angry curses. When faced with unexpected life-altering events, we follow the same course of thinking that the dying tread.

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote a book titled “On Death and Dying” where she relayed the results of her lengthy research with the terminally ill. She found a series of emotional states that all patients manifested. First came Denial, followed by Anger, Depression, Bargaining and finally Acceptance.

It is my belief that we mortals go through these emotional states during all life-altering events. When my leg was injured, my life was interrupted in a big way. I wanted to go about life as usual. Then I got angry because my life was changed.

Later, at a hospital, when the haze of morphine cleared, I became depressed. All of my short-term plans and many of my long-term dreams, hopes, ambitions and aspirations were quashed. Bargaining followed… “Gee doc, is there anything I can do to save my leg and get back on my feet fast? ANYTHING?” Then, when the answer became crystal clear, I learned to abandon some of my hopes and dreams for the stark reality that fate had dealt me. I finally reached Acceptance.

Many of us are facing the same situation today with this Wuhan Flu Pandemic and the subsequent list of consequences that accompany it. Some are actually stricken with the virus right now and are literally going through Kubler-Ross’ stages of death. Others among us face a slower and less emotionally harried fate.

On March 11th, the day after my first letter, a Pandemic was finally announced by the World Health Organization. Those who were waiting for official confirmation of the outbreak made a hasty dash to the market for provisions. They encountered a huge crowd of others doing exactly the same thing. Unfortunately, this large concentration of people in close proximity was exactly the situation that health officials warned against and had hoped to avoid.

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Lots of folks are angry that their lives have been disrupted. They want to continue to live life as though this had never happened. They want the global stock markets to soar to new heights and to go about a “normal” life. How long will it be; a few days, weeks, months, years? They just want it all to stop; and the sooner the better.

There are even some folks who deny that the Pandemic even exists, or that it can touch their lives. We hear of kids on Spring Break partying as though the Pandemic could never impact them. Such is the power of Denial.

For those who are forced to “Stay at Home,” you have several options available to you. Those in denial will try to maintain as many of their daily habits as possible. Some might spend their day caring for kids, relaxing, watching movies and keeping their minds off the subject of Pandemics and economic collapse. Others might travel about despite restrictions, getting as many kicks as they can.

Those who have progressed beyond denial might watch TV and become informed about what governments are doing to battle the spread of the virus. They can write angry letters to those in control. They can worry about the impacts that the Pandemic will have upon their life. They can try to minimize the impact on themselves and their family by bargaining for resources.

Those who accept the situation can research and gather their own information about the Wuhan Flu, past pandemics, and how governments are responding. They can even take this time to sit, reflect on what they learn and develop their own plan of action.

My advise is to use your noggin and start playing a game of chess. A good Chess Player thinks several moves ahead and uses strategy to overcome their opponent. You will not fare well with a Checkers-Mentality in a game of Chess, much less a situation as lethal as this Pandemic. Checkers is reactionary and far too shortsighted. Chess players made their preparations before the Pandemic was declared. They avoided the panicked crowds, shortages, inconvenience and risks of infection. They were able to see the writing on the wall and take independent action.

I have little advice for those who cling to denial. For the children who believe they are impervious to this disease, they will ultimately pay the wages of ignorance through divine justice. There is no such thing as immunity to a mutant virus because it constantly changes into something else. We all can get this virus MULTIPLE TIMES! Sure, the “immortal” children may escape with a bad flu the first time and suffer only slight respiratory damage. If the first go-around doesn’t kill them, then the next time around just might seal their fate.

In the days of our ancestors, fate was not kind to the slow or unwary. For them to be “Ancestors” they were able to survive at least long enough to breed. If not, then none of us would be here today. The young and dumb always had the highest mortality rate. This assured that the foolish and dim-witted would not breed. Nature assures that their careless and weak-minded genes would not pollute future generations. “Survival of the Fittest” has been Nature’s law for all species from the beginning of time. Only we Humans believe we are exempt from that law.

I encourage all of you to accept the reality that confronts you. By some estimates, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed more Americans than soldier suffered in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican-American War, Civil War, Indian Wars, Spanish American War, World War One, World War Two, Korean War, Vietnam War, and every other undeclared war or military intervention combined. Our President has declared war on this Flu Pandemic and will need all clear-minded and able-bodied Americans to join in with this fight. You can be a spectator, a soldier or a collaborator. The choice is yours.

God bless the Republic, or what is left.

It is time to wake up!


Angry Old American

Not Enough Food in the Fridge?

By Angry Old American, Copyright March 22nd, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

CAUTION: This letter contains offensive language directed toward more than a few local knuckleheads. Angry Old American is a self-described unrepentant Hater who eschews Political Correctness. By continuing to subject your frail and sensitive eyes and mind to these materials you agree not to hunt down, torture and kill Angry Old American or sue the Publisher.

DANGER! Turn back while you still can.

“Mommy, why aren’t there any Bonker Bars and Whambisko Jimmies in the refrigerator?” Tears of disappointment roll down Little Mikey’s cheeks. Food comes from The Refrigerator, and if it isn’t there, then Mommy brings packages full of fresh Whambisko Jimmies and Bonker Bars to fill it back up.

“Well, my little Monkey Buns, it is a sad day. Mommy went to the store and couldn’t find a single package of your favorite brands of Monkey Chow.” Little Mikey had yet to attend school and it was time for him to learn the harsh realities of life.

Mikey’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock and disbelief “The Store?! You mean food comes from a place called The Store?!”

“Yes Little Mikey, it is true that food does not appear from the trunk of the car in bags. Mommie goes to the Store and has to buy them!”

What a dumb story. Of course food comes from The Store! Any idiot knows that all food comes from the Store. Every graduate from the Del Norte Unified School District was taught that food comes from the Store and even learned about food stamps and public assistance so they can purchase it!

A few folks who work at The Store know that food does not magically appear from behind the swinging doors in the back; it really comes from Truck Drivers.

Truck Drivers, being wise and worldly, well-traveled souls know even more about the story of food. They know that it comes from Wholesale Warehouses. Other Truck Drivers know that the Wholesale Warehouses get the food from Manufacturers and Packagers. Yet other Truck Drivers know that the Manufacturers and Packagers get the food from Producers!

What are Producers? Those are people who sow seeds, tend crops and harvest raw food that ultimately makes it’s way down the chain to Manufacturers and Packagers, Wholesale Warehouses, Stores, Trunks of Cars, and eventually into Refrigerators so Little Mikey can have his daily ration of Bonker Bars and Whambisko Jimmies. This process is collectively called The Supply Chain. This is a process that relates to Capitalism and subsequently has little perceived value in a county where a vast majority of people are either employed by government or are on some form of public assistance.

If this Supply Chain is broken or disrupted, as it is now, then the Monkey Chow that we all depend on does not magically appear. Those educated by the Del Norte Unified School District know that there is only one solution to items disappearing off store shelves; cry, bitch, protest and throw a tantrum because all educated adults know that food comes from The Store. If a child complains loudly enough and causes a disruption then an adult will give them what they want.

In the olden days, before people sold their independence for convenience, it was common for folks to grow a Home Garden. What is a Home Garden?

Home Gardens are places where a person can produce their own food. They sow seeds, tend crops, and harvest their own produce.

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Afterward, these old crusty backward people would process and preserve their produce. Much of it was canned, fermented, pickled, dried or frozen. Some of it was even eaten raw. There might even be a few people who still practice these antiquated skills in your own community.

Our “Advanced” culture has become totally divorced from reality. Youngsters, including those old enough to be “Adults,” have chosen to rely totally upon the fragile Supply Chain. By sacrificing their independence for convenience they have become SLAVES!

I have nothing but contempt for self-imposed slavery in a society based on the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. Children over the age of 21 are not remotely cute. Dependence is for drunks, druggies, whores, hustlers, gamblers, beggars, thieves, ne’er-do-wells, and miscreants. Voluntary dependence if for Low-Lives!

There is an important distinction between Voluntary Dependence and Involuntary Dependence. If a person has a choice of being dependent, then it is voluntary. Others who are disabled and either physically or mentally incapable of independent living are Involuntary Dependents. It is important for our culture to care for our elderly and disabled to the highest degree.

Freedom loving adults will choose Independence any day of the week. If they can do-it-themselves, then they do. They might settle for Co-Dependence in a pinch. Co-Dependence is when two or more people share labor or resources for their common good. A grower who has no land might share a portion of their crops in exchange for the use of another person’s land. However, the goal of all independent adults is to do for themselves.

Shortages at The Store are completely self-imposed by those who lack the common-sense, knowledge, ambition and work-ethic to do for themselves. As “Shortages” continue, there will be increasing panic and anger. Instead of replacing their lawns with Home Gardens, the average Del Norte Numbskull will display their true grit.”

“Mommie, I want my Bonker Bars and Whambisko Jimmies right now or I’m going to hold my breath, throw myself on the floor and beat my feet and fists on the ground til you do!”

Others will simply wait and lick their lips while responsible adults grow a Home Garden. Come harvest time they will demand their “Fair Share.” They might even demand that it be processed into Bonker Bars and Whambisko Jimmies. After all, they are just kids and everybody loves kids no matter if they are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. We all know that kids must be taken care of.

They might petition their government to confiscate food to fill their fat little mouths. The government will be happy to do so. If people are independent and provide their own goods, then they don’t pay taxes on those goods. The goods are thus unregulated, which is government’s bread-and-butter. Best to keep the public as slaves with complete dependence on the State.

Time will tell if this prophesy holds true. From past experience, the young people of Crescent City and Del Norte County have less true grit than slippery pond scum. Their inaction will not be because of lack of knowledge or ability. Instead of planting marijuana seeds, they can simply switch to vegetable seeds. The problem will dwell with the concept of entitlement.

There is an old saying “When the going gets tough, the tough get-going.” What are you and your family planning to do?

God bless the Republic, or what is left of it.

It is time to wake up!


Angry Old American

Del Norte County and Adaptation to Covid 19

By Anonymous Angry Old American

CAUTION: This letter contains offensive language directed toward the WHO, CDC and the Governments of California, Del Norte and Crescent City. Anonymous Angry Old American is a self-described unrepentant Hater who eschews Political Correctness. By continuing to subject your frail and sensitive eyes and mind to these materials you agree not to hunt down, torture and kill Anonymous Angry Old American or sue the Publisher.

DANGER! Turn back while you still can.

In December of 2019, a new virus appeared in Wuhan, China; a city roughly the size of New York City in the United States. What set this virus apart from the garden variety flu was it’s exceptional virulance. The new Wuhan Virus was a “Coronavirus” which had been transmitted from animal to human. The human race has no natural antibodies to combat this disease.

Most folks have heard plenty about the “Novel” Coronavirus from the Mainstream Media. Redefining this Mutant Virus as “Novel” was critical to averting public panic. A “Mutant Virus” conjures up visions of people dropping like flies and Zombies roaming the streets. “Novel Coronavirus” is much less intimidating. Such is the magic of equivocation! Even less frightening and ever-so Politically Correct is Covid 19, a name created by the WHO at China’s insistence to mask the location of origin. I don’t know about the rest of you, but for me Covid 19 drops from glowing rainbows above like pretty little cherry blossoms and fills my soul with sparkling happy-happy joy-joy feelings. Almost makes me want to get some.

Excuse me if I do not share the public’s faith and trust in the Mainstream Media or Big Government. The World Health Organization, in the words of the Southern California Religious Prophet Ice T is a “nightmare walking, psychopath talking.” Don’t worry, be happy, take precautions; but personal protective gear like masks, gloves and gowns only work for medical professionals. So, don’t buy protective gear!

Medical professionals don’t have enough equipment? They why don’t they buy them? If we can buy that gear, then certainly the public agencies, hospitals and doctors can do the same!

Perhaps they might even consider breaching protocols established by equipment manufacturers and a over-litiguous system and sanitize their Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) for reuse. It is not unhead of for such sacred pricipals to be broken during an emergency! That way they will have plenty of equipment on hand. Problem solved!

Unfortunately, our Center for Disease Control are following the dictates of the WHO in lockstep. Despite multiple failures to contain the Wuhan Virus, the public still listens to these “Experts.” When we think of the CDC, we envision selfless professionals in astronaut looking airtight hazmat suits fearlessly braving infection from stricken victims in strict medical isolation. The reality is a bit different. On March 2nd, 2020 the CDC released a lady, one of 91 Americans returning from Wuhan China, from quarantine at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. It was not til after her release that her test came back positive for the Coronavirus. After release, the infected woman browsed stores at the North Star Mall and ate at the Mall food court. Oops.

This is not the WHO or CDC’s first rodeo. In addition to AIDS, Ebola and countless other diseases in past decades, there have been many Coronavirus outbreaks in recent years, and yet they still do not have a solid plan. SARS-CoV in 2003, MERS-CoV in 2012, 2015 and 2018, and a concurrent outbreak of SARS-CoV2 in 2019-2020 were all Coronaviruses, and it was only by the grace of God that we were spared disaster in the past. Neither of these agencies made any tangible preparations for the next pandemic.

As for our local governments of Del Norte and Crescent City, the response will be predictable. They will follow the dictates from their Fuhrer in Sacramento. California has long been a government with a unique blend of big corporation cronyism, lip-service communism, veiled fascism and white collar organized crime. Del Norte County and Crescent City are no exceptions to this “Novel” Frankengovernment. They have all but completely stamped-out free enterprise and independent business in Del Norte County and replaced it with fast food franchises and incompetent government agencies. Congratulations are in order, the Parasite has killed its host and boasted about their great works and accomplishments; thank you very much please. All that remains is for these parasites to kill the rest of us.

The Wuhan Flu, Novel Coronavirus, Covid 19 must be a blessing from from our local Government’s Satanic Majesty. With their typical lack of solid direction and preparedness they will end any free enterprise still clinging to life and remove any “worthless eaters” not in government employ.

I can hear our Government’s response to this letter already. “Anonymous Angry Old American is a fear mongering, racist, Nazi, sexist, xenophobic, baby seal clubbing hater who should be banned from exercising his First Amendment rights to free speech FOREVER. Make an emergency call to ANTIFA and ActUp. Anonymous Angry Old American must be located, identified and eliminated!”

In deference to our government’s concerns about fear mongering, I will concede that the affects of this Coronavirus will be slight. During this first bloom of the virus we will probably see less than a few hundred thousand deaths worldwide. With a global population of over seven billion, a few hundred thousand deaths isn’t even a proper haircut, or a complete trim; more a clip of a few wild nose and ear hairs.

The media have mentioned the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed between fifty and a hundred million people. Think for a second… Between fifty and a hundred million people is fifty million souls. That’s a lot of wiggle room!

The first bloom of the Spanish Flu came in 1917 and was hardly noticed. When the 1918 Flu started killing soldiers, the public health officials got concerned. After all, this flu was killing young and healthy soldiers in their prime of life BEFORE being sent into the killing fields of Europe! Remember that the Pandemic of 1918 happened during World War One. The newspapers were rife with casualty reports in the thousands, tens of thousands; with major battle casualties on both sides numbering over a hundred thousand. Subsequently, a few hundred deaths from disease hardly raised an eyebrow.

If we are lucky, this first bloom of Coronavirus will fade away as warm weather appears, much as it did with the Spanish Flu. However, the highest losses in 1918 and 1919 occurred during the second wave of the Spanish Flu. The virus had mutated to an ever more deadly version and continued to mutate. Toward the end of the second bloom, some variants of the Spanish Flu presented themselves similar to hemorrhagic fever, killing their victims within a day or two of its appearance. Toward the end, there was no problem identifying a carrier of the Spanish Flu because they bled from the mouth, nose, ears and eyes, much like Ebola.

Although medical professionals of the day claimed victory over the Spanish Flu with the mass roll-out of pharmaceutical antibiotics in the early 1920s, it continued to reappear in isolated epidemics as late as 1957.

Mortality records and statistics from the Spanish Flu were complicated and often confused by the First World War. What isn’t taken into account are collateral deaths which occurred as a consequence of the Spanish Flu. The 1918 Flu killed both young and old. This resulted in the loss of huge numbers of trained and experienced doctors and nurses. Those with chronic illnesses unrelated to the flu and serious injury often went untreated for lack of medical staff. Factories in cities whose craftsmen were ravaged by the Spanish Flu closed. Transportation was hampered by a lack of operators. Localized famines, mostly in war torn regions, killed many who were spared from the flu.

In recent years, disease researchers removed the body of an Inuit victim of the Spanish Flu from the frozen permafrost to identify the virus. Surprisingly, the most lethal modern Pandemic was caused by H1N1, the “Avian Flu.”

We hear about the draconian quarantines of big cities and entire prefectures in China. What will be the affect of these shut-downs on the global economy, transportation, shipping and trade? The recent dive of global Stock Markets is an indication of financial fears.

The Baltic Shipping Index which measures global exports and imports nose-dived and flat-lined. Health officials have warned the public not travel on cruise ships, causing an industry with revenues of over $39 Billion a year to slowly sink toward bankruptcy. Airlines are continuing to maintain “Ghost Flights” with no passengers just to hold their government charters. Flybe in Britain was the first airline to throw in the towel and file for bankruptcy because of Covid 19 fears.

The recent South by Southwest (SXSW) Concert has been cancelled along with other venues worldwide. Japan still plans to host the 2020 Olympics; but there may not be many people attending when it opens in July.

Venice already cancelled Mardi Gras, and the Vatican is considering cancellation of Easter Services this year. Hard-hit Italy is facing a collapse of its medical system. With one in eleven Covid 19 cases requiring Intensive Care and their ICUs are overflowing. Only those patients with a good chance to survive get a bed. Italian Doctors and Nurses are being called out of retirement and Medical Students are being sent to overburdened hospitals to assist. The Military are on a State of Emergency with a quarter of the population, an estimated 16 million people, on lock-down.

We’ve already been told that the Novel Coronavirus will result in medication shortages. An estimated 90% of American Medications, both prescription and off-the-shelf, are either manufactured in China or are dependent on chemicals coming from there. We already see what has happened to our access to protective masks and gloves; supply has all but dried up. An N95 protective mask costs a fortune, if one can even be located. Most have been pulled off the market for government agencies. This is not just happening in the United States; but globally. What will happen when critical medications are in short supply also? Will the Military and Government Agencies pull those from circulation also?

Medication shortages in the United States are expected to arrive in late March; however antibiotics are already beginning to disappear. Wall Street is banking on critical medication shortages by late April of this year. Russia and Germany both joined China by halting exports of Personal Protective Equipment and critical medications. India recently announced that it too will restrict export of many medications and even vitamins because they will need them in their own country.

One of the concepts that escapes a majority of folks is “Geometric Progression.” By some estimations, Covid 19 infections appear to be doubling every six days. No problem; if we only have roughly two hundred cases today, then thats only four hundred next week, eight hundred the next week, sixteen hundred the next, thirtytwo hundred the next and so on. But wait; aren’t we hearing that the “Experts” don’t even have enough test kits? The CDC released their own unique test kit that tested for several viruses at the same time. It didn’t work. This set back the testing process by two weeks.

Seems that all countries have been playing a game of “Don’t test, don’t tell.” We really don’t know what the extent of transmission is. Some estimates place the real numbers at ten times the reported number. Seems that our stockpile of medications may run out just as every hospital bed in the country is filled.

Let’s not panic; but listening to the BS from the WHO and CDC won’t help either. Those in cities sticken by the virus who followed their guidelines at the beginning now find near empty shelves in pharmacies and household cleaning sections of markets. What to do?

Big Pharma along with other critical industries ignored President Trumps request to repatriate their manufacturing operations from China. As many might remember, two years ago the Mainstream Media and Congress fought tooth and nail to support “Open Trade and Open Borders.” We now will pay the price for their unbridled Globalism. Big Pharma stands to make a fortune by betraying the interests of the American People. They can sell their medications for inflated prices until they ramp up domestic production. Yet, what would be their incentive to increase production? They can make a literal killing by killing. Their stocks will go through the roof regardless what they do! I can just see these greedy corporate and government bastards salivating at the prospect of untold wealth. Staying alive is a motivator that can pry the last penny from anyone.

Our President asked for $3 billion to COMBAT the virus; and Congress insisted on $8.3 Billion to STUDY the virus for a cure. In late February of 2020 China vowed to build a disease research facility for the WHO in North Africa. Lo and behold, the facility will be located in Ethiopia, the home country of Dr. Tedros Abhanom Ghebreyesus, a former member of the Palastinian Liberation Front and the head of the WHO. No doubt, most of the $8.3 Billion appropriated by Congress will be earmarked for China (the epicenter of the disease), the WHO and the Big Pharma firms that abandoned America for cheap slave labor abroad.

What to do? The only time to prepare for a disaster is BEFORE it happens! There is an old phrase about “Closing the barn door after the horse got loose.” This is not a time to be blissfully daydreaming. Sure, we still have TV, and most folks will continue to be intellectually lobotomized and emotionally assuaged and amused til the very end. However, there are a few who are starting to awaken.

Yes, in many locations it is too late for most folks to purchase their own personal protective equipment, off the shelf medications and industrial strength cleaners. Sorry, you snooze; you lose. Yet, we can still make our own supplies.

Big Government and their unholy alliance with Big Pharma want us to be totally dependent on them to provide for our needs. They are both set to make a fortune from Covid 19; and the public be damned. This doesn’t need to happen, but probably will because the American Public, especially in the People’s Republic of California, have lost all of their innate resourcefulness and sense of independence! We now have several generations of creatures content to live as mooches, deadbeats and slaves; bereft of human dignity and wallowing in a pig-pen of hubris and fictional privilege. I cannot call them men or women because they matriculated from a murky cesspool of envy, desire and a psychopathic sense of entitlement… “Feeeed Meeee.”

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Hmmm, there aren’t any protective masks? What about making your own? Instructions, material recommendations and patterns can be downloaded off the Internet. A few industrious souls might even start manufacturing them in their garages and selling them from local stores. Sure, they won’t be “government tested and approved;” but what other option is the government giving us?

Can’t find hand sanitizers at the stores? Make your own. No disinfectants? Make your own. If you own a water-still, then you can make alcohol also. Before our local drunks get too excited, a still can make wood alcohol as well as grain alcohol. Distilled water is important for those who can make Colloidal Silver, a disinfectant and antibiotic dating back well over a century. If these items can be made in large batches, the excess can be sold to the public. This is a concept called “Free Enterprise” that is no longer taught in the fool factories we call public “Schools.” Youngsters deprived of a basic education can ask their grandparents what Free Enterprise is and how it works. None of their teachers will have a clue what it means.

To compound the undeclared Pandemic, the globe has seen crop failures for two years running, and now locusts are swarming throughout Africa and Asia. Fires have all but eliminated crops and livestock from Australia. Much of the agricultural land in the American Southeast is submerged today below floods of historic magnitude.

We are blessed in Del Norte County with adequate water and a stable climate for prolific agriculture. Conventional wisdom of this day says “Grow Pot” so we can sell it for big bucks to those on public assistance and fill the government coffers with taxes and fees. Might be a better idea to grow food so you and your neighbors don’t starve!

Homeowners can supplement food missing from grocery store shelves by converting their lawns into vegetable gardens. Poultry, rabbits and other small livestock can also be raised. Community garden space can be allotted to apartment dwellers. Concerns of flu transmission while gardening can be quelled by preventive planning. For example, staggering gardening days between even and odd number addresses to creat empty buffer zones. Watering and animal care can be done every day, even number addresses in the early morning and odd numbers in the late evening. Independent produce buyers can make weekly rounds from house to house to purchase the excess. During a Pandemic or food emergency, the public should not be restricted in their right to grow their own food.

What to do when medications are short in supply? Might be an idea to research natural cures. Perhaps even adjust personal diet and exercise and WORK toward becoming healthy. This recommendation is not as convenient as pills, but the results are more sustainable.

When I was training as an Army Medic at Fort Sam Houston, it was common practice to improvise. In an adjacent part of the Army Medical Academy, Special Forces Medics were taught Naturopathic Medicine, the use of herbs and treatments frowned upon by the conventional medical establishment. Since the 60s and 70s, Naturopathic Medicine has gained both respectability and popularity. There are alternatives to every medication if one looks close enough.

It is hard to fathom today, but prior to the 1930s there were a huge number of treatments and cures available to Americans. Most of these were eliminated when John D. Rockefeller and other Industrialist interests established a monopolistic Big Pharma stranglehold on American medicine. It is not hard to link John D. Rockefeller to patent medicine; his father William Avery “Devil Bill” Rockefeller (AKA Dr. William Levinson) was a con artist and traveling snake oil “doctor.”

Pharmaceutical (alopathic) medicine eventually became a medical monopoly with all other treatments branded as criminal quackery. The American Medical Association, the source of all ethical, moral and efficacy matters, is funded entirely by the Pharmaceutical Industry! Today, it is illegal to challenge the authority of the medical establishment or allude to a curative effect from any alternative treatments. Mentioning an alternative to chemical pills for treatment without recommending a visit to a licensed physician first is a ticket to prison and a stiff fine. So, see you doctor before taking care of yourself with any of the options that I am presenting. I don’t want to go to prison.

Probably the biggest adjunct to restoring health comes from dietary changes. Sugar, artificial sweeteners and flavorings, bleached wheat flour, processed foods, additives and preservatives make up the bulk of the Standard American Diet. Gee, what is the acronym for Standard American Diet? S.A.D.

Exercise can also be a critical adjunct to good health. Qi Gong and stretches helped this Anonymous Angry Old American restore the function of a paralyzed limb. It did not happen overnight, but with WORK and constant effort the results eventually came.

I dread the thought of psychiatric medications coming in short supply. This is especially true of anti-depressants and the violent mood swings resulting from cold-turkey withdrawal. Better to eliminate the food additives that were the root cause of many of these afflictions. Meditation, prayer and a healthy lifestyle can restore mental health as well as physical health.

Pain medications will also be in short supply. What to do when opiates start to disappear? Most prescription alternatives will be in short supply also. Even aspirin and NSAIDS like Tylenol and Ibuprofen will be hard to come by. Cannabis is now legal in many states to both posess and grow in limited quantities, and CBD is an effective pain reliever without the psychotropic properties of THC. There are instructions on the internet about how to extract your own CBD oil for medical use. Anti-inflammatory herbs like tumeric can negate the source of many painful ailments. Alcohol can be used in a pinch, but the after-affects on the liver often do more harm than good. If Aluminum Nitrate were still available, then Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) could be made, but unfortunately it is on the government hit list for bomb making (ANFO). Best to start weaning off hard prescription drugs before being forced to go cold turkey by global shortages. Prepare what improvised pain medications can be made from items available and avoid any recreational use to accentuate their efficacy when they are legitimately needed.

With antibiotics already disappearing, folks might want to research alternatives. Bentonite clay is an excellent topical antibiotic that has a long history of use for infections. Another option is Colloidal Silver, which was the go-to medicine before the 1920s. Others include iodine, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and certain molds and fungi. Books are available that cover the medicinal qualities of plants like chamomile which grows in abundance from our local sidewalks.

Learning crafts and processes practiced by our forefathers will pay great dividends. There are plenty of books that teach everything from candle and soap making to extracting charcoal, tar and turpentine from trees. These practices were common knowledge in the 1800s; but have nearly been forgotten. Our elders, rotting away in Nursing Homes, are a great source of knowledge to be tapped. However, we must remember that they are in the most vulnerable of categories for catching the flu.

Along with shortages, people are avoiding public places. Are local stores seeing a drop in shoppers because of Coronavirus fears? If the shop doors are not automatic, then have paper towels available for grasping door handles and knobs, and wastebins for their disposal. Provide homemade masks and gloves for clerks. It isn’t a perfect solution; but it is better than nothing and may allay public fears. Take orders online or by phone and offer a pick-up option out on the street, much like Walmart does. Small shop owners and restaurants can even cut a deal with delivery services to serve elderly and medically compromised patrons who are more susceptible to the ravages of the virus. Sure, this will result in more jobs and perhaps even create a few new industries and businesses. Not exactly what our Marxist government wants to see without adding their own Special Socialist Secret Sauce of over-regulation, fees, inspections, additional taxes and fines. Suck it up Sacramento; California is still in the United States of America!

If a business fixes things, then pick the items up from the client’s home. Sanitize the item before returning it. Be mindful that failure to take precautions can be lethal to folks over 80 and those with compromised immune systems.

Government regulators and enforcers who have direct contact with the public need to develop a sense of personal courage. Sure, the psychopaths you work for want you to be a cold-blooded, ruthless, prick of an enforcer and levy fines for any slight infraction of their broken legal system. If the law no longer equates to justice; then F— the law! Grow a pair, and become a human-being instead of a by-the-book automaton and groveling political toady. As an adult, you must certainly have learned the difference between right and wrong and developed a modicum of common sense. That is far more than the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals possesses. Do you really want to be like the boot-licks and sycophants that have weaseled their way to the top of your public agency? People will struggle to survive during a crises, and that might even drive them to break California’s myriad laws designed specifically to financially prey on the public. If our Potentates in Sacramento had their way we’d all have a parking meter in every private driveway and a pay-toilet in every residential bathroom with toilet paper sold by the sheet from a vending machine. Winston Churchill once said “A placator is like the man who fed all of his food to a crocodile with the hope that it would eat him last.”

As for our upper level administrators in every agency, I’ve given up hope on you worthless sleazebags. The whole lot of you should be deservedly sacked. That goes for our elected officials as well. The only reason your ilk fly the flag and present yourselves as patriots is to secure your own personal position and power in government. Hardly any of you deadbeats has the least fidelity to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The People deserve their independence!

Of course, “The People” aren’t off the hook and must take the responsiblility for putting these Nimrods in public office in the first place. Admitted, the average Joe and Jane are busy working two or three jobs each just to make ends meet and pay their ever-increasing taxes and fees. Hard working and responsible people have little time to get involved in politics. That leaves the drunks, druggies, whores, hustlers, gamblers, beggars, theives ne’r-do-wells and miscreants to shoulder the political process. No wonder we are in such a mess!

No need to be concerned? Our local government is ready to meet the challenge? Prove it!

We have all seen the same pattern in Del Norte County and Crescent City repeated time and again. Our leaders exagerate an emergency through incompetence; people subsequently suffer, but who gives a shit; and then the government gets rewarded after the fact with State and Federal mooch money grants. The leaders are then lauded by the local mainstream media for the great job they did and vote themselves a nice big raise.

Here’s some questions, and I’d like to hear pracitical answers to each. Given the resources they have on hand here in Del Norte County, what will they do? Don’t give us any horseshit about mutual assistance and help coming from outside the County. Those other agencies in other Counties and States will have plenty of problems of their own to cope with during a pandemic. What are our leaders prepared to do with what you have right here and right now?

What plans do our leaders have in place when Sutter Coast Hospital has its first case of Covid 19? Are they planning to keep the sticken patients at Sutter Coast and contaminate the entire hospital? Are they aware that people come to Sutter Coast Hospital for reasons other than the flu? Have they considered sending possible Covid 19 cases to a clinic for screening? Have they considered allocating a portion of hospital staff to handle the viral outbreak at a remote location so remaining staff can serve clients with other routine illnesses and injuries? If so, what are the location options? Do they have resources like beds and supplies on hand to accomplish this feat? If not, do they plan to buy, make or steal them?

Where are our leaders going to house persons who came in contact with victims of Covid 19? What precautions are they taking to protect our first responders who will be on the front lines? Will our leaders be keeping some of those human resources in reserve for collateral emergencies? Where do they plan to find additional personnel when their resources are overwhelmed? Do they plan to call in retired doctors, nurses, medical students, police and firefighters? What will they do with government workers in offices emptied by fears of the spread of Covid 19? Do our leaders have a plan in place to retask non-essential workers for emergency duties? Have they taken any effort to train non-essential workers for emergency duties? Do they even have a plan in place for viral outbreaks?

Do our wise and sage leaders have any plans in place for shortages of prescription medicines? Do they have a plan to care for medical emergencies arising from persons unable to get their critical medications? Have our government leaders considered meeting with local doctors to discuss the pending medication shortages? Are our leaders simply going to try to scrounge medications for their own fat little faces, or are they looking for alternatives to meet the emergency for the long term?

Are our flawless socialist architects making any plans for an increase in local crime as a result of shortages? Do our leaders plan to focus enforcement on serious criminal activity, or encourage them to be agents of socialist change? Does our local government plan to respect private property rights, or do they plan to socialize and confiscate private property?

Do our leaders have a plan in place to maintain free enterprise and trade to maintain some semblance of social order? Do they plan to shut down free enterprise and force community members into compulsory labor?

Are our leaders ready for supply disruptions to the community? Other than feeding their own fat faces, do they have a plan in place for the residents of your city and county? What plans do they have for supplementing food and critical materials should they come in short supply? Do they have Civil Defense supplies on hand to cope with emergency needs? If seeds for growing food disappear from our local stores, do they have an adequate seed supply on hand so crops can be grown? Do they have plans for local manufacture of critical items, or do they simply plan to steal these items from the community to feed your own fat faces? Inquiring minds want to know!

Part of leadership is the ability to prioritize. On a scale of one to ten, what priority does our local government assign to Covid 19? How does it compare to our annual 4th of July Fireworks and County Fair?

This Covid 19 outbreak can be a chance to rise above normal banal solutions and display strong and God blessed leadership. Covid 19 can also be a wet-dream for self-serving despotic psychopaths looking for a reason to enhance both their personal wealth and public stature among other opportunistic vultures.

We are just beginning to feel the affects of the new Coronavirus, and if the 1918 Spanish Flu is an example of what’s ahead then we are in deep trouble. Considering our state of preparedness, our local leaders would be wise to build a few extra crematoria to quickly process a thousand or more souls. Study Auschwitz, they had it down to a science. Either that, or the working stiffs in our community can pony-up to the political stage and move us in a direction of common sense and sanity.

God bless the Republic; what is left of it.


Anonymous Angry Old American